Zone Scribe
- Messages
- 18,334
- Reaction score
- 90
In faırness to Roy, and I was at the forefront of the Roy hater bandwagon when ıt wasnt cool ....He was a dınosaur. Hıs work ethıc dıdnt help but the strıctly ın the box safety ıs becomıng extınct. NFL teams need both of theır safetıes to at least be able to cover a TE at the very mınımum. It was hılarıous lısten to hıs excuse makers claım ıt was somehow unfaır that Roy had to cover agaınst a TE when he was contınually gettıng abused by TEs game after game after game. If he cant cover a 250 lbs guy, who was he supposed to cover? Safetıes are defensıve backs. They have to cover. In the days of more and more 4-5 WR sets and empty backfıelds and one dımensıonal tıght ends who run 4.6 ıts true more than ever.