Funny Posters

If anyone gets bored here, they've been in one place too long. This Off-Topic Zone is about as varied as you could have. The only problem I have is how to jack it? My gosh, I am the Grand Poobah of the Post Jackers Guild and can't figure how to get Off-Topic off topic, very puzzling. The one thing I have noticed about this thread that is difference is the Off of Off-Topic may be about the posters more than the forum. Feeling right at home there.

We tried this on, G2 got Fireside Chat going, but we did not have the participation there like here, I would even forget it's there.
No it’s fine here...just pointing out the ying yang of it. It really was funny seeing that though...made me think of the time I got turned down for a job,because I “wouldn’t” do drugs. I always get a laugh thinking about that. “I’m sorry sir,while you’re more than qualified,we’re looking for someone to fill the position for cocaine user. You know...I really must apologize for the confusion,that’s something we really need to address in the ad. Margaret!! Get Sara on line one please!”
Being on a forum where everyone agrees is absolutely boring. You can only rave about the same things so many times before it just gets annoying in itself.

Discussion forums on the internet have shifted into a mob mentality that lives with the perception of the loudest voices win an argument. I share my opinions from time to time but I have no need or desire to convince anyone else of anything. I know that most people who argue quite often on forum sites are close-minded and would likely not change their mind even if the evidence against their argument was clear for everyone to see.

What I can tell you is that the frustration level with the Cowboys is finally starting to reach critical mass with fans. The optimism and "next year is the year" hope-filled story lines have been pushed every year for the last 10+ years. While I hate reading so much negativity and really wish CZ had a lot less of it than it does, it's hard to blame the fans, many of whom have spent years cheering on the team despite failed season after failed season, when they have finally reached a point where they want results, not hope and promises.

Fortunately though, there are enough fans on both sides of most arguments here that it is rare that a fan is alone in their thinking. That helps keep one side from shutting down the other side and also keeps discussions active especially during the slow off-season periods.
Well said!
This guy has a different opinion!

Reality with his Staff on payday.

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