FWST Blog: Wade says Ellis remains starter


What's it going to be then, eh?
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41gy#;2406301 said:
I don't like Phillips' wishy-washy approach to this, either. He comes out and raves about Spencer and tells everyone that he is going to be playing more on first and second down. He played more in the last game, but I forgot the snaps. Then, he comes out and says that 'Ellis is still the starter'.

And we have no assurance that he wasn't told to coddle Ellis. I have no trouble seeing Ellis whining to Jerry Jones and in an effort to appease him and his delicate sensibilities that Wade Phillips was directed to ease the blow via the media.

It looks like he is taking care of the baby to me. Especially, when you think about Matt Mosley's report.

Mosley reported that Ellis and Tank Johnson, allegedly, ran to Jerry Jones and complained about the way they 'were being used'. Ellis is reported to have complained about the way Phillips was using him. Ellis sings to the media like a parrot when the cameras are off.

Did he run back to Jerry again? Did he cry to Phillips?

He complained back in camp when Spencer started getting more reps.

We'll see what the break down is on the playing time. It's Phillips' butt that is on the line. He better let Spencer take that job, because in my opinion, Spencer's development is going to be a critcal factor in this team's success, not only now, but in the future.

Given Ellis' history of feminine hysterics, I would not fault Phillips for being "wishy-washy", if he indeed elected to keep Ellis as the starter on his own.


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Rampage;2406378 said:
Philips is too loyal to players to be a head coach.

Jerry Jones in his role of GM/Owner is far too involved IMO. He needs to allow the coaches to do their job and run the team as they see fit. And if they cannot succeed with their own decisions, react accordingly. That should be his role, not getting involved in actual playing time decisions. Otherwise, he needs to simply don the coach headset as well.


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Starting is an act of symbolism as well...

Anthony Spencer shold be starting, as a symbol that he is now the otuside linebacker that Dallas will rely on, not Greg Ellis... That is the bottom line..


Messenger to the football Gods
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Teague31;2408041 said:
another dumb move by a dumb coach.

Straighten me out here. Coach Wade or I really am the coach, Jerry jones?


What's it going to be then, eh?
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Seven;2408569 said:
Straighten me out here. Coach Wade or I really am the coach, Jerry jones?

It is the ostrich syndrome. It is easier to blame the notoriously weak willed coach than the proven meddling owner.

It is a bit like a rape victim. Sometimes people blame the victim. Sometimes they blame the rapist. Often they say she asked for it.

Bob Sacamano

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BigDFan5;2407639 said:
Yes loses playing time

Yet stash has said he didnt care if Ellis lost every single snap but one

See stash would be ok if Spencer started and played 45 snaps and Ellis played 15

But he isnt ok With Ellis playing 1 play and Spencer getting 59.

He is just looking to bash, you used to be able to recognize things like this bob. Surprised I had to explain it

you just don't understand

it's Wade's weak-minded attitude that is the problem here, so Ellis is the starter in name only? what kind of weak sauce is that?

it's what took so long for Wade to sit Brad Johnson

it's why Flozell Adams has to play w/ one good arm


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Seven;2407976 said:
I love how kids alwasys fall back on my job. It's got everything to do with an athlete starting 1 game. Oh and when I see Anthony, I'll be sure to ask him.

Should I do that before the autograph question?

Not my problem if this is beyond your grasp. I tried to dumb it down in terms you might grasp. I don't think I can make it much clearer.

Seven said:
Quid pro quo. I think Wade knows just a smidge more than you. Forgot that with all the holier than now agenda driven splooge over a 1 game "start".

I wouldn't say that. I knew Brad Johnson sucked weeks ago. Wade needed Jerry to tell him at halftime last week.

Seven said:
Psssst. ONE play.

Pssstt. Let's sit Romo for the first one too. It's just ONE play.

Seven said:
Like your going to convince me you CAN figure. Yeah. Right.

I don't need to convince you of anything. You don't matter to me. You can keep your opinion and I'll keep mine.

Seven said:
You have nothing. NOTHING. Except for the job comparison thingy. Which I still can't figure into the equation.

I must have missed the part where it was up to you.


Messenger to the football Gods
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stasheroo;2408586 said:
Not my problem if this is beyond your grasp. I tried to dumb it down in terms you might grasp. I don't think I can make it much clearer.

We all know your posts are "dumbed down". It's expected. It's .........you.

Dude . Bring something to the table. I'll give ya five bucks.

stasheroo;2408586 said:
I wouldn't say that. I knew Brad Johnson sucked weeks ago. Wade needed Jerry to tell him at halftime last week.

Jerry the "GM" had to inform Wade? Are you dumbing down again?

stasheroo;2408586 said:
Pssstt. Let's sit Romo for the first one too. It's just ONE play.

OK. You in charge of bringing the Trojan Horse? Mayhem will surely ensue...........

stasheroo;2408586 said:
I don't need to convince you of anything.

.........and a damn fine job you're doing. Thanks!!

stasheroo;2408586 said:
I must have missed the part where it was up to you.

It was in between my job reference thingy your so fond of and that it had any relevance to an athlete's performance and you dumbing something down.

Dumbed it down a smidge too much, did ya?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Seven;2408591 said:
We all know your posts are "dumbed down". It's expected. It's .........you.

Like I said, not dumbed down enough for you to follow.

Seven said:
Dude . Bring something to the table. I'll give ya five bucks.

I've 'brought' plenty already. Not my fault you can't read. And I accept Paypal for that 5 bucks.

Seven said:
Jerry the "GM" had to inform Wade? Are you dumbing down again?

Again, who started him for three weeks? That wasn't me. That was your hero.

Seven said:
OK. You in charge of bringing the Trojan Horse? Mayhem will surely ensue...........

Here's the key point you won't touch. It's OK for Ellis to be a 'token starter' and it's no big deal.

But apply the same 'one play' theory with Romo and it suddenly is a big deal. Funny how that works?

Seven said:
.........and a damn fine job you're doing. Thanks!!

I'm not a miracle worker.

Seven said:
It was in between my job reference thingy your so fond of and that it had any relevance to an athlete's performance and you dumbing something down.

Dumbed it down a smidge too much, did ya?

I guess you'll just have to keep cooking the fries for the rest of your career then, since you can't figure out how this whole incentive/job advancement thing works.

But to you it's 'no big deal' anyway.


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There are 53 starters on this team...

now that we settled that lets all have donuts and dr pepper.


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stasheroo;2405629 said:
Yeah, as long as Ellis' feelings don't get hurt, trot him out there for his token appearance as a 'starter'.

That way he won't get mad at Wade.

That's the whole problem with this team. Wade is more worried about hurting a players feelings than making them compete and letting the best man win. This happened last year with Julius Jones and Marion Barber. Probably happening with Proctor and Holland too. Wade should never be a head coach. Jerry blew it again.

Jimmy Johnson and Bill Parcells have to be laughing themselves to sleep at night.