It does but it's more nuanced than that which is why one should read the actual study or good summations of the study and not just headlines. For example, the increase in side effects seen was over an expected incident rate but were still extremely rare overall. Further, the study also states and provides data that shows getting COVID had a higher incident rate of side effects than getting the vaccine. For example, in British Columbia, they viewed a myocarditis incident rate of one to 10 per million vaccinated. The myocarditis incident rate amongst those who got COVID was 40 in a million. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) was another side effect noted in the mRNA vaccine. While there was an increase in ADEM reported in the study - it was just 5 more cases over expectation from over 1,000,000 vaccinated persons. Further, the study noted that getting COVID would result in that risk increasing by 617-fold.
So people trying to sell this study as proving the vaccines are causing significant issues are overselling what the study actually says. Further, it most definitely doesn't prove or show young athletes are dying at a higher rate from sudden cardiac events.
it's not nuanced. people were shouting that higher incidents were fake news and unequivocally DID NOT happen. Those that thought it did were "conspiracy theorists" and asking the question was not worth even addressing as serious humans, because derp science of a 99% effective vaccine that "made you immune" from getting covid, that was redefined to "well you can get covid if you have the vaccine, but not bad covid" ......... etc, etc.
the study shows that if you never got covid and got the vaccine, there is an increase. that scenario is the science you now must accept.
I didn't mention the study said anything about young athletes. but it did not refute it either. you seem to be of the camp that science is NOT about asking questions but "obey the initial assertion from for profit drug manufacturers and governments"
I'm vaccinated not boosted, so I am not a ideologue. but the one side that shuts every thing and questiondown and then has to incrementally move the goalposts is definitely the side I'm watching versus the "make your own call" side.
the fact Novak Djokovic, elite athlete in an isolated outdoor sport, was banned from the US Open while refugees, immigrants and illegals were never sent back based on vaccine status shows how unserious a country and debate this is
and just so you are clear this isn't a immigration rant and move the goal posts, it is not. it is about numbers (1 vs 1000s) and consistency of applying the law based on "science"