FWST Blog: Jerry: Parcells wore teams down


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Well we wouldn't want this 4th place team in the NFC East to get worn down and fade down the stretch....


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Dave_in-NC;2402345 said:
What you failed to mention is the roster Parcells inherited and how he had to spend time convincing GM Jones to make changes. No one seems to remember those facts. No one was going to turn this cesspool around quickly.

It takes time to truly BUILD a team. Phillips and Jones had a great base to work with. Their record from the end of last year to now is terrible. So I guess you can tear a team apart way faster than you can build one.

Jones does that best.

I think its premature to be definitive about the status of this team for the future and to attribute it all to the coaches & GM.

Did Belichek "tear apart" the Pats this year since they were 8-0 at this juncture last year?

How bout the Seahawks SB team, or the Steelers & Bears from a couple years ago.

I'm not suggesting Wade & Jerry shouldn't be feeling the heat some but to lay these struggles entirely at their feet as if the NFL itself isn't up and down isn't accurate IMO.


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khiladi;2401103 said:
Who did Bill Parcells draft to back-up the lineman? Two of the starting OL'men aren't even from the BP era. They just went out and got Holland, because Proctor flat out sucks.

Where are Free and Marten these days?

I mean other than the inactive list.


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wileedog;2402605 said:
Where are Free and Marten these days?

I mean other than the inactive list.

It doesn't absolve Bill Parcells of his 4 years of drafting crappy offensive lineman... Give Wade Phillips and Hudson Houck four years to give their input on who to draft as OL and then we will see...


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khiladi;2404131 said:
It doesn't absolve Bill Parcells of his 4 years of drafting crappy offensive lineman... Give Wade Phillips and Hudson Houck four years to give their input on who to draft as OL and then we will see...

Parcells drafted 3 lineman with anything higher than a 6th rounder in 4 years who busted. And one could argue Johnson was never the same after his knee injury.

Wade has drafted 2 lineman in 2 years who so far are busts. And by the way the line is playing as bad as it ever has now, and some are saying part of the reason is that Kosier who Parcells brought in is not playing.

This is not a winning argument for you, at best its a draw.

Bob Sacamano

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khiladi;2404131 said:
It doesn't absolve Bill Parcells of his 4 years of drafting crappy offensive lineman... Give Wade Phillips and Hudson Houck four years to give their input on who to draft as OL and then we will see...

screw that, dude


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wileedog;2404458 said:
Parcells drafted 3 lineman with anything higher than a 6th rounder in 4 years who busted. And one could argue Johnson was never the same after his knee injury.


This the majority of players on the line are his personnel and the best players in the offensive line are not even his men.


It depends what you mean by bust. Guys like Proctor now are clearly busts. There is nobody to back-up these guys.

Wade has drafted 2 lineman in 2 years who so far are busts.

In one and a half years, wade has coached... Parcells had 4 years, which brings me to:

This is not a winning argument for you, at best its a draw.

There is no draw, because Parcells had 4 years... There is no valid statistical comparison.

But I can damn sure tell you that this offensive line has been a product more so of Parcells and Sparano, than Houck and Wade....


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khiladi;2405375 said:
It depends what you mean by bust. Guys like Proctor now are clearly busts. There is nobody to back-up these guys.

What is your fascination with Corey Proctor? He was signed off the Lions practice squad, you were expecting Pro Bowls from him? The fact that he is on the field instead of Marten or Free speaks volumes about who exactly should be defined as a bust.

There is no draw, because Parcells had 4 years... There is no valid statistical comparison.

But I can damn sure tell you that this offensive line has been a product more so of Parcells and Sparano, than Houck and Wade....

Which is why there is no argument here. Parcells clearly had problems bringing in new talent on the OL. So far in 2 years, except for a $50M GUARD who is currently struggling as well, Wade hasn't done squat either.

And Houck is looking like a mistake. Columbo and Davis clearly look worse than last year. Flo I'll give a pass for now because of the broken hand.

Look, I've said way back when before Parcells left that the OL was his biggest failure here. Doesn't mean this team would have gotten close to what they did last year without the other areas of the team he did improve.

What's Wade done?