Funny Posters

In my work, I manage a lot of stuff that the entire company relies on. It's a lot of pressure, but I hire great people to help me with that. Guys (and ladies) I don't have to micro-manage. I try very hard to keep everything I do that isn't business related on the lighter side. It keeps me from becoming uptight and so far I've never had blood pressure issues.

While I joke around with people around me. I'm not a super social person otherwise. (I go to work, and I go home) This forum is an outlet for me to each people beyond my home and work life.

Nothing is better than pulling off a spectacular drive-by verbal smack-down and then leaving the thread never having to see the posters angry response haha.
I retired two years ago and the social interaction fell to about 0 even though I get invitations, I usually decline. Being known as a funny guy and people saying "you're so much fun to be around" is a double edged sword because I do not find myself having fun around them. I have to fulfill the role as the "funny guy" that I've had going back to grade school and other people can be quiet without being asked "what's wrong"? People often mistaken funny people as happy people because they're laughing.

However, like you, I was in management for years and if not for my sense of humor serving as a buffer for my Type A personality, a disorder at times because of my intensity level and reactive vs response tendency, I would have been a total failure. The ability to make your employees laugh is underrated and a stone cold requirement of my management style but the sarcasm had to be buffered as well. I had to deepen and widen that trap between my brain and mouth or it could have had the reverse effect.

Writing here is a built in brain trap and I know some must be thinking 'what the hell, that's using a brain trap? OMG, what's staying locked in there?'
speaking of flirting someone in the zone trying hard

All the nude comments will force me to slap an R rating on this thread.

Make that an NC-17 rating if Sam has his way.
It's funny. Some people do not get my humor at first. They think I'm outright attacking them for no reason. I had a somewhat recent new CBZer message me and ask me why I was being so mean to them when they didn't even know who I was. (even though they were friends with people who definitely know me and how I am) Though that's because he was posting in Off-Topic zone when most new-comers of the past spent most time in the fan zone.

Go look for my recent work in the other zones. rofl. The fans that do not come to the off-topic zone, recoil when I post something in there.

I don't go there much because everyone must argue to the death that they are right about something. So, when I do go. It's mostly to troll, then watch everyone get all bent out of shape because of what I said haha.
It's funny. Some people do not get my humor at first. They think I'm outright attacking them for no reason. I had a somewhat recent new CBZer message me and ask me why I was being so mean to them when they didn't even know who I was. (even though they were friends with people who definitely know me and how I am) Though that's because he was posting in Off-Topic zone when most new-comers of the past spent most time in the fan zone.

Go look for my recent work in the other zones. rofl. The fans that do not come to the off-topic zone, recoil when I post something in there.

I don't go there much because everyone must argue to the death that they are right about something. So, when I do go. It's mostly to troll, then watch everyone get all bent out of shape because of what I said haha.

I get those hurt PMs every time I post a version of "go away" in a welcome thread. I feel terrible about it for a few seconds, but then I remind myself that they really should just go away and everything would be fine and a perk myself back up.
Wasn't *** kissing, it was flirting.
In a Forrest full of Hickory's ,weeping willows along that ol' moonshiner branch off that hillside spring(* they actually do exist, I've drank that spring water as a kid& that moonshine from that ol' boys still when I was a bigger kid, he was a fascinating rough as a COB character,was a navy veteran of the 'dreadnought' era,pulled 12 years I believe that's what he'd told me,hobo'd during the stock market crash of '29' ,& ended up owning a +100 acre truck farm ,he was my hero / hands down ( dad kin go to hell where he more than likely belongs) but this ol' cat was cool! He'd bought a surplus generator of government manufacture off a b-24( positive on that cuz' if it was a B-17 I'd of remembered it like yesterday, anyway this ol' cat who never weighed more than 140 pounds after Thanksgiving, put that surplus bomber generator on the nose of one of his tricycle JD tractors, powered by a belt off that flywheel/ spinning casing-liner/ clutch doing it's thing along a fellers right foot if he's asride behind the wheel,,,,& if he needed more 'amps' he'd just crack that one lunger throttle back,,,, he liked to drink to & always kept a stocked beer fridge/ jug of vodka,,, I kinda cut my drinking teeth around ol' EARL about aged 12,,,:thumbup:,,, man,ALIVE! THEM STORIES those ol' timers could tell,,,they'd be cuffed and stuffed awaiting an execution date ,trust me!:starspin:)
I get those hurt PMs every time I post a version of "go away" in a welcome thread. I feel terrible about it for a few seconds, but then I remind myself that they really should just go away and everything would be fine and a perk myself back up.

It's safer if they leave. Though I have more prey if they stay!
i have to say that this board has some of very humorous posters on it. Seriously, I don't know how many times I have read some of the posts on this forum and just literally laughed my *** off. Laughter really is the best medicine.
Yeeeeeees! Life is no fun without good humor. If I want to drink stoicism,I’ll go contact my ex. Yuck......rather barricade myself in a closet full of mirrors,and entertain myself...than live in a world like that. What’s really funny (and sad) is most people I used to know have become so flatlined,and the funny part is they’re always talking to me about how screwed up I am,while im happy,and they’re miserable. Looooooool.
It's funny. Some people do not get my humor at first. They think I'm outright attacking them for no reason. I had a somewhat recent new CBZer message me and ask me why I was being so mean to them when they didn't even know who I was. (even though they were friends with people who definitely know me and how I am) Though that's because he was posting in Off-Topic zone when most new-comers of the past spent most time in the fan zone.

Go look for my recent work in the other zones. rofl. The fans that do not come to the off-topic zone, recoil when I post something in there.

I don't go there much because everyone must argue to the death that they are right about something. So, when I do go. It's mostly to troll, then watch everyone get all bent out of shape because of what I said haha.
Yeah,I was getting that cold vibe too. It’s ok...I’m perfectly fine hanging in here. I know I’m the stuff people sweep quickly under the carpet when guests arrive. Loool
Yeeeeeees! Life is no fun without good humor. If I want to drink stoicism,I’ll go contact my ex. Yuck......rather barricade myself in a closet full of mirrors,and entertain myself...than live in a world like that. What’s really funny (and sad) is most people I used to know have become so flatlined,and the funny part is they’re always talking to me about how screwed up I am,while im happy,and they’re miserable. Looooooool.

heh Sounds like Facebook users! :lmao::laugh::lmao2:

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