Former Cowboys players comments on their new team


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I bet all the posters that constantly suggest we need a tough minded, no non-sense, in your face coach...are the ones claiming players should have complete focus 'at work'

It is totally contradicting.

Tiger Woods claims his Dad was hard on him...constantly making noises during his back-swings or doing something visually distracting in the corner of Tiger's while practicing...and he credits that to becoming a better golfer.

Which is it people? There is a contradiction going on here. You cant have it both ways unless youre just pushing BS.
Tiger's story is great and all, but it seems like a disadvantage to have to find 53 guys like this when other franchise's have no such obstacles


Curator of Excellent Takes
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I agree with the sentiment of the article, but I couldn't help but laugh when I saw that Kelvin Joseph had the gall to say anything about being "all about football" LMAO.

Uhh, yeah. Ok buddy.


Loud pipes saves lives.
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
That's the problem coz ........... notice the titles and responsibilities. Granted there is nothing wrong with this per se but it appears football has taken a back seat to entertainment.

  • Stephen Jones
    The chief operating officer and co-owner. Stephen works closely with Jerry Jones on building the roster, evaluating draft picks, and negotiating contracts.

  • Charlotte Jones
    The chief brand officer and co-owner. Charlotte is responsible for all things brand-related for the Cowboys, including the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders and the Thanksgiving Halftime Show.

  • Jerry Jones Jr.
    The chief sales and marketing officer and co-owner. Jerry Jones Jr. oversees the club's sales and marketing, including merchandising and digital and broadcast media.
Seems like I never hear about Jerry Jr. Anybody know what he is like?


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The xs and os piece is concerning but reinforces our belief McCarthy isn't an xs and os guy.

The tour stuff I'm not as concerned about when you play in front of tens of thousands of fans each week a group of 20-30 people is really going to throw you off your game?


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I can believe it….that many people now at different teams, who have no reason to have a grudge, commenting on it. That might get annoying, trying to lift and group after group of people tapping on the glass looking at you like zoo animals….yeah, that would get old day after day after day. Some people want to focus on football, and not have an audience all freakin day.