FST Blog: Ellis hints at something big


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InmanRoshi;2334342 said:
I said it during a preseason game after I saw Tank Johnson bark at Wade like he was the towel boy. We have a lot of motor mouths and loose cannons on this team. It's all well and good when we're winning, but it's hard to keep a team of individuals like that together when things start going bad and the finger pointing starts.

Also, am I the only one who saw Wade and Campo going at it after the opening kickoff? A group of mercenary assistant coaches who have more loyalty to the owner than the head coach is another one of those things that look better on paper than they do in practice.

Hey. You know I agree with you.

Tank johnson imo is an all world talker and an average joe player. he is part of the defenses problem. meanwhile Jason ferguson is a leader in the dolphins locker room with better stats, for what that is worth.

And I didnt like campo being brought here in the first place. yesterday looked like a campo run team. Chaos everywhere and a bunch of coaches and the owner making excuses after.

these guys need discipline and they need someone to look to, they had it in the past in the coaching staff with take no prisoners everyone is held accountable coaches.

What do we have now.

Wade phillips walking around on the practice field on the thursday before the bengals game trying to loosen the team up by coming out to the field with his shorts pulled down and his behind hanging out, wearing his hat backwards with sunglasses on and doing goofy handshakes while the players stretched.

The minute I saw that on cbs11 last week I was flabbergasted. that is the move a coach who has no clue. If I am a player like canty, ware, romo etc....and I have been broken into this league by a disciplinarian who will get on anyone at anytime and you see that during a tough week, I have zero respect for you.

I am just hoping we can get a few wins and figure this out without romo before mount owens totally pulls the plug on this season.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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InmanRoshi;2334342 said:
Also, am I the only one who saw Wade and Campo going at it after the opening kickoff? A group of mercenary assistant coaches who have more loyalty to the owner than the head coach is another one of those things that look better on paper than they do in practice. Do you think Campo respects Brian Stewart? Campo knows he has better job security with Jerry.

:hammer: x100

That's why I hated to see Houck and Campo hired over Wade's first choice of Solari and Emmitt Thomas.

Houck didn't seem like as big a deal, because he's a proven good coach and Wade at least knew him from San Diego. But Campo... I got the feeling from the time he first got here and did a billion interviews that he thought he was more important than he is. At times he almost had the air that he was the defensive coordinator here.

But to your point... If these coaches were Jerry or RJ preferences, they know that even if the team collapses and Wade is fired, they still have a job here when RJ ascends to the throne.


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theebs;2334384 said:
Hey. You know I agree with you.

Tank johnson imo is an all world talker and an average joe player. he is part of the defenses problem. meanwhile Jason ferguson is a leader in the dolphins locker room with better stats, for what that is worth.

And I didnt like campo being brought here in the first place. yesterday looked like a campo run team. Chaos everywhere and a bunch of coaches and the owner making excuses after.

these guys need discipline and they need someone to look to, they had it in the past in the coaching staff with take no prisoners everyone is held accountable coaches.

What do we have now.

Wade phillips walking around on the practice field on the thursday before the bengals game trying to loosen the team up by coming out to the field with his shorts pulled down and his behind hanging out, wearing his hat backwards with sunglasses on and doing goofy handshakes while the players stretched.

The minute I saw that on cbs11 last week I was flabbergasted. that is the move a coach who has no clue. If I am a player like canty, ware, romo etc....and I have been broken into this league by a disciplinarian who will get on anyone at anytime and you see that during a tough week, I have zero respect for you.

I am just hoping we can get a few wins and figure this out without romo before mount owens totally pulls the plug on this season.

If we're 5-4(with the lone win being against the lowly Rams) going into the bye week, then Jerry will can Wade-book it.


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Boysboy;2334407 said:
If we're 5-4(with the lone win being against the lowly Rams) going into the bye week, then Jerry will can Wade-book it.

Never during the season. that is insanity that jerry hasnt even approached yet.

but anythings possible. With our luck T.O.'s personal trainer will be the head coach next year.


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It's very simple.

The HC MUST be the respected leader of the team. Period.

When Jerry fills that vacuum, it's only a matter of time until things disintegrate. It happened when we still had Troy, Emmitt and Michael in their productive years ('96 -'98).

It's not going to be any different this time around. Jerry never learns.


Texas Ranger
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Boysboy;2334407 said:
If we're 5-4(with the lone win being against the lowly Rams) going into the bye week, then Jerry will can Wade-book it.

Who would you want to replace Wade with? I hope not red since he hasn't done very good lately. I sure hope you don't mean stewart :laugh2:


Zone Scribe
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Walker;2334438 said:
Who would you want to replace Wade with? I hope not red since he hasn't done very good lately. I sure hope you don't mean stewart :laugh2:

And who runs the defense with Wade gone? You fire Wade and you're firing Stewart too.

Dear God, I hope not Campo. Because aside from the fact that he doesn't know jack about running the front 7 of a 3-4 defense, as bad as his unit has sucked all year he definitely doesn't deserve a promotion.


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CrazyCowboy;2334072 said:
so what the heck is he talking about?

He should just shut up if not man enough to say what ever it is on his mind!

Just Greg being Greg imho. Talk about TO having to be the center of attention, I think Greg is 100% in that regard when compared to TO.


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Lifetimeboyzfan;2334543 said:
Just Greg being Greg imho. Talk about TO having to be the center of attention, I think Greg is 100% in that regard when compared to TO.

There is definitely some truth right there wrt Greg


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I'm betting that the locker room is split between Owens on one side and Romo on the other. Owens' cadre is probably blaming Romo, while Romo's cadre is defending him. I'd bet that Witten is a part of Romo's group.


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Boysboy;2334251 said:
The players had major issues with Parcells' coaching staff(I remember Jean-Jacques Taylor saying players admitted this to him), and now they're complaining about Wade's.

Some players...like the underachievers or those who didn't like authority. Some of those same players are underachieving now even after Parcell's has left.


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Asklesko;2334560 said:
I'm betting that the locker room is split between Owens on one side and Romo on the other. Owens' cadre is probably blaming Romo, while Romo's cadre is defending him. I'd bet that Witten is a part of Romo's group.

Highly doubt it-Owens doesn't have many friends on the team anyways. Actually, he had, even currently has FAR more in Philly than he does here. For example, in his birthday bashes every year, he actually has more Eagles players coming than Cowboys(I believe Burnett is the only Dallas player who attends them).


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OK theebs: this is all becoming pretty clear to me now. Wow, I had no idea Wade did that. Man, he's lost this team completely: I suspected it with their play, now after hearing this..........JJ must be sick. I know I am. (as for T.O. what is there to say that hasn't already been said? I think in the end, JJ will regret ever having heard the names TO, PacMan and Tank. Overrated, overblown, trouble makers: period)

As for Greg Ellis: he's famous for this crap too. Not a team guy at all. This team is so void of leaders it's just sickening. Witten and MB3: past that who will lead? Hard to win with a tight end and mute, but talented RB as your only leaders


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Asklesko;2334560 said:
I'm betting that the locker room is split between Owens on one side and Romo on the other. Owens' cadre is probably blaming Romo, while Romo's cadre is defending him. I'd bet that Witten is a part of Romo's group.

That actually makes the most sense and fits what we've been seeing on the field. You can't deny that Romo's body language and fun-loving attitude have dropped faster than the stock market in recent weeks.


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I won't get too worked up until I hear several people not named Greg Ellis talking about this.

Right now, I think everyone is just frustrated with losing. I still say that a lot of these guys are front-runners who don't handle adversity well. Greg is one of them.


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CaptainAmerica;2334611 said:
That actually makes the most sense and fits what we've been seeing on the field. You can't deny that Romo's body language and fun-loving attitude have dropped faster than the stock market in recent weeks.

Why is stuff like this being made up all of a sudden?


Star Power
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Asklesko;2334560 said:
I'm betting that the locker room is split between Owens on one side and Romo on the other. Owens' cadre is probably blaming Romo, while Romo's cadre is defending him. I'd bet that Witten is a part of Romo's group.

Yawn. I'm betting this is much ado about nothing. All the whiners talk the most when losing starts. It happens on fan forums. It happens in the locker rooms. The leaders pull the team together and go about their business as usual, trying to get better, and the dross is usually filtered out.


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Exactly ddh33: frontrunners for sure: LOTS of them. But again, that's the Head Coach's job to sift through those guys and eliminate them. Wade is going to steer this team into an iceberg, I can feel it. That being said, I've already started thinking about next season. I'm not so sure Red is a given now...................


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I agree Sultan: but what 'leaders" are you referring to? Witten, MB3, and ____________________________________________?


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newlander;2334638 said:
Exactly ddh33: frontrunners for sure: LOTS of them. But again, that's the Head Coach's job to sift through those guys and eliminate them. Wade is going to steer this team into an iceberg, I can feel it. That being said, I've already started thinking about next season. I'm not so sure Red is a given now...................

One minute it's Wade's fault, the next it's TO dividing the locker room, the next it's the distractions Pacman is bringing, the next it's Tank...

Really-which is it? Is it Wade's fault TO may be dividing the locker room or Pacman running rampant? Or TO shouldn't have been on this team in the first place?

Can't have it both ways.