FWST Blog: Crayton Sounds Off On Hochuli...Tank ready to go home

ethiostar;2197354 said:
As much as i like Crayton's confidence, i don't think he needs to call out refs, especially by name, and draw more attention on himself from the refs.

He needs to learn when to shut it.

Having said that, i agree with him, some of those calls were questionable at best.

I think Crayton is just one of those guys. Many, and I mean many in here, are so quick to throw Crayton under the bus when he says anything. I live too damn close to Pittsburgh for my liking, and all I heard from Joey Porter, when he was a beloved Steeler, was one quote after another. But ya know what? That didn't stop the love from all of those here in western PA.

Same goes for Brandon Jacobs in NY. He says stuff that is just plain ridiculous. But the love for Brandon is just the same.

*That's not a knock on you ethiostar. I know I put you in quotes to begin this post, but this is for all of those who knock on Crayton, a player who needs all of our support. We (the Cowboys, and fans) need to back this guy, and begin to play up to our potential, and take home another Super Bowl trophy. And I mean this year!

Now before any of you go off talking about how both have earned the right due to Super Bowl victories, let me remind you that it is still a bunch of TALK, good or bad!

This is the year Patrick gets to back it all up. So before any of you perfect fans begin to throw Patrick under the bus on a regular basis, give him a little slack. Besides, he wears the STAR, and has some of the brass gonads that many of you wish you had.
DallasEast;2197640 said:

Ain't that the gospel truth?

No he doesn't! Preach on Patrick! Preach on!

You got my full support! GO COWBOYS! :star:
Fletch;2197729 said:
I think Crayton is just one of those guys. Many, and I mean many in here, are so quick to throw Crayton under the bus when he says anything. I live too damn close to Pittsburgh for my liking, and all I heard from Joey Porter, when he was a beloved Steeler, was one quote after another. But ya know what? That didn't stop the love from all of those here in western PA.

I nor anybody on this board said they don't 'love' him because of what he said. I love my brother to death but i don't neccessarily like some of the knuckle-headed crap he does.

Same goes for Brandon Jacobs in NY. He says stuff that is just plain ridiculous. But the love for Brandon is just the same.

Speaking of a knuckle-head.....

*That's not a knock on you ethiostar. I know I put you in quotes to begin this post, but this is for all of those who knock on Crayton, a player who needs all of our support. We (the Cowboys, and fans) need to back this guy, and begin to play up to our potential, and take home another Super Bowl trophy. And I mean this year!

The fact that he spouts off about the refs after a preseason game doesn't really do much to our 'potential'.

Now before any of you go off talking about how both have earned the right due to Super Bowl victories, let me remind you that it is still a bunch of TALK, good or bad!


This is the year Patrick gets to back it all up. So before any of you perfect fans begin to throw Patrick under the bus on a regular basis, give him a little slack. Besides, he wears the STAR, and has some of the brass gonads that many of you wish you had.

:confused: do what now?..................................... I got nothing.
EastDallasCowboy;2197759 said:
really immature and shortsighted of Crayton to be calling out a referee.

Possibly, though I would counter with the fact that there couldn't have been any worse officiating in the last three Cowboy games and that came unprovoked (unless Jerry lambasted them behind closed doors after the playoff game). What are they going to do to make it worse? Screw it, call them out and put the focus on these bastids. :mad:
Kilyin;2197642 said:
No, it wasn't, the Dallas announcers just goofed. The refs called number FIFTY SIX on the penalty, they misheard SIXTY SIX. After they kept looking for Tank in the slow-mo replay and couldn't find him, Moose finally chimed in that it was Bradie James on the penalty, and they ran with it, blaming the refs for calling the wrong number... when in actuality, they just weren't paying close attention.

I'll be listening closely during the replay, but I'm pretty sure I'm right, as I was still sober when the penalty was called.

You're right. I remember that very clearly myself. He said number 56 but the announcers thought he said number 66. I really thought the neutral zone infraction no call was an interesting calls. People did worse than what he did and they was penalized for it.
StylisticS;2197784 said:
You're right. I remember that very clearly myself. He said number 56 but the announcers thought he said number 66. I really thought the neutral zone infraction no call was an interesting calls. People did worse than what he did and they was penalized for it.

I'm watching the game/play in slowmo right now, it was Brady. He tackled/hit the guy with his right upper thigh in a sliding motion, no shoulder or helmet spearing, nothing to warrant a personal foul. Brady was also in a downward sliding motion before the runner hit the ground.

Now here's what's really messed up, the field ref (the one that stands beside the inside backers before the snap) was no more than 2-3 yards from the tackle with no one to obstruct the view of the tackle made at the 13 yard line. You can see his flag in his left front belt. The flag thrown came from the backfield area where Ed Hockngoobers was standing in the back of the endzone at least 20 yards away.

Huge ? mark on this flag - new set of downs for Denver and this drive leads to a score. :bang2:
Fletch;2197729 said:
I think Crayton is just one of those guys. Many, and I mean many in here, are so quick to throw Crayton under the bus when he says anything. I live too damn close to Pittsburgh for my liking, and all I heard from Joey Porter, when he was a beloved Steeler, was one quote after another. But ya know what? That didn't stop the love from all of those here in western PA.

If Crayton was playing at the level Porter was at the time he was in Pittsburgh, I think there would be less backlash. But he isn't and probably never will. He's a pretty average player. He doesn't excel. That is the difference. When you run off at the mouth, you should be elite, at least in my opinion. Otherwise you come across as rather foolish.

Same goes for Brandon Jacobs in NY. He says stuff that is just plain ridiculous. But the love for Brandon is just the same.

Like I said, when you are relatively average, then you look foolish when you talk too much.
Alexander;2197843 said:
If Crayton was playing at the level Porter was at the time he was in Pittsburgh, I think there would be less backlash. But he isn't and probably never will. He's a pretty average player. He doesn't excel. That is the difference. When you run off at the mouth, you should be elite, at least in my opinion. Otherwise you come across as rather foolish.

Like I said, when you are relatively average, then you look foolish when you talk too much.
Which is why the comparison to Freddie Mitchell has always clicked for me.
Hostile;2197846 said:
Which is why the comparison to Freddie Mitchell has always clicked for me.

That is an interesting comparison. Mean, but pretty interesting.
This game was heavily slanted against our boys.

Watched in slowmo:

Columbo's personal foul:
TO catches a 8 pass at the 42 yardline. He is driven backwards to the 37 and a 2nd tackler dives on the tackle. Then they go towards the ground at the 35 and a 3rd tackler piles on. Columbo was the closest player and helped TO up. Play over.
Next play, TO catches the ball at the 45 yardline for a 1st down and is driven back to the 40. A second tackler #60, leading with his helmet, hits TO helmet to helmet. Columbo is approaching and seeing this same piling on again. As the three (TO and 2 tacklers) are going backwards to the 38 yard line, Columbo takes out the 3rd advancing tackler before he could join in. TO is never taken to the ground. Play over

Very bad and one sided call here.

Gurode/Flozel's false start:
The ball is at the 37 yard line, the defensive tackle jumps forward, his helmet and hand are in the nuetral zone, right beside the ball. Gurode picks the ball up in a hiking motion but doesn't release it and then stands up. When he moved that ball, the defensive tackle had not moved back yet. The head line judge on that side of the field closest to the D tackle in question is the one who told Ed Hockalooger about the non nuetral zone infraction.That line judge looking right up the lines could not have missed this, bad call.

No crying here, just stating the facts.
Alexander;2197857 said:
That is an interesting comparison. Mean, but pretty interesting.
I wish I was the author of it, but I'm not. I just happen to think it is pretty accurate. I don't mind someone talking if they can back it up. Fred Ex never could and so far Crayton hasn't.

I wish this would fall out the sky and hit Crayton in the mouth.....

I can't stand that putz...
Alexander;2197843 said:
If Crayton was playing at the level Porter was at the time he was in Pittsburgh, I think there would be less backlash. But he isn't and probably never will. He's a pretty average player. He doesn't excel. That is the difference. When you run off at the mouth, you should be elite, at least in my opinion. Otherwise you come across as rather foolish.

Like I said, when you are relatively average, then you look foolish when you talk too much.
Brandon Jacobs is nothing special.

Overhyped and I think I read somewhere last year that he's considered the most annoying guy to play against because he's always running his mouth.

Why do you think Bradie and Burnett did what they did to him last year?

Columbo's personal foul:
TO catches a 8 pass at the 42 yardline. He is driven backwards to the 37 and a 2nd tackler dives on the tackle. Then they go towards the ground at the 35 and a 3rd tackler piles on. Columbo was the closest player and helped TO up. Play over.
Next play, TO catches the ball at the 45 yardline for a 1st down and is driven back to the 40. A second tackler #60, leading with his helmet, hits TO helmet to helmet. Columbo is approaching and seeing this same piling on again. As the three (TO and 2 tacklers) are going backwards to the 38 yard line, Columbo takes out the 3rd advancing tackler before he could join in. TO is never taken to the ground. Play over
Good for Columbo. He did that last year in PHilly when someone cheapshotted Julius Jones. I hope he never loses that desire to defend his teammates. It's something most of these guys lack and is well worth the penalty, however nonsensical the flag is.
This guy is not the All Pro WR on the team..the team hasn't won a playoff game in what..10+ years and he's still the scape goat for losing to the Jints last time I read..?

When you have won some playoff games, gotten to the Pro Bowl and not dropped the crucial passes or given up on game-winning routes..

even then..you don't call OUT THE REFEREES..idiot.

Why does this guy come off doing this..? Like we won't get this ref on any of our Monday night games or other big matchups and the ref is going to be constantly having his hand on his hanky every time the ball is snapped looking for something..?

I don't get it.

Can't somebody shut him up..?

And he always does this after a disappointing loss.

Frankly, if he was on another team, he'd be called a 'whiner'. But because he's on our team, he's a leader..?

Puleeze..if this guy is a leader..we are leaderless.

:starspin RedBall ExPreSS :starspin
Redball Express;2198098 said:
This guy is not the All Pro WR on the team..the team hasn't won a playoff game in what..10+ years and he's still the scape goat for losing to the Jints last time I read..?

When you have won some playoff games, gotten to the Pro Bowl and not dropped the crucial passes or given up on game-winning routes..

even then..you don't call OUT THE REFEREES..idiot.

Why does this guy come off doing this..? Like we won't get this ref on any of our Monday night games or other big matchups and the ref is going to be constantly having his hand on his hanky every time the ball is snapped looking for something..?

I don't get it.

Can't somebody shut him up..?

And he always does this after a disappointing loss.

Frankly, if he was on another team, he'd be called a 'whiner'. But because he's on our team, he's a leader..?

Puleeze..if this guy is a leader..we are leaderless.

:starspin RedBall ExPreSS :starspin
I could not disgree more. the cowboys have tried it your way. and it has not worked. it's time for people to start speaking up about being screwed by these refs.
Redball Express;2198098 said:
This guy is not the All Pro WR on the team..the team hasn't won a playoff game in what..10+ years and he's still the scape goat for losing to the Jints last time I read..?

When you have won some playoff games, gotten to the Pro Bowl and not dropped the crucial passes or given up on game-winning routes..

even then..you don't call OUT THE REFEREES..idiot.

Why does this guy come off doing this..? Like we won't get this ref on any of our Monday night games or other big matchups and the ref is going to be constantly having his hand on his hanky every time the ball is snapped looking for something..?

I don't get it.

Can't somebody shut him up..?

And he always does this after a disappointing loss.

Frankly, if he was on another team, he'd be called a 'whiner'. But because he's on our team, he's a leader..?

Puleeze..if this guy is a leader..we are leaderless.

:starspin RedBall ExPreSS :starspin

While I agree 100% that we were raped by the refs last night, it does no good to call out the ref. All this will do is cause more BS penalties next time we get the same officiating crew.

It is concerning why we are public enemy #1 to the refs nowdays. The Giants were getting "home cooking" in Texas Stadim for crying out loud.

What the hell is up with that???

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