FWST Blog: Romo wearing bigger cast, still not talking


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big dog cowboy;2359214 said:
If he could have played yesterday he would have been in there. Same for this week. He should have lost the soft tag after the beat down he got in Arizona. Dude stood there and took shot after shot and kept coming back for more.

:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:


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DABOYZ;2359730 said:
The simple fact is "NO ONE" on this team has stepped up like a leader should. This is why we have all the problems we have been having.

The attitude that Romo had after the Bengals game (A why is everyone so upset after we won mentality) is what has many of us questioning his leadership qualities.

After watching the last two games it is only evident that this entire team is made up of followers. The players have all taken on the mentality of the Head Coach and what appeared to be an "oh well" kind of attitude.

Romo isn't the only problem on this team. But as someone once told me if you aren't going to be part of the solution....then you must be part of the problem. The same can be said for every player and coach in the locker room.

How freaking clueless are you dude??

Romo is part of the problem???

This team would be 2-14 with Brad at QB for the season. With Romo, we have a fighting chance, without Romo we have no chance.

I consider a player that is so important to his team that the team simply cannot win without him, NOT PART OF THE PROBLEM.


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Beast_from_East;2361797 said:
How freaking clueless are you dude??

Romo is part of the problem???

This team would be 2-14 with Brad at QB for the season. With Romo, we have a fighting chance, without Romo we have no chance.

I consider a player that is so important to his team that the team simply cannot win without him, NOT PART OF THE PROBLEM.

Hey, Beast....Ummmm you with me bud?? You might want to read the entire post before making an *** out of yourself. Remember the talk about LEADERSHIP!? Okay, well maybe your not sure what I meant.

You could say that ROMO LEADS BY EXAMPLE, right?

Wrong, little buddy. A lead by example type of leader wouldn't allow his personal life to take control of the one thing that makes him millions of $$$ now would it.

Is he the VOCAL leader? Ummm, No!

Okay so is he a take charge type of leader. Ummm, not from what I have seen. But maybe you know better.

Okay now that we are on this subject what type of leader is TR?? Please tell me.


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DABOYZ;2361807 said:
Hey, Beast....Ummmm you with me bud?? You might want to read the entire post before making an *** out of yourself. Remember the talk about LEADERSHIP!? Okay, well maybe your not sure what I meant.

You could say that ROMO LEADS BY EXAMPLE, right?

Wrong, little buddy. A lead by example type of leader wouldn't allow his personal life to take control of the one thing that makes him millions of $$$ now would it.

Is he the VOCAL leader? Ummm, No!

Okay so is he a take charge type of leader. Ummm, not from what I have seen. But maybe you know better.

Okay now that we are on this subject what type of leader is TR?? Please tell me.
When I was in the Air Force, I was REALLY good at what I did. I knew more than my superiors' superiors and was sought out by anyone seeking knowledge. I could do the work of two of my peers and still put out a better product. But I kept being passed up for positions of authority for my peers, who were clearly not on my level as far as production goes. Finally, I got fed up and talked to my weapons officer, who was a Capt (I was an E-3 at the time).

He told me, "yes, I realize that you are considerably more capable than A1C whoever, everyone knows that. But you aren't a leader." I responded with, "that's not true at all, I lead by example. I'm just not in other people's faces or making a big deal out of everything" To which he responded, "No, that makes you inspiring to work with. Everybody sees your work ethic and ability, and it inspires them to match you, which does indeed make for much better work, but that's not all a leader does. A leader must correct things when they are wrong, help when people need it, take control and adjust the situation when it needs to be adjusted and praise when deserved. An inspirational worker makes a better product. A leader makes a better team."

We went on and he told me (paraphrasing) that most teams need both. A superstar and a leader. Somebody can be both (Tom Brady and Peyton Manning are). By this definition, I can't label Romo a leader, though I think he's an inspiration to the Cowboys.


The Duke
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firehawk350;2361962 said:
When I was in the Air Force, I was REALLY good at what I did. I knew more than my superiors' superiors and was sought out by anyone seeking knowledge. I could do the work of two of my peers and still put out a better product. But I kept being passed up for positions of authority for my peers, who were clearly not on my level as far as production goes. Finally, I got fed up and talked to my weapons officer, who was a Capt (I was an E-3 at the time).

He told me, "yes, I realize that you are considerably more capable than A1C whoever, everyone knows that. But you aren't a leader." I responded with, "that's not true at all, I lead by example. I'm just not in other people's faces or making a big deal out of everything" To which he responded, "No, that makes you inspiring to work with. Everybody sees your work ethic and ability, and it inspires them to match you, which does indeed make for much better work, but that's not all a leader does. A leader must correct things when they are wrong, help when people need it, take control and adjust the situation when it needs to be adjusted and praise when deserved. An inspirational worker makes a better product. A leader makes a better team."

We went on and he told me (paraphrasing) that most teams need both. A superstar and a leader. Somebody can be both (Tom Brady and Peyton Manning are). By this definition, I can't label Romo a leader, though I think he's an inspiration to the Cowboys.
Ah, so what Romo really needs to do is lead the team in a cheer.

Hip hip hooray. Hip hip hooray.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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DABOYZ;2361465 said:
Thanks for making our team a three ring circus WADE!!!

How is Romo's cast an example of Wade making the team a circus.

Direct your anger towards those making it a circus. Namely Jerry Jones and his partners in crime, the media.


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Hostile;2361982 said:
Ah, so what Romo really needs to do is lead the team in a cheer.

Hip hip hooray. Hip hip hooray.
If it works:)

Either way, no, it's not about cheering or making a big deal out of things. You don't have to yell to command attention and respect. If Romo can manage to be a leader without yelling or jumping around, more power to him. Some people have that ability. But sitting on the bench sulking is the exact opposite of what a leader does.


Double Trouble
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I don't ever recall ever seeing Staubach, Elway, Aikman or any other great leader sitting on the bench with their head down when things go wrong.

He needs to talk to other players, coaches, look at pictures, whatever, just don't sit there like you're about to cry. It makes him look weak, and his teammates have to notice it.


Hoping to be half the man Tom Landry was.
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People on this thread make a good point. I love Romo but I would loved to have seen him over talking to the players when they came off the field. Giving people a bit of hell when they made a stupid play (Adams comes to mind). He tends to sit by himself on the bench which is fine for most people on a team.

But a QB is part coach out there and all leader. Everyone around him needs to believe that he believes. Especially if he is playing. He doesn't have to be a cheerleader, but it would be good to see him do what Brady does and go and let someone know if they mess up.


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PA Cowboy Fan;2361727 said:
I agree. I like Tony but someone on this team needs to take charge and he's supposed to be the leader.

he has been leading this team to vicotry for the past 2 years.

You should have figured that out on Sunday if you did not know it already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Old Fashioned
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firehawk350;2361992 said:
If it works:)

Either way, no, it's not about cheering or making a big deal out of things. You don't have to yell to command attention and respect. If Romo can manage to be a leader without yelling or jumping around, more power to him. Some people have that ability. But sitting on the bench sulking is the exact opposite of what a leader does.
