FWST Blog: Jerry: Parcells wore teams down


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wileedog;2399991 said:
What a ridiculous strawman argument.

Parcells wil be in the HOF, and part of the reason why will be his ability to take a complete ruined franchise like Dallas was way back when and turn it into a team that even Wade Phillips could coach to 13-3.

Wade Philips will not be in the HOF, and one of the reasons why will be because he was handed a SB caliber team talent wise and has proceeded to systematically dismantle it.

I absolutely think Parcells was done on the sidelines, and that his best coaching years are behind him and he knew it. But Phillips hasn't proved anything here at all except a decent run early in the season last year with a 13 Pro Bowl player team that collapsed completely at the end. And is further imploding this year.

And that bolded part is exactly my point.

I'm not disputing that Parcells, not Phillips, will be in the HOF? I'm not disputing Parcells significant role in rebuilding the talent of this organization.

Obviously (the reference to zero playoff wins) the comparison is Wade in Dallas vs Bill in Dallas as HC's. And your bolded statement agrees with me - Parcells wasn't the HC answer either.

I'm not defending Wade. He's justifiably on the hot seat.

I'm only saying it makes no sense to pine for Bill to return as HC or to use his time in Dallas as proof positive that "kicking butt" vs "we are family" was proven the superior coaching style. Your bolded statement confirms it.


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Dave_in-NC;2399994 said:
You and your facts, will you ever learn?

Nevermind the fact that he actually agreed with my point on Parcells as a HC in Dallas.

Beyond that he's speaking to issues that were never even a part of my post.

But yeah, I'm missing the facts. :rolleyes:


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Whenever there is controversy in Dallas this site reminds me of the Salem witch trials.



Cowboys 24/7/365
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CoCo;2400152 said:
Whenever there is controversy in Dallas this site reminds me of the Salem witch trials.


Witch trials = burning at the stake

Brad Johnson has been through enough lately...


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CoCo;2400140 said:
And that bolded part is exactly my point.

I'm not disputing that Parcells, not Phillips, will be in the HOF? I'm not disputing Parcells significant role in rebuilding the talent of this organization.

Obviously (the reference to zero playoff wins) the comparison is Wade in Dallas vs Bill in Dallas as HC's. And your bolded statement agrees with me - Parcells wasn't the HC answer either.

I'm not defending Wade. He's justifiably on the hot seat.

I'm only saying it makes no sense to pine for Bill to return as HC or to use his time in Dallas as proof positive that "kicking butt" vs "we are family" was proven the superior coaching style. Your bolded statement confirms it.

And you are misunderstanding my point.

I'm not 'pining' for Bill to have stayed, although I think we would have been 1000x better off if he was the GM of Dallas and not Miami right now. Nor am I saying that Parcells the Dallas version was a brilliant Xs and O's guy who consistently outthunk the guy with the headsets on the other side. He didn't.

And neither does Wade. Or Garret so far for that matter.

But Parcells brought all of the other intangibles that a HC needs to bring. He wisely reshaped the organization, set the ground rules down and enforced them. Problem players were quickly moved. lack of effort like the Jenkins mishap were not tolerated. If the team didn't have natural locker room leaders, yes some of the older "Parcell's Guys" were brought in to help provide that (why this was seen as a negative I never understood).

He wasn't perfect by any stretch, but Wade brings NOTHING to the table except supposed knowledge of the 3-4, and now his lack of discipline is threatening to undo a lot of the GOOD things that Parcells accomplished here.

That's the point. Not anything to do with playoff wins, which makes no sense to use as a measuring stick because it ignores everything Bill DID do for this franchise vs. everything Wade hasn't and wont.

Chocolate Lab

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CoCo;2400152 said:
Whenever there is controversy in Dallas this site reminds me of the Salem witch trials.


It makes me think of the scene in Frankenstein with the townspeople marching up the hill with torches and pitchforks.


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Chocolate Lab;2400198 said:
It makes me think of the scene in Frankenstein with the townspeople marching up the hill with torches and pitchforks.

Versus the apologists, who make me think of this:


Hey, I've been on both sides, just sayin :)


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makes sense.

That bill parcells was mean, loud and did I mention from New Jersey.

He made them tackle and everything. Especially in 06, when he said I am going back to my old ways and running camp and practices the old way.

Good thing he is gone. And it is a good thing he is out of football, he was going to really hurt this league with his mean ways and arrogance.


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theebs;2400246 said:
makes sense.

That bill parcells was mean, loud and did I mention from New Jersey.

He made them tackle and everything.
Especially in 06, when he said I am going back to my old ways and running camp and practices the old way.

Good thing he is gone. And it is a good thing he is out of football, he was going to really hurt this league with his mean ways and arrogance.

lol, also he told stories about former Giants. And that did not sit well...


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superpunk;2400253 said:
lol, also he told stories about former Giants. And that did not sit well...

Did I mention he is from New Jersey?

and that idiot drafted jacob rogers.


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Not to mention he was a control freak and wouldn't let his assistants talk to the media. If Wade had implemented that policy today, we wouldn't have the opportunity to glean the wisdom and genius that Brian Stewart and Jason Garrett bless upon us on a daily basis.

Speaking of Parcells and his assistants, anyone seen how Arizona is doing in total offense since they brought in that idiot and Parcells stooge Todd Haley to be their offensive coordinator? What did Parcells ever see in that guy?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
CoCo;2400152 said:
Whenever there is controversy in Dallas this site reminds me of the Salem witch trials.

Whenever there is controversy on this board, I tend to actually earn work harder on my real job.


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nyc;2399279 said:
LOL, dude I'm just spewing meaningless ****. Thats pretty much what this board consists of lately.

Sadly this is all too true.

Hostile;2399313 said:
In some ways this team needs to be worn down.

Mostly we need to get some guys healthy. If this bye week does not get Flozell back to par I would put Leonard Davis at LT and start Montrae Holland at RG for a week or two to give him time to heal. Hopefully Kosier is ready to recalim the LG spot.

Our O-line and Tony Romo are the keys to righting this ship.

I'm a little surprised the idea of moving LD (not that I'm saying I'm for it or what have you) to LT and using Holland at RG hasn't been brought up more often here.

Hostile;2399316 said:
Parcells is extremely over rated by an angry fan group. Might as well be hollering for Chan Gailey to be brought back. They had just about equal results as far as wins and losses. I don't think clamoring for his return is wise either. Of course I never want to be retroactive, which is why I have never liked the bring back Jimmy ideas either. People simply can't move on.

I wouldn't say Parcells the talent evaluator was over-rated. He was pretty good at helping us restock with talent but Parcells the coach was average, at best.

wileedog;2399991 said:
What a ridiculous strawman argument.

Parcells wil be in the HOF, and part of the reason why will be his ability to take a complete ruined franchise like Dallas was way back when and turn it into a team that even Wade Phillips could coach to 13-3.

Wade Philips will not be in the HOF, and one of the reasons why will be because he was handed a SB caliber team talent wise and has proceeded to systematically dismantle it.

I absolutely think Parcells was done on the sidelines, and that his best coaching years are behind him and he knew it. But Phillips hasn't proved anything here at all except a decent run early in the season last year with a 13 Pro Bowl player team that collapsed completely at the end. And is further imploding this year.

That even Phillips could coach to 13-3? Quick what was Parcells best year here again as coach? 10-6? The season before 'even Wade coached them to 13-3' they were 9-7 and bounced from the playoffs just as quickly.

So apparently not every coach could have gotten this team to 13-3, cause Bill didn't.

And, again, I think he was a great talent guy but coaching wise he was no better, in any way, other than he was willing to yell and do all the cool things that fans some how think equals more wins, than Wade has been while here. Neither one of them were more than average and neither one of them have won any playoff games while here with all that talent.

wileedog;2400188 said:
And you are misunderstanding my point.

I'm not 'pining' for Bill to have stayed, although I think we would have been 1000x better off if he was the GM of Dallas and not Miami right now. Nor am I saying that Parcells the Dallas version was a brilliant Xs and O's guy who consistently outthunk the guy with the headsets on the other side. He didn't.

And neither does Wade. Or Garret so far for that matter.

But Parcells brought all of the other intangibles that a HC needs to bring. He wisely reshaped the organization, set the ground rules down and enforced them. Problem players were quickly moved. lack of effort like the Jenkins mishap were not tolerated. If the team didn't have natural locker room leaders, yes some of the older "Parcell's Guys" were brought in to help provide that (why this was seen as a negative I never understood).

He wasn't perfect by any stretch, but Wade brings NOTHING to the table except supposed knowledge of the 3-4, and now his lack of discipline is threatening to undo a lot of the GOOD things that Parcells accomplished here.

That's the point. Not anything to do with playoff wins, which makes no sense to use as a measuring stick because it ignores everything Bill DID do for this franchise vs. everything Wade hasn't and wont.

You mean you don't want him using that measuring stick cause it hurts your theory about how great BP was here. Again what was his best year here with all the screaming, cutting, and being a hard *** with players? 10-6? First round playoff exit.

Exactly 1 year before Wade came here with essentially the same team (Davis and Hamlin added) Bill Parcels, and all his holding people accountable and being willing to be the bad guy equaled a 9-7 team and a first round play off exit.

So while he was here 4 years and gave us a lot more talent, which was awesome, he won less games in the regular season which seems to be the only thing you want mentioned cause the playoff record is the same pathetic 0-fer that Wade has.

The only difference is that Wade has been here a season and a half and BP was here for 4 years. While Wade's been here they (they being he and Jerry just like I'd say they for BP and Jerry since no HC here does anything without Jerry being on board with it) did add Davis, Hamlin, and Spencer, Orlando, Felix, and Jenkins. Not quite the same amount of talent as BP added, I'm sure, but again BP had 4 years to add talent to the team while Wade has had a season and a half.

So, again, please tell me where these guys were so much more mentally tough, so much more disiplined, so much more focused while BP was here with his iron fist than coach cupcake?

They still went on December slides under BP, just like they did last year with Wade, and they still didn't get out of their first playoff game with BP, just like they didn't get out of theirs with Wade.

The only other measurable that is accurate would be regular season record and in his one full season as HC Phillips had a better record than BP did.

This is what makes me smile the biggest about all these people who think that iron fisted, screaming, take control kind of guys are some how going to magically change things. BP was that kind of guy and when he was here, with many of these exact same players, they still had the same penalties, mental errors, and late season slumps that they've had under Wade so I'm not sure exactly what all the screaming, cutting, threatening, and being a hard *** actually accomplished in terms of wins.

But I guess it sure did make BP a lot more funny and cool to listen to in press conferances.


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BraveHeartFan;2400301 said:
The only other measurable that is accurate would be regular season record and in his one full season as HC Phillips had a better record than BP did.

Only because Wade got to inherit a full season of the All Pro QB that Parcells groomed.

We've seen what Wade and Garrett's team looks like without said quarterback the last 3 weeks. They ain't going to the playoffs without him, like Parcells did three separate times, they're coaching a team to the worst record in the NFL.

Garrett should have taken the HC coaching job when he was deemed a genius by the media after taking over an offense that was already one of the Top 5 NFL. Now that he's shown his true colors without Romo, it might be a while before he gets another offer.

Chocolate Lab

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InmanRoshi;2400325 said:
Only because Wade got to inherit a full season of the All Pro QB that Parcells groomed.

We've seen what Wade and Garrett's team looks like without said quarterback the last 3 weeks. They ain't going to the playoffs without him, like Parcells did three separate times, they're coaching a team to the worst record in the NFL.

What an absurd, over-the-top statement.


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InmanRoshi;2400325 said:
Only because Wade got to inherit a full season of the All Pro QB that Parcells groomed.

We've seen what Wade and Garrett's team looks like without said quarterback the last 3 weeks. And they ain't going to the playoffs without him, like Parcells did three seperate times. Quite the contrary, they've shown that if they don't have a Top 5 NFL quarterback to bail them out, they're coaching a team to the worst record in the NFL.

3 times in 4 years? Really? Which three would that be?

First season 10-6... playoffs and WC loss.

Second season 6-10...no playoffs.

Third season 9-7...no playoffs as we faded down the stretch and cost ourselves the playoffs.

Fourth Season 9-7...made the playoffs after another late season fade and lost in the WC round again.

So, no, he didn't make it to the playoffs on three seperate occassions without Romo. He made it to the playoffs once without him, his first season here, and then once with him after he FINALLY put him in the starting lineup.

Is it Wade's fault that BP waited until nearly the half way point of the 06 season to put Romo in? No. BP did that to himself by going with Drew for that long.

If BP was here right now, instead of Wade, with all the same injuries and so forth we've went through the last month plus you'd be screaming for BP's head right now, just the same, cause we'd have still been the same 1-2 through that stretch without Romo.

Bob Sacamano

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wileedog;2400188 said:
And you are misunderstanding my point.

I'm not 'pining' for Bill to have stayed, although I think we would have been 1000x better off if he was the GM of Dallas and not Miami right now. Nor am I saying that Parcells the Dallas version was a brilliant Xs and O's guy who consistently outthunk the guy with the headsets on the other side. He didn't.

And neither does Wade. Or Garret so far for that matter.

But Parcells brought all of the other intangibles that a HC needs to bring. He wisely reshaped the organization, set the ground rules down and enforced them. Problem players were quickly moved. lack of effort like the Jenkins mishap were not tolerated. If the team didn't have natural locker room leaders, yes some of the older "Parcell's Guys" were brought in to help provide that (why this was seen as a negative I never understood).

He wasn't perfect by any stretch, but Wade brings NOTHING to the table except supposed knowledge of the 3-4, and now his lack of discipline is threatening to undo a lot of the GOOD things that Parcells accomplished here.

That's the point. Not anything to do with playoff wins, which makes no sense to use as a measuring stick because it ignores everything Bill DID do for this franchise vs. everything Wade hasn't and wont.




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BraveHeartFan;2400346 said:
3 times in 4 years? Really? Which three would that be?

First season 10-6... playoffs and WC loss.

Second season 6-10...no playoffs.

Third season 9-7...no playoffs as we faded down the stretch and cost ourselves the playoffs.

Fourth Season 9-7...made the playoffs after another late season fade and lost in the WC round again.

So, no, he didn't make it to the playoffs on three seperate occassions without Romo. He made it to the playoffs once without him, his first season here, and then once with him after he FINALLY put him in the starting lineup.

Is it Wade's fault that BP waited until nearly the half way point of the 06 season to put Romo in? No. BP did that to himself by going with Drew for that long.

If BP was here right now, instead of Wade, with all the same injuries and so forth we've went through the last month plus you'd be screaming for BP's head right now, just the same, cause we'd have still been the same 1-2 through that stretch without Romo.

It's hard to disagree with the results of how Parcells groomed Romo. They pretty much speak for themselves.

I stand corrected. He only went to the playoffs once without Tony Romo. He had winning seasons two out of three years. A far cry from what we've seen out of Wade and Garrett without Tony Romo these last three weeks.

Bob Sacamano

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I can't believe that anyone thinks last year was Wade Phillips' doing

last year we had Tony Sparano on the offensive staff, along w/ Garrett, and all that talent, that's what drove our team, while our D just played prevent all year