For those defending PacMan


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NextGenBoys;2322640 said:
You may want to learn how to read.

Jones punched his bodyguard Tommy Jones in the bathroom of the Joule Hotel leading to a fight before both men were separated, several sources said.

btw, I'm 21.

wow, there's one out of the MANY articles that haven't stated that. I hope you don't base all your "facts" on one media source.


The Boognish
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Those 'sources' also stated that a mirror was broken which was shown to be false. There were only three people that actually saw what happened: Pac, his bodyguard and his cousin.

At the end of the day there is absolutely no evidence that a punch was thrown. Try again.


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Bleu Star;2322647 said:
Gotta love those unnamed sources... garbage :rolleyes:

Wow. Just wow. Do you really expect his friends and bodyguards to identify themselves by their name saying, PacMan punched his bodyguard?

You're not going to have named sources in this situation.


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FuzzyLumpkins;2322654 said:
Those 'sources' also stated that a mirror was broken which was shown to be false. There were only three people that actually saw what happened: Pac, his bodyguard and his cousin.

At the end of the day there is absolutely no evidence that a punch was thrown. Try again.

Then I'll play the card that is being played on me.

Where did you see the report that the broken mirror is a false statement?

Because that right there will give these reports about the punches alot less credibility.


Salary Cap Analyst
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I'm still wondering how anyone can say what SHOULD happen, considering that none of us knows all of the facts. There are too many conflicting reports and contradictory pieces of information — even from the police department itself — to come to any conclusion.

If ALL of the worst information is true (that he was staying overnight at the hotel instead of his team-assigned residence, was partying and drunk at 1:30 a.m., threw a haymaker at his unsuspecting bodyguard, took a beating from the bodyguard, punched and broke a bathroom mirror, then left without paying his bill), he should have been suspended, cut and/or arrested by now.

If all of the "best" information is true (it was 11 p.m., he was sober, they were kidding around, things got out of hand just for a minute, they settled things themselves and left peacefully within minutes), the incident should be dismissed and quickly forgotten by the police, the team and the league.

Either one could be true, or the truth could be anywhere in between. Unless you know what the truth is, you can't say for sure what should happen to him.


Junior College Transfer
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Bleu Star;2322626 said:
Wow. You couldn't post this in one of many existing Pacman threads?

Actually, if you go to sleep nobody would miss here you here.
I guess that the fact that some Cowboy fans were discussing PacMan never entered your mind and you dismiss the thread entirely.
Why would somebody intrude into a thread just to moan and groan?

Bleu Star;2322626 said:
The chill approach works very well for me both in work and at play.
Yes, I recommend the chill approach.


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NextGenBoys;2322659 said:
Where did you see the report that the broken mirror is a false statement?

One report said it was a mirror.

One report said it was a glass switch plate.

One report said it was a little glass umbrella on the vanity.

Do you know which report is true?


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AdamJT13;2322674 said:
One report said it was a mirror.

One report said it was a glass switch plate.

One report said it was a little glass umbrella on the vanity.

Do you know which report is true?

I'd venture that the most specific one is likely the truest. Mirror is easy to fill in and speculate on - little glass umbrella isn't


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AdamJT13;2322665 said:
Unless you know what the truth is, you can't say for sure what should happen to him.

NextGen, this is LOGIC 101. take notes, there will be a pop quiz next week.


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BadWolf;2322682 said:
So should NextGenBoys be banned for arguing with other posters?

definately not banned. he's way too fun to mess with.


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NextGenBoys;2322554 said:
For those of you who are defending Pac and think nothing should happen...

It makes me sick. Absolutely sick for a person on his 7th chance in this league, gets into a fight WITH HIS OWN BODYGUARD. Jerry hired them (which ridiculous that it had to be done in the first place) to keep Pac out of trouble...and yet he decided to hit his own bodyguard. It's not like the bodyguard started all this nonsense. The guy is a thug who has clearly not learned his lesson.

I also dont care if there was no legal action. Thats not the point. The point is he's had 7 chances, and he's still doing stupid things. Jerry took a gamble on him, yet everyone is too scared to admit the gamble is not worth it and to move on.

He was supposed to be on his last chance before the fight. I'd love to hear what it is now
I never wanted him here and still don't.
And Jerry Jones has lost some favor in my eyes for bringing him in, as well.
Shame on Jerry and shame on any fans who are defending that punk thug loser.


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Spectre;2322687 said:
I never wanted him here and still don't.
And Jerry Jones has lost some favor in my eyes for bringing him in, as well.
Shame on Jerry and shame on any fans who are defending that punk thug loser.

Shame on you for shaming on me!


What's it going to be then, eh?
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NextGenBoys;2322599 said:
I also want to add, that I have not heard anything of PacMan coming out and saying something along the lines of:
"It should have never happened and it was just a miscommunication between my bodyguard and I that we cleared up"

Yet it's the same PacMan.

Before you pillory him in the town square, give him a chance to speak.

Thus far, he has made no statements.

When he does, you might have a point other than acting like anything other than a dramatic ninny.


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i heard nextgen doesnt count any of the 90s super bowls because of our teams behavior


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lol at nextgen being banned. i think this is the 7th time i've seen him in an argument, no more forgiveness, off with his head


What's it going to be then, eh?
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AdamJT13;2322665 said:
I'm still wondering how anyone can say what SHOULD happen, considering that none of us knows all of the facts. There are too many conflicting reports and contradictory pieces of information — even from the police department itself — to come to any conclusion.

If ALL of the worst information is true (that he was staying overnight at the hotel instead of his team-assigned residence, was partying and drunk at 1:30 a.m., threw a haymaker at his unsuspecting bodyguard, took a beating from the bodyguard, punched and broke a bathroom mirror, then left without paying his bill), he should have been suspended, cut and/or arrested by now.

If all of the "best" information is true (it was 11 p.m., he was sober, they were kidding around, things got out of hand just for a minute, they settled things themselves and left peacefully within minutes), the incident should be dismissed and quickly forgotten by the police, the team and the league.

Either one could be true, or the truth could be anywhere in between. Unless you know what the truth is, you can't say for sure what should happen to him.


Deion Sanders says he was not drunk. Everyone else does.

It is just like Scissors Gate. I am sure he did something. In the long run, it only matters what the results are. His actions are done, and no amount of scolding or anger is going to change it.

And not trying to be rude, but there is not much different between Jones and Michael Irvin in terms of off-the-field behavior. So anyone that loves Irvin, and overinflates his character because he "reformed" really was not around or is a victim of selective recall in terms of remembering how much of a pain he was.

And if Irvin played right now, he also would be on Goodell's death watch list as well.

So please, I really wish a lot of people would spare everyone the dramatics about how the star is tarnished.

This is a game. It is played by individuals who happen to like Ludacris and do happen to not be all that smart. If you want talent, you are going to have to endure the knuckleheads, because that is simply how it is.

No team, not a one, will have choir boys playing for them. If so, you will probably be fortunate to win more games than you have fingers on one hand.


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The real issue is that the "defense" here is to say that you don't care about character and will take filth on your football team if it equals winning.

The problem with that is, some of us see liklihood of suspensions, ejections, and bans put upon the filth. Suspended, banned, or ejected players DON'T win football games because they can't even contribute and suck up a roster spot in the meantime that prevents someone else from playing and improving. Not to mention the negative effects on a team's success by "lockeroom cancers".

If you don't care about the character of the players, I'm fine with that. But when you begin to defend the likes of T.O. or Pacman with the vigilance of someone who knows them personally by making excuses fro their actions, then you look like a fool and have discredited yourself as a mere fan who wants to win by any means. You have now shown your true colors as someone who does care about the character of the players on your team and feels personally involved when they are criticised.

Pick one or the other.


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Spectre;2322708 said:
The real issue is that the "defense" here is to say that you don't care about character and will take filth on your football team if it equals winning.

The problem with that is, some of us see liklihood of suspensions, ejections, and bans put upon the filth. Suspended, banned, or ejected players DON'T win football games because they can't even contribute and suck up a roster spot in the meantime that prevents someone else from playing and improving. Not to mention the negative effects on a team's success by "lockeroom cancers".

If you don't care about the character of the players, I'm fine with that. But when you begin to defend the likes of T.O. or Pacman with the vigilance of someone who knows them personally by making excuses fro their actions, then you look like a fool and have discredited yourself as a mere fan who wants to win by any means. You have now shown your true colors as someone who does care about the character of the players on your team and feels personally involved when they are criticised.

Pick one or the other.

do you know T.O. or Pacman personally?