For The TO Fans... A Highlight Video

Bob Sacamano;2819735 said:

Romo needs to go back to the '06 Romo

but hold onto the ball with 2 hands when scrambling around

and don't throw into double coverage

that's it

The 06 version of Romo had Parcells, David Lee, and Tony Sparano on his but every day reminding him of these things. Parcells said that Romo needed to have someone contantly on him to remind him to protect the ball, don't make careless throws, and Parcell's infamous quote "it's okay to throw the ball away and live for another down."

In 07 he still had Sparano there to keep on top of him, but my theory is that as the 07 season wore on, Garrett took on more responsibility and Sparano took more of a backseat to the coaching. And Romo started to slip. I think Sparano had one foot out of the door near the end of the 07 season. Again, this is theory, not fact. But the evidence seems to prove this theory. The offensive playcalling started to change at the about 10 games into the 2007 season.

Then you have 2008 . . . . enuff said.

Romo is a gunslinger, and he needs to continue to be that way. But he also needs a strong offensive staff to keep him under control and learn when to gunsling and not to gunsling. That's why I would rather see Holmgren or Shanahan here coaching next year than see Jason Garrett get promoted. Holmgren have been there done that with Brett Favre. Shanahan runs the ball a lot and is great with QB's. I just don't think Garrett gets "it" yet.
"I would think that if our offensive line injuries were a problem, shorter and quicker routes would absolve or at least attempt to absolve the problem."

The problem is the defense thinks that too. If I know you are having issues in protection then the defense is looking to sit down on the short routs knowing the QB is not going to have the time to go through his reads.
Hostile;2817494 said:
He disappeared often in 2008. He really only had one good game. His skills are eroding.

I hated TO when he was a Niner, laughed when was an Eagle, but cheered for him as a Cowboy. But it was time for him to go, so the TEAM could move forward and take center stage.

In any case, kudos to Owens, what he accomplished in Dallas in his short time here was just short of miraculous. The Romo to Owens tandem produced THE greatest aerial display in Cowboys history. Unfortunately it was only for one season. I for one hopes he retires a Cowboy, which is amazing to me considering the amount of venom I once had for him.

And I can only pray that Roy can produce the similar numbers in 2009 (and beyond) as a obviously declining Owens provided in 2008 (10 TDs, over 1000 yards).
When Parcells stated Romo needs to be reminded not to force the ball, he was obviously talking about the fact that Romo needs to learn not to try and appease TO...
"Because I never made the assertion that you've attributed to me, my point remains: You're either lying or you're egregiously mistaken. So which is it?"You did make the assertion that the reason the offense failed was because Garrett was trying to appease TO. "Once again, you demonstrate ignorance of the meaning of a word you're trying to use. There's a quantifiable difference between the number of passes caught by a receiver and the number of passes thrown to a receiver. This difference is statistically verifiable, and is certainly not a matter of semantics."No matter the semantic games you try and play, the reality is, you failed in your argument, totally ignoring every single fact that contradicts your point, from TOP, to the amount of times Witten was thrown the ball, Miles Austin was on the field and was at the receiving end of passes, whether complete or incomplete, the amount of times Crayton was targetted, the fact that Garrett is a pass happy coach and so on... Again, it is what it is... Your argument that Garrett was trying to appease TO fails...Further, I know the difference and that is why I pointed out to you the fact way before you even mentioned it. You brought up the passes thrown to Miles Austin catching 2 balls on the last drive against the Commanders, as if this proved we neglected him. You made the same remark with regards to Witten on that last drive and I specifically said that doesn't prove anything, because it doesn't show how many times they were targetted. That is when I went on to demonstrate how many times they were targetted in drives that TO wasn't. You also ignored the times we threw to Crayton, coupled by the fact of how many he caught. Now do you get it? I've been ahead of you since the very beginning in brining up these stats. You also ignore the fact that I mentioned that throwing it to TO doesn't mean one is targetting him. It could mean Romo is trying to force the ball, because his targets aren't there. Or Jason Garrett is just being stupid with his play-calling. That is why I pointed out that the drive where Garrett went to TO 3 times in a row, it was preceded by a drive where TO caught the ball 3 times, mixed in with 2 runs by Barber. Garrett went to TO because TO was the only one moving the ball. But on the 3rd and long, he threw a stupid fade into double-coverage, as if it was a good play-call. TO can't overcome incompetence. The problem is, your either not paying attention or the argument has sailed over your head because you can't comprehend it. Every single point oyu have raised way late, I already addressed long before you even opened your mouth concerning it. You fail to recongize nothing you bring has served your point.
khiladi;2819641 said:
This is a myth. Jason Garrett is in the mold of Mike Martz. Norv Turner's offenses are predicated on play-action. His OL is smash-mouth, and he very rarely operated out of shot-gun. Norv Turner runs the ball. Jason Garrett very rarely employed play-action, had Tony Romo in shot-gun the whole time, passed downfield on first down often and got his QB sacked plenty, just like Mike Martz.
Romo never took snaps under center?

Hyperbole run amok.
Hostile;2820008 said:
Romo never took snaps under center?

Hyperbole run amok.

Free advice: always brush your teeth before you go to bed, and never talk to crazy people.
To try and refute somebody based upon a statement of hyperbole is about as lame as it gets...
The very FIRST DRIVE of the redskisn game for the Dallas Cowboys, operated 3 TIMES out of shotgun, twice on FIRST DOWN. Romo threw a fly pattern to TO on 1st and 10, on one of those, obviously in double-coverage forcing Dallas into a 2nd and long. The very next play, Barber rushed for no gain. Dallas then dropped it off to Witten in the middle for 6. The Commanders gave Witten the catch. Garrett is a pathtic joke...
khiladi;2820018 said:
To try and refute somebody based upon a statement of hyperbole is about as lame as it gets...
No, the hyperbole is much lamer.
The very second drive, Dallas didn't even go to TO. It was a 3 and out, and Romo actually targetted Jason Witten on 3rd and 6 from SHOT-GUN. The third drive, Tony Romo operated out of shot-gun the FIRST THREE PLAYS. One of them was a pass in the flat from shot-gun formation.
The 4th drive of Dallas, the first play Barber got one yard. Witten got a catch for 6 yards off a deflection by Springs. Romo operated out of shot-gun on a 3rd and THREE. He also went with a short-pass to TO, in press coverage when they need three yards out of SHOTGUN.
khiladi;2820022 said:
The very FIRST DRIVE of the redskisn game for the Dallas Cowboys, operated 3 TIMES out of shotgun, twice on FIRST DOWN. Romo threw a fly pattern to TO on 1st and 10, on one of those, obviously in double-coverage forcing Dallas into a 2nd and long. The very next play, Barber rushed for no gain. Dallas then dropped it off to Witten in the middle for 6. The Commanders gave Witten the catch. Garrett is a pathtic joke...

And yet in the same game Barber would get 10 carries in the final drive to put the game away. Who was calling those plays?
Hell, you can look at the 4th quarter when Dallas went to OWens all three times in a row. Romo oeprated out of SHOT-GUN on first, second, and third. On a 3rd and ten, the play-call was a fade when the Commanders were playing that all day. But that's TOs fault, right?
Doomsday101;2820034 said:
And yet in the same game Barber would get 10 carries in the final drive to put the game away. Who was calling those plays?
I'm talking about the game they lost. And in this particular, Dallas already had the lead and wore them out. The irony is, such games for Garrett are rare.
bbgun;2820037 said:
I wish I had a shotgun right now.
I have a sweet one that I just offered to Jerry Jones in a letter this morning. I posted some pics of it in the off topic zone a year or so back.
khiladi;2820035 said:
Hell, you can look at the 4th quarter when Dallas went to OWens all three times in a row. Romo oeprated out of SHOT-GUN on first, second, and third. On a 3rd and ten, the play-call was a fade when the Commanders were playing that all day. But that's TOs fault, right?

Other QB will play out of the shot gun as well and yes even on 1st down. As for fault I never said any of this was TO fault. TO fault has more to do with his mouth off the field than his play on the field. As for Garrett he knows more about running an offense than you will ever know. Because he does not run your playbook the only pathetic joke is you. You don't know what plays are being called you see the end result of a play but have no clue as to the play being called from the sideline, you don't know when Romo check off from one play to another based on the formation he is seeing. Get a clue

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