Former Cowboys players comments on their new team


Imagine the gorilla is a Dallas Cowboys player and what is happening on the other side of the glass is 100% endorsed and encouraged by Jerry....

My former company used to be located at the offices at The Star. My primary care doctor is located there now and I used to be a member at the commercial gym located there, Cowboys Fit. Every day you routinely run into players and coaches. It’s very accessible compared to Valley Ranch which felt like it was surrounded by a moat.

That’s the problem. It absolutely should not be accessible for fans.

Players and coaches should be focused on football and nothing else.
Tap dancing shoes don't win Super Bowls WoodysGirls! LOL, LOL
if the Cowboys wanted to pay either one of those guys as FAs, all of them would've returned, and they would love it here.

Those guys aren't saying anything new or negative, IMO. They were inside the building, so they're speaking facts.

That said, Cowboys biggest marketing tool is player accessibility. Fans wants want to meet their faves.

Michael Irvin came to my high school in the 80s and one of the girls tried to follow him after he left. She went to the student parking lot and spun out chasing his car down the street.

If you can play, then you can play. Those random tourists should have no impact on whether these guys can stop the run, catch a pass, or anything.
Of course people bash it when they leave here lol. It always the same when players leave any team.

I think that’s the furthest thing from the main issue with this team.
Of course no one speaks out when they are here. Doesn’t mean its not an issue. Jerry doesnt care, he is only about the money and playing around with his toy..
Interesting. I did the tour a couple of years ago in our tour was halted because we were told there was a "player in the facility" and we had to wait until he left before we could resume the tour. I was under the impression there was no interaction between the tourist and the players during any tour unless a player would initiate the contact. Tours of the Star are the least of the Cowboys problems. Get mentally tough and physical on the field would be a start to getting things in the right direction. If they can't handle a tour going through a building while they are there then their mental state is soft as a marshmallow.
I bet all the posters that constantly suggest we need a tough minded, no non-sense, in your face coach...are the ones claiming players should have complete focus 'at work'

It is totally contradicting.

Tiger Woods claims his Dad was hard on him...constantly making noises during his back-swings or doing something visually distracting in the corner of Tiger's while practicing...and he credits that to becoming a better golfer.

Which is it people? There is a contradiction going on here. You cant have it both ways unless youre just pushing BS.
Those ex-Cowboys players are correct. The outside drama of Jerry's lust for advertising, making extra money and allowing tourists to infiltrate the facility daily is badly affecting the team/players/coaches.

It also means those players are not mentally strong enough to handle being a Dallas Cowboy.
Need MM to go rogue and stand up for the team and push back on Jerry. Unlikely but, maybe.

So I’m gonna be that guy because I can’t stand the site of BS. On one hand I’m glad this stuff comes out because it confirms what I’ve been saying that the culture and owner are the problem.

But it’s also worth noting that guys leave here and typically get worse. I’m sure there are factors to that like age but for the most part no one has ever gotten better leaving here aside from a few guys like Marty B.
The sentiments the player's expressed feels right. I've worked at a very large banking institution and then I've worked in smaller establishments. The BS/politics/antics that go on at the more prestigious's night/day.

I just cut my cable ...don't care about watching the games in real time. If I catch, I catch them.
Walking distraction Kelvin Joseph complaining about distractions , if only his mastery of playing CB had matched his mastery of comedic irony.
Exactly. This front office enabling him is why he’s even in the league at this point. Getting kicked out of LsU of all players should’ve been the end of his career.
The sentiments the player's expressed feels right. I've worked at a very large banking institution and then I've worked in smaller establishments. The BS/politics/antics that go on at the more prestigious's night/day.

I just cut my cable ...don't care about watching the games in real time. If I catch, I catch them.
If you broke just say that :laugh:

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