For those defending PacMan


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NextGenBoys;2322554 said:
For those of you who are defending Pac and think nothing should happen...

It makes me sick. Absolutely sick for a person on his 7th chance in this league, gets into a fight WITH HIS OWN BODYGUARD. Jerry hired them (which ridiculous that it had to be done in the first place) to keep Pac out of trouble...and yet he decided to hit his own bodyguard. It's not like the bodyguard started all this nonsense. The guy is a thug who has clearly not learned his lesson.

I also dont care if there was no legal action. Thats not the point. The point is he's had 7 chances, and he's still doing stupid things. Jerry took a gamble on him, yet everyone is too scared to admit the gamble is not worth it and to move on.

He was supposed to be on his last chance before the fight. I'd love to hear what it is now

I'm already pretty sick of this guy's act, too... with the problems he's had, he had no business even being at that "party"...


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silverbear;2322755 said:
I'm already pretty sick of this guy's act, too... with the problems he's had, he had no business even being at that "party"...

Is someone agreeing with me?

Wow, I didnt think that was going to happen.


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Faerluna;2322597 said:
So you're saying that he should be forbidden from having a verbal argument with someone for the entirety of his time with the Cowboys?

I'm not speaking for the original poster, but a guy with his history has no business drinking at that kind of "party"...

Isn't it true that it wouldn't matter what he did at all, that if you personally felt that he was out of line you would be screaming for his head?

Well, in a way, yes... the guy knows he's on a VERY short leash, and this is his last chance, and he STILL can't stay out of trouble?? That suggests to me that he's a really bad risk, that he is the punk I kinda thought he was before the Boys signed him...

This from a guy who hated the thought of signing TO, and is now a TO fan... a guy who wasn't sure that signing Tank was a good idea, but is now happy with that move... but Jones, he just doesn't seem to CARE enough to walk the straight and narrow... as far as I'm concerned, he's a ticking time bomb...

Bluntly, Jerry should never have signed ANY player who was gonna require round the clock babysitting...


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NextGenBoys;2322752 said:
There you go.

I hadn't even read the BS article you posted. regardless, why would you go off just one article and claim anything in the media as fact?


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Audiman;2322765 said:
I hadn't even read the BS article you posted. regardless, why would you go off just one article and claim anything in the media as fact?

It's a report by the Star Telegram. Dont understand how that's BS.

Would you like me to find other reports that he "hit" his bodyguard? Because at first you wanted one, and I gave you the report stating so.

If you want I can find you others. It's really not that hard.


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silverbear;2322763 said:
I'm not speaking for the original poster, but a guy with his history has no business drinking at that kind of "party"...

Well, in a way, yes... the guy knows he's on a VERY short leash, and this is his last chance, and he STILL can't stay out of trouble?? That suggests to me that he's a really bad risk, that he is the punk I kinda thought he was before the Boys signed him...

This from a guy who hated the thought of signing TO, and is now a TO fan... a guy who wasn't sure that signing Tank was a good idea, but is now happy with that move... but Jones, he just doesn't seem to CARE enough to walk the straight and narrow... as far as I'm concerned, he's a ticking time bomb...

Bluntly, Jerry should never have signed ANY player who was gonna require round the clock babysitting...

Exactly. This is the whole point of my argument. The situation never should have happened given the fact that he's on such a short leash and yet he's still putting himself in bad situations.


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silverbear;2322763 said:
I'm not speaking for the original poster, but a guy with his history has no business drinking at that kind of "party"...

how do you know he was drinking? were you there?

Well, in a way, yes... the guy knows he's on a VERY short leash, and this is his last chance, and he STILL can't stay out of trouble?? That suggests to me that he's a really bad risk, that he is the punk I kinda thought he was before the Boys signed him...

one minor altercation that doesn't even result in any time in jail or a holding cell doesn't mean he can't stay out of trouble.

changing your lifestyle is like trying to quit smoking. it's hard to quit cold turkey. it takes time.


Hawaiian Cowboy
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This is the second minor thing in the last 2 weeks that made me raise my eyebrows. The first was Pacman complaining to JJ about living conditions and now this. The bottom line is this, HE NEEDS TO TRY HARDER!


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Read Boys will be Boys.

We won 3 superbowls when we had players that obviously were not considered as "high character" guys. That is not to discount the good citizens and leaders that were on the team. But when push comes to shove, talent and production is what drives professional sports. Get over yourself and instead of throwing him to the curb, shouldn't you be trying to help out--I mean, that's what the bigger person would do.


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Looks like we have have a " :rolleyes: thug :rolleyes: " or Two in Nascar as well.

CONCORD, N.C. (AP)—Greg Biffle isn’t angry with teammate Carl Edwards for starting a 12-car crash at Talladega Superspeedway.

Neither is Matt Kenseth.

Kevin Harvick? Not quite over it.

Witnesses said Edwards and Harvick scuffled Thursday in the Nationwide Series garage at Lowe’s Motor Speedway after Edwards walked into Harvick’s garage stall and the two engaged in a heated argument.

Harvick appeared to try to walk away but, witnesses said, Edwards reached for his shoulder to turn him back around. Harvick then shoved Edwards, who stumbled onto the hood of Harvick’s car, and the two had to be separated.

Witnesses claimed a member of Harvick’s crew had Edwards in a headlock as numerous people tried to separate the two.


Harvick was unavailable for comment.

Edwards didn’t deny the two argued, but wouldn’t discuss the incident.

So....Can we wait untill Pacman breaks the law and actually gets convicted of something before we act like this only happens to the Dallas Cowboys?


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ladiewolve;2322841 said:
Looks like we have have a " :rolleyes: thug :rolleyes: " or Two in Nascar as well.

CONCORD, N.C. (AP)—Greg Biffle isn’t angry with teammate Carl Edwards for starting a 12-car crash at Talladega Superspeedway.

Neither is Matt Kenseth.

Kevin Harvick? Not quite over it.

Witnesses said Edwards and Harvick scuffled Thursday in the Nationwide Series garage at Lowe’s Motor Speedway after Edwards walked into Harvick’s garage stall and the two engaged in a heated argument.

Harvick appeared to try to walk away but, witnesses said, Edwards reached for his shoulder to turn him back around. Harvick then shoved Edwards, who stumbled onto the hood of Harvick’s car, and the two had to be separated.

Witnesses claimed a member of Harvick’s crew had Edwards in a headlock as numerous people tried to separate the two.


Harvick was unavailable for comment.

Edwards didn’t deny the two argued, but wouldn’t discuss the incident.

So....Can we wait untill Pacman breaks the law and actually gets convicted of something before we act like this only happens to the Dallas Cowboys?

When this NASCAR guy gets in trouble with the law numerous times, his people that he hangs out with shoots someone and paralyzes them, he gets kicked out of NASCAR for a year, and then gets in a fight after a 12 car pile up, THEN you can make this comparison.

Till then its apples to oranges in my opinion.

I'm not saying it only happens to Dallas Cowboys. I'm saying he's stupid and should not be putting himself in any of these situations where the media can blow it out of proportion.

He's on his last straw, and he's still acting stupid. That needs to change, or he needs to be disciplined again. Just my .02


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NextGenBoys;2322554 said:
For those of you who are defending Pac and think nothing should happen...

It makes me sick. Absolutely sick for a person on his 7th chance in this league, gets into a fight WITH HIS OWN BODYGUARD. Jerry hired them (which ridiculous that it had to be done in the first place) to keep Pac out of trouble...and yet he decided to hit his own bodyguard. It's not like the bodyguard started all this nonsense. The guy is a thug who has clearly not learned his lesson.

I also dont care if there was no legal action. Thats not the point. The point is he's had 7 chances, and he's still doing stupid things. Jerry took a gamble on him, yet everyone is too scared to admit the gamble is not worth it and to move on.

He was supposed to be on his last chance before the fight. I'd love to hear what it is now

it makes you sick? really?

seek counseling.


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NextGenBoys;2322847 said:
his people that he hangs out with shoots someone and paralyzes them

The guy who allegedly did the shooting wasn't someone Jones "hung out with" or even knew.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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ladiewolve;2322841 said:
Looks like we have have a " :rolleyes: thug :rolleyes: " or Two in Nascar as well.

CONCORD, N.C. (AP)—Greg Biffle isn’t angry with teammate Carl Edwards for starting a 12-car crash at Talladega Superspeedway.

Neither is Matt Kenseth.

Kevin Harvick? Not quite over it.

Witnesses said Edwards and Harvick scuffled Thursday in the Nationwide Series garage at Lowe’s Motor Speedway after Edwards walked into Harvick’s garage stall and the two engaged in a heated argument.

Harvick appeared to try to walk away but, witnesses said, Edwards reached for his shoulder to turn him back around. Harvick then shoved Edwards, who stumbled onto the hood of Harvick’s car, and the two had to be separated.

Witnesses claimed a member of Harvick’s crew had Edwards in a headlock as numerous people tried to separate the two.


Harvick was unavailable for comment.

Edwards didn’t deny the two argued, but wouldn’t discuss the incident.

So....Can we wait untill Pacman breaks the law and actually gets convicted of something before we act like this only happens to the Dallas Cowboys?

Good post. Here a thug. There a thug. Everywhere a thug thug. :p:


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NextGenBoys;2322758 said:
Is someone agreeing with me?

Wow, I didnt think that was going to happen.

Having learned my lesson from TO and Tank, I've been watching how the PacMan experiment worked out... I learned that sometimes, people CAN change...

But this latest episode, whether it draws league discipline or not, tells me the guy's still a PUNK... there's been no change in his fundamental character, or rather, lack of character...

Guys who get into fights in the men's room of classy hotels are almost always punks, and of course this ain't Pac's first rodeo, is it??

I'm not saying they should cut the guy now, I'm just saying that I'm no longer optimistic that he'll be able to stay out of trouble... I now believe he's a ticking time bomb, who's liable to blow up at the worst possible time for the Boys...


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Audiman;2322777 said:
how do you know he was drinking? were you there?

I've seen a number of reports that say as much... note that I did NOT say he was drunk, but in his situation, he shouldn't be drinking in public, period...

You might not like that standard, but it's the situation he put his own self in, and he knows it... he knew the rules when he signed on, and he should be walking the straight and narrow...

one minor altercation that doesn't even result in any time in jail or a holding cell doesn't mean he can't stay out of trouble.

If he's a big enough IDIOT to get into a fight in public, with all he has at stake, then it means he can't stay out of trouble...

changing your lifestyle is like trying to quit smoking. it's hard to quit cold turkey. it takes time.

I'll grant you that it's hard, but sadly, it appears to be impossible for him... and he long ago used up all of his "benefit of the doubt"...

Man, if I've had the kind of legal trouble that Pac has had, and I'm given another chance to make that kind of money, you can call me Saint Bear... I can walk the straight and narrow for the few years that I have left in the NFL, then when I get out, sow the rest of my wild oats...

Then again, in spite of what many in here think of me, I'm not an idiot... :D


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AdamJT13;2322868 said:
The guy who allegedly did the shooting wasn't someone Jones "hung out with" or even knew.

But he was the direct cause of the violence that led to that shooting...


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Let it be noted that I refer to PacMan as a "punk" rather than a "thug"... this is because I don't like the racial connotations of "thug"... Jones would be a punk no matter what color he was... he's just an angry young man, who can't control his anger, at least when he's been drinking...

That's not a racial thing, I've known white boys who were just like him...


if you ain't first, you're last
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Audiman;2322609 said:
exactly. this guy wants to talk about having logic when, in fact, he is just assuming all of this.

for someone who preaches about logic, NextGen, you sure don't have any...