FWST: Team source says Garrett likely choice


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RCowboyFan;3774176 said:
Yeah, OK, I guess Arizona and Skins are not supposed to think like that. Especially Cowboys team without Starting QB and their best WR. :cool:

The Cowboys 2nd (and probably 3rd) QB is easily better than the QB Arizona threw out there, and the Cowboys offense is still loaded even without Dez. Let's have some intellectual honesty and not all pretend he was throwing some JV team out there against the Cards.

Truthfully, even after being down 14-0 I fully expected that this team should have won by at least 2 TDs. Arizona is that terrible.


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ChldsPlay;3774271 said:
The Cowboys 2nd (and probably 3rd) QB is easily better than the QB Arizona threw out there, and the Cowboys offense is still loaded even without Dez. Let's have some intellectual honesty and not all pretend he was throwing some JV team out there against the Cards.

Truthfully, even after being down 14-0 I fully expected that this team should have won by at least 2 TDs. Arizona is that terrible.
You must have all the confidence in the world in Stephen Mcgee.
Where does that come from?
I mean Mcgee didn't have an ounce of experience playing in a real NFL game.
Garrett did a great job of getting the team back in the game after a terrible start. Winning by 2 td's???

Chocolate Lab

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bysbox1;3774000 said:
Here is my problem with the move, besides Garrett's lack of expience which really bothers me . . . I could fill up a whole page talking about that, but let's stick with the topic . . . .

Jerry the GM will interview one or two candidates just to save some face with the NFL (or the Rooney rule). Then he'll anoint Garrett head coach without doing any due diligence. This is a recipe for failure. I mean at least give Gruden, Harbaugh, Fisher, Holmgren, Rivera, Chudzinski, Nolan, Capers, etc. a shot. How do you know if Garrett is the best if you don't interview anyone else? You are just assuming at this point. Maybe one of those retreads has a lot of great ideas for this team that will benefit in the future. As much as some hated Parcells, he did do a lot of good things here and there were a lot of benefits having him here. If not we may have wallowed through a long string of 5-11 seasons. But you never know if one of these guys will shine if you never bring them in and Jerry puts every candidate through a proper process . . . even Garrett.

I would be fine promoting Garrett if Jerry interviews 10 or 12 guys (including Garrett in a formal interview) and at the end of the day he comes back with Garrett on top. That means he put his best foot forward and looked at all options. That would mean he looked at every detail and really figured out what's best for the team. But if he just interviews one or two token guys and just promotes Red, then that's stupidity beyond stupidity. It's that lack of attention to detail from management that has this team wallowing in mediocrity year after year.

On top of it all, for all those not wanting a retread head coach, when you really look at it, who do you think Garret is? He's a guy that Jerry feels comfortable with so the same old same old can continue with the Cowboys. Why bring in someone like a Gruden or even a Harbaugh who may shake up the existing culture at Valley Ranch? Because anyone else will bring in a new system, and we can't have that. We'll just keep reeling in the same old guys . . . the only difference between Garrett and a Campo or Switzer is that he was a player. Some articles say he was a player/coach when he was backup QB here. And Garrett and his family is deeply entrenched in Valley Ranch. Bottom line is Garrett is really just another retread from the past disgused as a new young coach. It's really the same old system that has not worked for the past decade. Don't give me this discipline/attention to detail/he wasn't here the whole time garbage. He's from the same system whether you want to admit it or not. And you can bet you bottom dollar that most of the existing coaching staff will stay in tact, even though the defense looks putrid and Garrett could use a play caller. It will be the same old thing, just in a different wrapping.

Then if this team implodes for the next 2-3 seasons, the same people who think Garrett will be next Lombardi or Walsh will want his head on a platter and thrown out of Dallas. But in reality it will be the dysfunction of management and the process that's at fault, not Garrett. It will be Jerry Jone's fault for not paying attention to detail, bringing in as many candidates as possible, and following a proper interview process instead of just hiring the "family guy." It will be Jerry's fault for not overhauling the staff after such a piss-poor year. If Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, yet expecting different results, then Jerry Jones is totally insane. He keeps doing the same things over and over. We'll probably see more medocrity and more of the same garbage for years to come. I hope not, but Jerry Jones gives little reason to believe anything will change. And Garrett will be the fall guy when Jerry is really at fault . . . .


I will reserve my judgement on this one until a name is offically announced. Maybe Jerry will surprise all and interview a lot of candidates. Maybe he will do this the right way. Make Garrett interview for the job the way it should be done. And if he ends up on top, then Garrett should be the guy. I would be fine if it went down that way. But a pedestrian 4-4 record plus the fact that he was part of this mess to begin with should not make Red a shoe in to get this job. Garrett should not be given a free pass. He should go through the interview process just like every other guy, and Jerry should bring in a lot of "other guys". Maybe Jerry will do this right. I have my serious doubts though.
Amen, my man.

One reason I never said "Absolutely do not hire Garrett" is that we don't even know who will be available yet. It's possible that every other good name would be off the market and RJ really would be the best choice. But apparently, Jerry isn't even going to see. He's already made his mind up... Around 1998 or so.

So ridiculous.

And yeah, this does show that Jerry wants as little change as possible. Looks like that NFC team official was right when he said Jerry didn't really want a real sheriff in here.

I do have to disagree with one thing you said, though. The hardcore RJ fans won't want him gone in a couple of years if we don't win big... They'll blame everything else from Jerry to the players to the assistant coaches.


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Aven8;3774180 said:
Post of the new year! I agree 100%, but unfortunatly a lot of the guys with the rose colored glasses think he can do no wrong! My fear has, and always will be making Jerry comfortable. I know this is his team, but he needs to be uncomfortable. This team usually shines when that feeling is in place.

I totally agree with you. Not only does Jerry need to feel uncomfortable so does this team and with Garrett the players can go into the offseason knowing what they can expect from their coach and feel COMFORTABLE.


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Chocolate Lab;3774451 said:
Amen, my man.

One reason I never said "Absolutely do not hire Garrett" is that we don't even know who will be available yet. It's possible that every other good name would be off the market and RJ really would be the best choice. But apparently, Jerry isn't even going to see. He's already made his mind up... Around 1998 or so.

So ridiculous.

And yeah, this does show that Jerry wants as little change as possible. Looks like that NFC team official was right when he said Jerry didn't really want a real sheriff in here.

I do have to disagree with one thing you said, though. The hardcore RJ fans won't want him gone in a couple of years if we don't win big... They'll blame everything else from Jerry to the players to the assistant coaches.

It really is a disgrace. The most backasswards organization strikes again. Interview other successful, high-profile coaching candidates for one of the most important jobs in the organization? Nonsense! I mean, who in American business operates that way?? Makes much more sense to narrow the candidates down to one and rush to judgment instead, a la David Buehler. Jason gets the job uncontested, and Jerry gets a meek, cheap, redheaded patsy who owes him everything and won't demand that he change the way he does business. Perfect.


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Chocolate Lab;3774451 said:
Amen, my man.

One reason I never said "Absolutely do not hire Garrett" is that we don't even know who will be available yet. It's possible that every other good name would be off the market and RJ really would be the best choice. But apparently, Jerry isn't even going to see. He's already made his mind up... Around 1998 or so.

So ridiculous.

And yeah, this does show that Jerry wants as little change as possible. Looks like that NFC team official was right when he said Jerry didn't really want a real sheriff in here.

I do have to disagree with one thing you said, though. The hardcore RJ fans won't want him gone in a couple of years if we don't win big... They'll blame everything else from Jerry to the players to the assistant coaches.

It's absolutely ridiculous. Jerry did exactly what I was afraid he would do. And the token Ray Sherman interview was just dumb on dumb on stupidity on stupidity.

And you are probably right about the hardcore RJ fans. I was just giving them benefit of the doubt. But the truth of the matter is the management system is totally broken and dysfunctional in Dallas. Until Jerry has an AA moment, realizes he's part of the problem, bring in a GM and step back . . . we will see more of this kind of mess.

I could not be more disgusted at this point. But it allows me to focus on other things besides the mess that is Dallas. I have a business to run and a big move coming up in a couple of years anyway. I know I won't be watching too many games anytime soon.


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All of the faux outrage in this thread is pretty funny. I'm no fan of JJ, but some of you need to see a therapist because you have some serious underlying issues with the guy that are effecting your posts. :laugh2:


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41gy#;3773917 said:
A Bryan Broaddus chat, a MacMahon chat, Clarance Hill...

Broaddus stated in a recent chat.."if they do something with Newman" when talking about draft needs.. MacMahon stated "maybe Newman".

If they drafted a CB in round 1, Newman could for sure be out the door and possibly off to a team like the Saints or Ravens.

Replacing Newman shouldn't be a top priority this year (IMO), but three different sources have listed him and Broaddus brought his name up in a chat. If the best player on the board is a CB, fine. However, do you want a rookie and this version of Mike Jenkins starting at CB next year? If Newman does leave, he will most likely end up with a playoff contender like the Saints or Ravens, like I stated. If they are looking at CBs (and they should do their homework), I hope to goodness that they are looking at Janoris Jenkins and not Prince Amukamara.


Broaddus stated that "some" in Valley Ranch view Montrae Holland as a stop gap at guard. I think that is crazy thinking.

Holland has been injury prone, couldn't get Proctor out of the lineup until Thanksgiving and then got hurt. He's not athletic enough. He's an expensive backup player and nothing more, imo. He isn't athletic, and he was in when Romo got hurt.

I was reading an old Ed Werder chat a while back, and he talked about the faction of excuse makers at Valley Ranch for Roy E. Williams vs the people who thought that Williams was overrated, ran poor routes, and didn't compete. Roy E. Williams has some backers at Valley Ranch, because they probably signed off on him and need him to succeed. Werder stated that Williams' backers blamed Romo for Williams' lack of success this year. It's just like iOwens, imo. Owens had backers at Valley Ranch who pointed the finger at Romo.

These are the type of people who need to be cleaned out at Valley Ranch, imo,.

Also, Werder stated that one of the last things Parcells told Jerry Jones was to be patient with Miles Austin, because he thought that he could be a number 1 WR. Obviously, Jerry Jones didn't listen or some in the organization, because the panicked and hurt this franchise with the Williams fiasco.

thanks for the clarification, its the decision makers behind the scenes that concern me most about the future success of the team, IMO, they've got to be more cold in their dealings with players, churn the roster and not be afraid to let guys go a little early, especially if they can still get draft picks in return. Of course all of this is contingent on their ability to acquire, develop, identify and obtain good, younger talent and quit swinging for the fences by paying a few players too much money and draft picks.


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bbgun;3774521 said:
It really is a disgrace. The most backasswards organization strikes again. Interview other successful, high-profile coaching candidates for one of the most important jobs in the organization? Nonsense! I mean, who in American business operates that way?? Makes much more sense to narrow the candidates down to one and rush to judgment instead, a la David Buehler. Jason gets the job uncontested, and Jerry gets a meek, cheap, redheaded patsy who owes him everything and won't demand that he change the way he does business. Perfect.
Large corporations typically promote from within without doing outside searches.


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bbgun;3774521 said:
It really is a disgrace. The most backasswards organization strikes again. Interview other successful, high-profile coaching candidates for one of the most important jobs in the organization? Nonsense! I mean, who in American business operates that way?? Makes much more sense to narrow the candidates down to one and rush to judgment instead, a la David Buehler. Jason gets the job uncontested, and Jerry gets a meek, cheap, redheaded patsy who owes him everything and won't demand that he change the way he does business. Perfect.

Most major corporations have a policy of promoting from within

You literally could not have picked a worse example


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This is Our Year;3774087 said:
Good hire if true, I'lll take it. The staff needs some major shakeup, but I like Red as the top guy.

You are being sarcastic right? Staff shakeup? The only thing you will see is may an OC coming in. Maybe another name or two. That's it. I can guarantee you The majority of the existing staff will be in place.

With the impending lockout, Jerry will want to make as few moves as possble (even though I doubt there will be no NFL football . . . too much money on the table). Garrett will just rubber stamp anything Jerry says at this point. And so it goes in the dysfunctional world called the Dallas Cowboys.


This is playing out in the worst possible way . . .


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theogt;3774542 said:
Large corporations typically promote from within without doing outside searches.

Only after they've bested several viable candidates from within. Unless you think Sherman or Campo were real threats for the top job, Garrett was only competing against himself. Has Jerry ever heard of "headhunters"?

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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The30YardSlant;3774535 said:
All of the faux outrage in this thread is pretty funny. I'm no fan of JJ, but some of you need to see a therapist because you have some serious underlying issues with the guy that are effecting your posts. :laugh2:

That's pretty funny coming from you. I actually had you on ignore because nobody has gone on more frothing rants than you in the last year or so. Your past outrage makes some posts in this thread look like a preschool milk and cookies party.


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bysbox1;3774558 said:
You are being sarcastic right? Staff shakeup? The only thing you will see is may an OC coming in. Maybe another name or two. That's it. I can guarantee you The majority of the existing staff will be in place.

With the impending lockout, Jerry will want to make as few moves as possble (even though I doubt there will be no NFL football . . . too much money on the table). Garrett will just rubber stamp anything Jerry says at this point. And so it goes in the dysfunctional world called the Dallas Cowboys.


This is playing out in the worst possible way . . .

I think you're naive if you assume JG wont look into other options on the defensive staff


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bbgun;3774563 said:
Only after they've bested several viable candidates from within. Unless you think Sherman or Campo were real threats for the top job, Garrett was only competing against himself. Has Jerry ever heard of "headhunters"?
There's typically a very clear cut line of succession, just as in this case.


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Chocolate Lab;3774566 said:
That's pretty funny coming from you. I actually had you on ignore because nobody has gone on more frothing rants than you in the last year or so. Your past outrage makes some posts in this thread look like a preschool milk and cookies party.

There's nothing to be angry about here. Had JG gone 1-7? Sure, but he didnt. He took a team that was getting crushed every week and made them very competative against a schedule full of playoff caliber teams


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theogt;3774542 said:
Large corporations typically promote from within without doing outside searches.

I don't know where you live, but here in St. Louis that's not true because most fear they will be sued. They will always post the position, and perfrom some interviews to see what's in the market. That's just good business anyway. There may be someone out there that's miles better than the in house guy.

I know I've been on interviews with larger companies where I knew in the interview that there were in house candidates, but they still did their due diligence and brought in other people. I've been hired for consulting positions before because I had more expertise and a fresh perspective than the "in house guy."

You see the hiring from within without interviewing from smaller companies with a much smaller corporate footprint. I had a friend of mine who owns a company who was going to just promote someone from within. I actually talked him into interviewing some outside candidates. You don't know what you will learn or find. It's just good business.


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bysbox1;3774580 said:
I don't know where you live, but here in St. Louis that's not true because most fear they will be sued. They will always post the position, and perfrom some interviews to see what's in the market. That's just good business anyway. There may be someone out there that's miles better than the in house guy.

I know I've been on interviews with larger companies where I knew in the interview that there were in house candidates, but they still did their due diligence and brought in other people. I've been hired for consulting positions before because I had more expertise and a fresh perspective than the "in house guy."

You see the hiring from within without interviewing from smaller companies with a much smaller corporate footprint. I had a friend of mine who owns a company who was going to just promote someone from within. I actually talked him into interviewing some outside candidates. You don't know what you will learn or find. It's just good business.
I'm speaking of senior management positions. You don't "post" an opening for CFO.

And I'm referring to Fortune 500 companies.