FWST Blog: Jerry: Parcells wore teams down


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rcaldw;2399386 said:
You will get what you expect though. If you accept the premise that "this is the NFL, teams are up and down, and basically you just play year to year and be THANKFUL if you are around .500 and fighting for a playoff spot", then that is what you will get AT BEST.

Then there are some teams, i.e., the Patriots being one, that just simply refuse to buy into that. They expect to win and win for real, and they end up being very good year after year. They LOST THEIR QB TOO, and they are still in there fighting. Are they the same team? No. But are they looking like pathetic losers 2 of the last 3 weeks? No.

I understand those who get tired of us who remember the glory years, you can't live in the past, but I also get tired of us who are willing to accept mediocrity and be thankful for it. The day that happens, then please take the Star off the helmet, lets get some of those cool arena football uniforms and change the team's name.

Last time I checked our team was the Dallas Cowboys. There was a day when that meant something.

I'm not trying to accept mediocrity. Trust me, I love watching those old Super Bowl wins and playoff victories as much as anyone.

But to compare every little detail from our current teams to the teams of the 90's is ridiculous like some journalists do, simply so they can get a story and create warm fuzzy feelings of nostalgia.

I do not want mediocrity, nor am i thankful for it. I just want us as fans to move on from the 90's. Because that was over 8 years ago at the least, and just because what worked back then, doesnt mean the same equation will work now.


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TheCount;2399377 said:
Mick is horrible, he's wrong more often than he's right but that'll never stop him from getting his self-righteous bs on.

Agreed. He's so condescending it makes me sick.

Ever notice in the mailbag when Nick, Mick, and whoever else answer questions...people may write in what they think the team should do/voice their opinion. I have NOT ONCE seen Mick say something along the lines of "That is a good idea"

That and his blatant homerism and propaganda are sickening. Not everything has to be blind optimism ala Wade Phillips


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Hostile;2399316 said:
Parcells is extremely over rated by an angry fan group.

Parcells is extremely under rated by an angry fan group. :laugh2:

In truth, I like Parcells. Not exactly as a head coach as I believe his time as a coach has passed. As a GM, I think he is great. While people try to throw him under the bus all the time for a few missed draft choices, he has a proven track record for building VERY talented teams. Including here in Dallas.


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NextGenBoys;2399475 said:
Agreed. He's so condescending it makes me sick.

Ever notice in the mailbag when Nick, Mick, and whoever else answer questions...people may write in what they think the team should do/voice their opinion. I have NOT ONCE seen Mick say something along the lines of "That is a good idea"

That and his blatant homerism and propaganda are sickening. Not everything has to be blind optimism ala Wade Phillips

Probably because it never is! :laugh2:


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In my opinion, you should rest your injured players, but do not cut back on your practices. Modifying the practice sessions to be less strenuous would be more logical alternative to me than simply cancelling them altogether.

The Allen Iverson philosophy isn't practical. Practice is fundamentally essential. It allows your team to work on areas which either needs improvement or find alternatives for deficits in that week's gameplan. Not practicing enough only serves one purpose: it doesn't help your team win on Sundays.


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DallasEast;2399520 said:
In my opinion, you should rest your injured players, but do not cut back on your practices. Modifying the practice sessions to be less strenuous would be more logical alternative to me than simply cancelling them altogether.
I prefer two practices a day. A walk-through and a full contact practice. This "No tackling" policy is garbage. Obviously you want to protect players, so don't allow completely vicious hits, but to outlaw tackling is stupid. We see the outcome of that today. Players scared of contact and tackling problems.

As Franklin D. Roosevelt said
Only thing we have to fear is fear itself

You cannot stop doing what is required to be successful because you're afraid of injuries. You will only help ensure that you'll never be successful.


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It makes little sense IMO to passionately debate the merits of Parcells coaching versus Wade's coaching when their results have been virtually the same (no playoff wins) with essentially the same talent levels.

A completely different topic would be Bill's merits as part of the GM team. I think they were laudable but not indisputably superior to the 2007 & 2008 offseasons. But that is not the central theme of this board's current panic, and it shouldn't be.

Why people are pining for the days of coach Parcells I have no idea. He'd hit the wall here and most everyone including Parcells were ready to move on. Now suddenly he's missing ingredient again. It makes no sense.


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CoCo;2399557 said:
It makes little sense IMO to passionately debate the merits of Parcells coaching versus Wade's coaching when their results have been virtually the same (no playoff wins) with essentially the same talent levels.

Tuna was hamstrung with Quincy, then a cut quincy and Vinny then Drew then finally Romo - who he groomed - who fumbled a snap of a gimme FG.

OTOH you have cupcake handed a roster of many probowlers who collapsed in Nov and is sub-500 ever since. No accountability, stupid play.


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chinch;2399640 said:

Tuna was hamstrung with Quincy, then a cut quincy and Vinny then Drew then finally Romo - who he groomed - who fumbled a snap of a gimme FG.

OTOH you have cupcake handed a roster of many probowlers who collapsed in Nov and is sub-500 ever since. No accountability, stupid play.

Tuna was so hamstrung by Quincy that he went 10-6 with him that 1st year. But that is really not the point. I give Parcells credit for the 10-6 in 2003 and I don't even fault him for 6-10 as clearly this was a roster in transition.

But 2005 ended with a thud and so did 2006. Those were Bill's players and his coaching.

You can :laugh2: all you wish. The point remains, and its valid.

I'm not claiming Wade is all that. I think he is rightfully feeling some heat even though 18 mos is an awfully short leash. But to suggest all was great when the coach was a taskmaster... well the facts clearly don't support it.


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wileedog;2399393 said:
And he is quickly dismissed or put down by another group.

Bottom line is he built not only the team but the entire organization in a way that completely turned the direction of the Cowboys around 180 degrees.

A lot of the success of last year's team and expectations for this year's was built on the foundation Parcells laid down. No, they lost his only playoff game, and certainly his on the field coaching wasn't what some would have liked. But the team played hard, rarely quit and there was no doubt who was in charge.

What most of us are 'angry' about is that Jerry and Phillips seem to be taking every conceivable step to rip up that foundation and go back to the Campo years. That Jenkins non-play would have been inconceivable on a Parcells team, yet Wade couldn't even bring himself to put any blame whatsoever on him. As far as we know not a single coach has addressed it, and in fact Jenkins now even gets more time off this week.

You think Orlando Scandrick doesn't see that and ask himself why he should put a helmet on someone next time in a similar situation? Why should he risk getting hurt if there are no repercussions?

Look, I understand the team needs to rest. But you also have a 2nd string QB who may very well wind up being "the guy" at some point if Romo's finger doesn't heal all the way or gets hurt again, and he desperately needs the reps with the first team. You also have a brand new WR who also needs that time, and several backups and rookies in key spots who are clearly not all on the same page yet.

Even if its just light practices in shells, this team needs to be on the field together more than they need to be goofing off.. er I mean 'healing'.

I agree 100% with everything you said.


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superpunk;2399563 said:
The mentally weak do tend to wear down easily.

If that's true, how'd you get 20k posts in 3 years on this board?


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chinch;2399293 said:
in comes the master enabler and super spin man.

pathetic right on cue.

Yup business as usual! Jerry sugar coating everything. No other owner, heck even coach in the league yaps to the media anywhere as much as Jerry.

There is no better NFL business man than Jerrah but that's where he needs to specifically concentrate his efforts. Run this organization at the executive level and make sure we get the players we need. All this getting down to the coaching level is not, nor has ever been useful to this organization.


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CoCo;2399557 said:
It makes little sense IMO to passionately debate the merits of Parcells coaching versus Wade's coaching when their results have been virtually the same (no playoff wins) with essentially the same talent levels.

A completely different topic would be Bill's merits as part of the GM team. I think they were laudable but not indisputably superior to the 2007 & 2008 offseasons. But that is not the central theme of this board's current panic, and it shouldn't be.

Why people are pining for the days of coach Parcells I have no idea. He'd hit the wall here and most everyone including Parcells were ready to move on. Now suddenly he's missing ingredient again. It makes no sense.

Parcells had 4 years. His miss first round drafted players were Bobby Carpenter and Julius Jones. He never had a playoff win. The team would be horrible had it not been for stumbling into Tony Romo.

Wade has had 2 years and we have Anthony Spencer and Felix Jones. I think that's a huge improvement already since these players have produced better than their Parcells counterparts already.

People always want something else. Its really sad everyone is clamoring for Parcells now, when 2 seasons ago they were yelling at him for being too old and 'the game has passed him bye.'


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Idgit;2399958 said:
If that's true, how'd you get 20k posts in 3 years on this board?
Please phrase your question in a different manner so that I may address your concerns.


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CoCo;2399557 said:
It makes little sense IMO to passionately debate the merits of Parcells coaching versus Wade's coaching when their results have been virtually the same (no playoff wins) with essentially the same talent levels.

What a ridiculous strawman argument.

Parcells wil be in the HOF, and part of the reason why will be his ability to take a complete ruined franchise like Dallas was way back when and turn it into a team that even Wade Phillips could coach to 13-3.

Wade Philips will not be in the HOF, and one of the reasons why will be because he was handed a SB caliber team talent wise and has proceeded to systematically dismantle it.

I absolutely think Parcells was done on the sidelines, and that his best coaching years are behind him and he knew it. But Phillips hasn't proved anything here at all except a decent run early in the season last year with a 13 Pro Bowl player team that collapsed completely at the end. And is further imploding this year.


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dcfanatic;2399938 said:
I agree 100% with everything you said.

+ 2

Just shut yer yapper Jerry. Why keep trying to prove you know nothing about being a GM or coach?


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wileedog;2399991 said:
What a ridiculous strawman argument.

Parcells wil be in the HOF, and part of the reason why will be his ability to take a complete ruined franchise like Dallas was way back when and turn it into a team that even Wade Phillips could coach to 13-3.

Wade Philips will not be in the HOF, and one of the reasons why will be because he was handed a SB caliber team talent wise and has proceeded to systematically dismantle it.

I absolutely think Parcells was done on the sidelines, and that his best coaching years are behind him and he knew it. But Phillips hasn't proved anything here at all except a decent run early in the season last year with a 13 Pro Bowl player team that collapsed completely at the end. And is further imploding this year.

You and your facts, will you ever learn?

big dog cowboy

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WoodysGirl;2399256 said:
Jerry said Bill Parcells' teams, especially the veterans, were worn down by the end of the regular season because of the workload and it showed in the final month.
This team is so soft it's embarrasing. They clearly have not been overworked. In fact they look like a bunch of fat and sassy players.

I want a lean mean fighting machine coming out of the bye. Looks like more disappointment coming my way.

I just don't get it.


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AKATheRake;2399965 said:
Yup business as usual! Jerry sugar coating everything. No other owner, heck even coach in the league yaps to the media anywhere as much as Jerry.

There is no better NFL business man than Jerrah but that's where he needs to specifically concentrate his efforts. Run this organization at the executive level and make sure we get the players we need. All this getting down to the coaching level is not, nor has ever been useful to this organization.
I don't have a problem with Jerry Jones being involved with every facet of the franchise. He's the general manager and that includes football operations.

Where he should draw the line is his personal open door policy with players. In my opinion, he should make himself completely unaccessible to players, with the lone exception being contractual issues. The biggest improvement Jones could make for his team is for his players to see AND know that their head coach as the only authority for football-related matters.