Some great ones there.... like the Jim Carrey scene in Dumb & Dumber where they are trying to give the guy CPR, also when they walk into that reception whacking each other with their canes, and when they open the briefcase full of IOU's... "It's all there!!!"
Smokey & the Bandit II:
Junior: "Hey Daddy look at that big, ugly alligator!"
Sherriff: "That reminds me, I gotta call your Momma"
Not a movie, but a classic nonetheless:
All in the Family, Gloria, Mike, and Edith are trying to convince Archie to quit smoking cigars...
Archie: "Look, I figure if God didn't want us to smoke tobacco he wouldn't have invented it..."
Gloria: "Oh yeah, Daddy, what about marijuana?"
Archie: "Don't be silly little girl, God didn't invent marijuana, the Mexicans did"