FWST Blog: Wade says Ellis remains starter


If I'm so pretty, why am I available?
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Terence Newman700;2405598 said:
that makes no sense.....if hes playing on first and second how is ellis a starter?.....does he mean just the title?

i hate wade....its obvious ellis is a cancer, to the D, not just with his mouth but with his play along with Henry, and he only cares about feelings then winning...cant wait to hear the day hes fired

It makes perfect sense. Wade is a wuss.

28 Joker

28 Joker
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I don't like Phillips' wishy-washy approach to this, either. He comes out and raves about Spencer and tells everyone that he is going to be playing more on first and second down. He played more in the last game, but I forgot the snaps. Then, he comes out and says that 'Ellis is still the starter'.

It looks like he is taking care of the baby to me. Especially, when you think about Matt Mosley's report.

Mosley reported that Ellis and Tank Johnson, allegedly, ran to Jerry Jones and complained about the way they 'were being used'. Ellis is reported to have complained about the way Phillips was using him. Ellis sings to the media like a parrot when the cameras are off.

Did he run back to Jerry again? Did he cry to Phillips?

He complained back in camp when Spencer started getting more reps.

We'll see what the break down is on the playing time. It's Phillips' butt that is on the line. He better let Spencer take that job, because in my opinion, Spencer's development is going to be a critcal factor in this team's success, not only now, but in the future.

Bob Sacamano

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I don't think that's it's just players running to Jerry, Wade is a vet-1st guy

you all saw the indecision to bench Brad Johnson

28 Joker

28 Joker
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Bob Sacamano;2406304 said:
I don't think that's it's just players running to Jerry, Wade is a vet-1st guy

you all saw the indecision to bench Brad Johnson

You are probably right about it. Wade seems to prefer the vets, to a fault, sometimes. I was hoping Newman would replace Henry, but it isn't going to happen.

Spencer got 39 plays and Ellis got 31.

Spencer needs to play much more than that, imo. However, it is a start. The playing time should be heavily in Spencer's favor. Perhaps, Wade is in the process of getting Spencer the snaps he needs and deserves. Ellis has not played very well when you look at all 9 games.

You have to get Spencer in on the 4-2-5 and dime as well. He has to get some of those reps, too.


Just taking it easy
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Hostile;2405602 said:
Get all three of them on the field at the same time. I don't care if you have to move Ellis to DE again to do it.

I agree and make sure you tell Ellis he is showcasing his talent for a chance to play for someone else next year


Well-Known Member
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Is Wade Phillips this dumb?

Someone please bash this mans head with a shovel..He is off His rockers:bang2:

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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41gy#;2406301 said:
I don't like Phillips' wishy-washy approach to this, either. He comes out and raves about Spencer and tells everyone that he is going to be playing more on first and second down. He played more in the last game, but I forgot the snaps. Then, he comes out and says that 'Ellis is still the starter'.
What people aren't getting, or don't want to get, is that Wade never said Spencer would start. Spencer and Ellis were told by the coaches that Spencer was going to play more on first and second downs, and the press then reported that Anthony was taking Ellis' place. But Wade never said that.

So it's not like Wade came out and said one thing and then changed his mind.

And if you saw the way Wade answered the question when he was asked about Spencer starting at the PC, he gave a very curt, irritated response of "No" and then turned away. I got the idea he was angry that the players told the press what they were planning. Looked to me like either they never planned to start Spencer in the first place or he wanted to keep it a secret that Spencer was starting and was irritated that the press found out about it.


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So Spencer was allegedly almost unblockable against New York but we're keeping Ellis the starter.

This is what we pay our coaches to do, apparently. Continue making stupid decisions and finding ways to keep our young playmakers like Jones and Spencer off the field.



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Chocolate Lab;2406721 said:
What people aren't getting, or don't want to get, is that Wade never said Spencer would start. Spencer and Ellis were told by the coaches that Spencer was going to play more on first and second downs, and the press then reported that Anthony was taking Ellis' place. But Wade never said that.

So it's not like Wade came out and said one thing and then changed his mind.

I'm not really concerned over what Wade 'said' at all. But more what he did - or failed to do.

Spencer's obviously playing better and he should be playing more than Ellis. And by virtue of being 'the guy who plays more', he should therefore be the starter. But rather than move the better player into a starting role, Phillips would rather not ruffle Ellis feathers.

Chocolate Lab said:
And if you saw the way Wade answered the question when he was asked about Spencer starting at the PC, he gave a very curt, irritated response of "No" and then turned away. I got the idea he was angry that the players told the press what they were planning. Looked to me like either they never planned to start Spencer in the first place or he wanted to keep it a secret that Spencer was starting and was irritated that the press found out about it.

How long would such a 'secret' starter have lasted anyway? One play?

I think in your rush to make excuses for Wade, some weak 'theories' arise.

Again, my problem is with the fact that this staff is either too stubborn or too stupid to make a necessary change.

Take your pick of those two options.

And then decide why they're not making that change.


Well-Known Member
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This move deserves a karate chop blow to Wade's adam's apple...I'm sick and tired of this bull. I wanna see Henry and Greg Ellis off the field... Oh, and Proctor can join them on the bench as well...


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stasheroo;2406753 said:
I'm not really concerned over what Wade 'said' at all. But more what he did - or failed to do.

Spencer's obviously playing better and he should be playing more than Ellis. And by virtue of being 'the guy who plays more', he should therefore be the starter. But rather than move the better player into a starting role, Phillips would rather not ruffle Ellis feathers.

How long would such a 'secret' starter have lasted anyway? One play?

I think in your rush to make excuses for Wade, some weak 'theories' arise.

Again, my problem is with the fact that this staff is either too stubborn or too stupid to make a necessary change.

Take your pick of those two options.

And then decide why they're not making that change.

I love how Roy Williams isn't even starting as the number 2 receiver yet....

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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stasheroo;2406753 said:
I'm not really concerned over what Wade 'said' at all. But more what he did - or failed to do.
What did he fail to do?

Spencer's obviously playing better and he should be playing more than Ellis.
And he did play more last Sunday, and he reportedly will play even more going forward.

Does it really matter that much who's on the field the first play of the game? Really?

And by virtue of being 'the guy who plays more', he should therefore be the starter. But rather than move the better player into a starting role, Phillips would rather not ruffle Ellis feathers.
Total speculation on your part.

How long would such a 'secret' starter have lasted anyway? One play?
This is just like every coach does in the NFL with injuries and trying to hide whether a guy will play or not. Sure, the team will know 30 minutes before kickoff if a player will be active or not, but all coaches still do it. Why?

Why did Jeff Fisher hide that Vince Young was making his first start against us in 2004? Maybe it's stupid, but all coaches do it.

I think in your rush to make excuses for Wade, some weak 'theories' arise.

Again, my problem is with the fact that this staff is either too stubborn or too stupid to make a necessary change.

Take your pick of those two options.

And then decide why they're not making that change.

What excuse did I make for Wade? I don't think he needs any excuses in this particular case. I think he has his flaws to be sure. But that doesn't mean everything he does is wrong, either. Sorry for pointing that out.

In this case, I don't think it means a hill of beans whether one player is the "starter". What matters is how much they play.


Messenger to the football Gods
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Chocolate Lab;2405619 said:
So he plays the first play of the game... Big deal.

The important thing is that Spencer plays more snaps.



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Chocolate Lab;2406793 said:
What did he fail to do?

He failed to award the starting job to the more deserving player.

Chocolate Lab said:
And he did play more last Sunday, and he reportedly will play even more going forward.

As he should. And by virtue of that fact, he should start.

Chocolate Lab said:
Does it really matter that much who's on the field the first play of the game? Really?

Apparently it does. Apparently, it matters a lot to Ellis and Wade. For Wade, it's enough to keep things status quo so he doesn't hurt Greg's tender feelings.

Chocloate Lab said:
Total speculation on your part.

As soon as you can give me a better, more rational reason, you can say that. Fact is that nobody can come up with a good reason why Spencer shouldn't be starting so it gets flipped to the 'what does it matter?' category.

Chocolate Lab said:
This is just like every coach does in the NFL with injuries and trying to hide whether a guy will play or not. Sure, the team will know 30 minutes before kickoff if a player will be active or not, but all coaches still do it. Why?

I think it's apples to oranges. If they're trying to hide whether a guy will play at all, that's one thing. But whether a guy will be out there on the first snap or not isn't much of a tactical advantage, is it?

Chocolate Lab said:
What excuse did I make for Wade? I don't think he needs any excuses in this particular case. I think he has his flaws to be sure. But that doesn't mean everything he does is wrong, either. Sorry for pointing that out.

Your 'secret starter' theory was a good one. And if you'd like to list all the good Wade has done around here, I'd be interested to see it.

Start with item #1 on his 'to-do list' "Fix the Defense"

I guess he hasn't gotten to that one yet?

Chocolate Lab said:
In this case, I don't think it means a hill of beans whether one player is the "starter". What matters is how much they play.

Yeah, what do the starters matter?

Let's trot Brad out there again, whether Romo's healthy or not.

I mean what does it really matter, right?

Wouldn't want to hurt Brad's feeling by not letting him start, would we?


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Seven;2406807 said:

So if it doesn't matter, what's the harm in having Spencer start?

Since he's going to play more snaps anyway, why not the first one?


This should be good...



Cowboys Make me Drink
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Some people get waaaay to caught up in the title starter

If Spencer started and Ellis got the same or more snaps these same people would be railing on the subject

Its not who starts a game it is who finishes


Junior College Transfer
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Though Wade is a world-class clown, Jerra might have a hand in keeping Ellis a "starter."
jerra is loyal to a fault and wants Ellis to go out as a 'starter.'


Outta bounds
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stasheroo;2406812 said:
So if it doesn't matter, what's the harm in having Spencer start?

Since he's going to play more snaps anyway, why not the first one?


This should be good...


Let me ask you this: Would you rather have Spencer play the first play of the game and then Ellis get 80% of the defensive snaps or would you rather Ellis play the first play and then Spencer get 80% of the defensive snaps?