FST Blog: Ellis hints at something big


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Ellis Hints at Something Big

Linebacker Greg Ellis passed on talking to me (or the rest of the evil media) on Sunday after the game, which was a shock. He normally is Mr. Accountability.
So when I saw him today in the locker room, he agreed to talk. And he hinted at something much greater than a regular-season loss, or the bad news that their starting QB is out.
When asked what the reality of this team is, Ellis said, "I can't give you the true reality of yesterday because it would start a big controversy. We're just trying to hang in there together and win games."
When pressed on this Ellis said, "That is as much reality I can give you guys. We're trying to hang in there and win football games. That's it."
Ellis said he was "disappointed in the organization." He also suggested that the team is fractured.
"It seems like the last couple of weeks like you haven't seen the intensity and the passion on the sidelines at times," receiver Patrick Crayton said. "We have to get that back."

- Mac Engel


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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Wade's ticket will be punched.

Mr. Garrett, you're billing is high. Our expectations are higher. Put up or shut up.


Well-Known Member
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so what the heck is he talking about?

He should just shut up if not man enough to say what ever it is on his mind!


Well-Known Member
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I'm assuming that players have chosen sides and most aren't getting along together. But Ellis is the king of exaggeration..


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C'mon guys, this is Ellis we're talking about. For all we know, someone switched the flavor of his Gatoraid.


Well-Known Member
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Clarence Hill on the Irvin show just mentioned this as well.

I'm curious if Jerry is going to ax some people. Who really knows?


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Look, it doesn't take a genius to see that there are some problems. They don't all seem to be based on what is happening on the field either.

I have been saying that this team, including the coaches, have been having a hard time dealing with the expectations.

This makes me wonder if they are having a hard time dealing with the egos too? Just wondering aloud. I do think there are some guys on this team who think they are better than they actually are.

I still feel like this is a case of people just not responding well to the pressure or adversity. There are some guys on this team who I want with me in a dogfight. There are a bunch of them that I don't want anywhere near me though. They are front-runners, and those kinds don't respond well to adversity. By the way, the guy doing the talking in this article is one of the guys I have big questions about...

Regardless, I think we'll find out a lot about this team soon.


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jzcowboy;2334077 said:
I'm assuming that players have chosen sides and most aren't getting along together. But Ellis is the king of exaggeration..

Well-at least we're not blaiming TO for it.


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Boysboy;2334075 said:
I wonder if the Giants playoff loss is still affecting the psyches of this team. That's what I was getting at.

I mentioned this a few months back and every now and again I post that in response to some threads.

While I think its possible... it truly wont be known for some time.... perhaps after this season...... depends how we end up.

I think that TOTALLY CRASHING and hitting ROCK BOTTOM will either reveal the true GREAT character of the team or just destroy it.

I am betting on the former.


Maui No Ka Oi
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Wonder if this relates to someone saying in another thread that some of the players are starting to get a little pissed about Romo not being held accountable for all the turnovers etc.
Hopefully the locker room is not fracturing.


Active Member
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I'll add one more thought.

The team being fractured shouldn't be too surprising. The defensive guys are on one side, and the offensive guys are on the other. It some ways, it could be a Wade v. Garrett type of thing. Again, just thinking out loud.

I know that this team is hypersensitive to what the media is saying, and I have heard some comments from both players that could be taken as shots at the other side.

The media asks Wade about his defense holding up their end of the bargain, and I doubt that sits well with him while the golden boy offensive coordinator is getting credit for not being much better than the defense.

I have heard Romo talk about how glad he was that the defense played well and how he hadn't seen that in a long time, and how it didn't put as much pressure on the offense to score every time. I took it as being harmless when said, but I wonder if others did?

And I could easily imagine some personality differences within the lockerroom too.

But you know what? It's all soap-opera drama crap. The Cowboys just need to get together, play hard, play smart, and let the chips fall where they may. This just makes them sound like a bunch of melodramatic sillies. of course, this is Greg Ellis talking...


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When pressed on this Ellis said, "That is as much reality I can give you guys. We're trying to hang in there and win football games. That's it."
Ellis said he was "disappointed in the organization." He also suggested that the team is fractured.

Was that opinion/conjecture or a summary of what Ellis said??

Well, if indeed there is some fracturing, why should anyone really be surprised?...The writing has been on the wall for anyone who cared to see for weeks now...Sometimes looking simply at the final score doesn't tell you the entire story.

Is this more a Pacman issue?...Is it a T.O. issue?...Is it issues with Stewart or anyone else on the coaching staff?

Things look bad right now but I really hope it isn't about to unravel completely


The Proletariat
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parcells316;2334053 said:

It means he wants to start pointing fingers, but is wise enough to know that it will only further agitate things. He's not hinting at a big change, like a trade or a firing, he's calling it a reality. which probably means a realization by him and maybe some others that there is an in house problem.


The Proletariat
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FCBarca;2334131 said:
Was that opinion/conjecture or a summary of what Ellis said??

Well, if indeed there is some fracturing, why should anyone really be surprised?...The writing has been on the wall for anyone who cared to see for weeks now...Sometimes looking simply at the final score doesn't tell you the entire story.

Is this more a Pacman issue?...Is it a T.O. issue?...Is it issues with Stewart or anyone else on the coaching staff?

Things look bad right now but I really hope it isn't about to unravel completely

If the reporter has to resort to 'suggestion' it's usually a case of not having a definite quote. It's open to his interpretation.


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Boysboy;2334075 said:
I wonder if the Giants playoff loss is still affecting the psyches of this team. That's what I was getting at.

I sure hope we're not the '07 Ravens-remember they went one and done in the '06 playoffs, and it ended up carrying over to their locker room the year after.

I just got done telling my boys the same thing. We may indeed be the 6-10 2007 Ravens.