Had the same thing happen with my wife and when I was going through some rough water with my Dad, I left. I was away for a while and one day she asked me "are you still going to the Cowboys site and goofing off". I told her I wasn't and she told me to get back there, it was necessary therapy and she was right. And I would need it again and again.
And I do not mean this probably the way it sounds but it wasn't as important that the posters there make me laugh as it was that I make myself laugh. I have that gift, to make myself laugh as my defense against the darkness. And I used the old site and now use this one for that. If someone else laughs, that's a bonus but it is my first priority to make myself laugh and when I was going through some rough times, I forgot to do that. And when we're trying to be funny here, we have no idea how others are responding so if I am not getting that selfish fix, it's not working.