FWST: Team source says Garrett likely choice


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theebs;3774053 said:
stadium has been sold out all year and will continue to be.

This isnt buffalo, miami, san francisco, san diego, oakland, st.louis, detroit or jacksonville.

Sorry to burst your bubble.
Remember the later years of Landry and Tex? there were very few people showing up. and it was because we were losing. if this keeps up. Jerry will have problems selling tickets. people don't want to go cowboy stadium to watch the cowboys lose. we were 2 and 6 at home this year. SAD!


just trying to get better
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Shocking news.



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The30YardSlant;3773795 said:
1: Good choice IMO, Garrett has earned it. If not for two stupid player mistakes he would be 6-1 and could easily be 7-0. The same team was getting crushed under Wade.

2: The Rooney rule is literally the worst rule in American sports. Steam comes out of my ears thinking about it. It's bad for the game's image and insulting to minorities.

As a "minority" I couldn't agree more. If Mike Tomlin, Raheem Morris, and soon Leslie Frazier as well as Caldwell in Indy an formerly Singletary in SF could all become head coaches with basically no prior big time coaching experience, I don't see why the rule is needed.


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cowboyvic;3774060 said:
Remember the later years of Landry and Tex? there were very few people showing up. and it was because we were losing. if this keeps up. Jerry will have problems selling tickets. people don't want to go cowboy stadium to watch the cowboys lose. we were 2 and 6 at home this year. SAD!

False. The Cowboys were the only team in the NFL this year to sell out every ROAD game let alone home games.

People packed Texas Stadium to see Dave Campo and Quincy Carter. The Cowboys will have no problem selling tickets.

This is Our Year

Ohama, Kill, 52 is the Mike
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Good hire if true, I'lll take it. The staff needs some major shakeup, but I like Red as the top guy.


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casmith07;3774083 said:
False. The Cowboys were the only team in the NFL this year to sell out every ROAD game let alone home games.

People packed Texas Stadium to see Dave Campo and Quincy Carter. The Cowboys will have no problem selling tickets.
Wrong! the later Landry years were terrible. i know because i was there. they could not give away tickets in those days.and im talking about the Steve Pulluar, years.


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cowboyvic;3774088 said:
Wrong! the later Landry years were terrible. i know because i was there. they could not give away tickets in those days.and im talking about the Steve Pulluar, years.

Completely different era, and I wasn't talking about the Landry years - read the post, genius.


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FLcowboy;3774027 said:
Garrett is saddled with a backup quarterback, the loss of maybe his best receiver, a running back committee, a defensive backfield that maybe is the worst in the division, and a defensive coordinator plucked from the position coaches lineup. I'd say he's been pretty good at handling the cards he was dealt.

Agreed 100%..... why can't people grasp this?:bang2:


Stay Thirsty, My Friends
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SSGMIKE;3773637 said:
Really? Going 4-4 and struggle against 2 of the worst team in the league in the Cards and Skins..... Not sure he the answer, but Jerry probably make another right choice again with Garrett.... He need somebody for a puppet anyway......

Until the GM is change then the Boys can take the next step to the Super Bowl.....

Garrett is currently 4-3, not 4-4. There is the possibility that he will be 5-3 after this afternoon. You never know. Any given Sunday. And by the way, what evidence have you seen that Garrett will be a Jerry puppet? Didn't he march into Jerry's office and order Jerry to back him up on his punishment of MB3?

Why are there a bunch of people saying that Garrett is 4-4? The game hasn't even been played yet. It is sad that people expect (and hope) for a Cowboys loss.

The irony is that the same people that are criticizing Garrett and holding it against him for going 4-4 (even though he hasn't) are the same people that actually want us to go 4-4 so we get a better draft pick.


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AdamJT13;3773623 said:
Team source says Garrett likely choice to lead Cowboys

McClatchy Newspapers

IRVING, Texas - Jason Garrett will more than likely be named the Dallas Cowboys head coach, according to a high-ranking team source.

It can't happen now because the Cowboys must adhere to the "Rooney Rule" and interview at least one minority candidates.

(much more at link)


Not posted on the FWST site yet ...

Anyone on this board that didn't know this already? :confused:


Maple Leaf
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Beast_from_East;3773955 said:
I read the article and Coach Sherman is talking about how excited he is to interview for the HC job???

Is Sherman really this dumb???

Everybody and their uncle knows Jerry is interviewing him to satisfy the Rooney Rule, there is no chance in hell he is going to say, "I was going to go with Garrett, but Sherman just blew me away so he gets the job instead".

...Jerry is going to give the process a chance to work for him. Despite Garrett's record and Jerry's familiarity with him he would take the opportunity to interview serious candidates for the job, not just big name retreads, and give each candidate a chance to strut their stuff in a level playing field.

At the very least if you meet one candidate in person for the interview meet all the rest in the same environment. Not one guy in the office and the rest over the phone.


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SSGMIKE;3773728 said:
Good Points.... I hope he can handle Jerry also, that might be the key issue for Dallas success

Yes, this is a real concern; Jerry is already blustering all over the airways doing his best Al Haig "I'm in control now" impersonation.


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davidyee;3774129 said:
...Jerry is going to give the process a chance to work for him. Despite Garrett's record and Jerry's familiarity with him he would take the opportunity to interview serious candidates for the job, not just big name retreads, and give each candidate a chance to strut their stuff in a level playing field.

At the very least if you meet one candidate in person for the interview meet all the rest in the same environment. Not one guy in the office and the rest over the phone.

You're kidding, right?


Original Zoner (he's a good boy!)
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bysbox1;3774000 said:
I would be fine promoting Garrett if Jerry interviews 10 or 12 guys (including Garrett in a formal interview) and at the end of the day he comes back with Garrett on top. That means he put his best foot forward and looked at all options. That would mean he looked at every detail and really figured out what's best for the team. But if he just interviews one or two token guys and just promotes Red, then that's stupidity beyond stupidity. It's that lack of attention to detail from management that has this team wallowing in mediocrity year after year.

I feel that was a very good post.

The fact that the decision appears to have already been made, as some have been reporting on here and with the apparent interview process with Chryst, should give everyone here some pause.

If the reports are true, and Garrett has already been hired, then i agree with essentially everything written by bysbox1.

It is a sad commentary to consider that Jones simply decided that comfort level and his guidance were more important than considering the ideas and suggestions of a great many football minds available to him this offseason.

If the interview process going forward is nothing but lip service, and everyone knows it, then nothing at all has changed. Maybe a few extra wins with a weaker schedule.

Pathetic really.


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birdwells1;3773761 said:
What I'm saying is with our personell we should have handled those 2 easily especially Arizona.

Yeah, OK, I guess Arizona and Skins are not supposed to think like that. Especially Cowboys team without Starting QB and their best WR. :cool:


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bysbox1;3774000 said:
Here is my problem with the move, besides Garrett's lack of expience which really bothers me . . . I could fill up a whole page talking about that, but let's stick with the topic . . . .

Jerry the GM will interview one or two candidates just to save some face with the NFL (or the Rooney rule). Then he'll anoint Garrett head coach without doing any due diligence. This is a recipe for failure. I mean at least give Gruden, Harbaugh, Fisher, Holmgren, Rivera, Chudzinski, Nolan, Capers, etc. a shot. How do you know if Garrett is the best if you don't interview anyone else? You are just assuming at this point. Maybe one of those retreads has a lot of great ideas for this team that will benefit in the future. As much as some hated Parcells, he did do a lot of good things here and there were a lot of benefits having him here. If not we may have wallowed through a long string of 5-11 seasons. But you never know if one of these guys will shine if you never bring them in and Jerry puts every candidate through a proper process . . . even Garrett.

I would be fine promoting Garrett if Jerry interviews 10 or 12 guys (including Garrett in a formal interview) and at the end of the day he comes back with Garrett on top. That means he put his best foot forward and looked at all options. That would mean he looked at every detail and really figured out what's best for the team. But if he just interviews one or two token guys and just promotes Red, then that's stupidity beyond stupidity. It's that lack of attention to detail from management that has this team wallowing in mediocrity year after year.

On top of it all, for all those not wanting a retread head coach, when you really look at it, who do you think Garret is? He's a guy that Jerry feels comfortable with so the same old same old can continue with the Cowboys. Why bring in someone like a Gruden or even a Harbaugh who may shake up the existing culture at Valley Ranch? Because anyone else will bring in a new system, and we can't have that. We'll just keep reeling in the same old guys . . . the only difference between Garrett and a Campo or Switzer is that he was a player. Some articles say he was a player/coach when he was backup QB here. And Garrett and his family is deeply entrenched in Valley Ranch. Bottom line is Garrett is really just another retread from the past disgused as a new young coach. It's really the same old system that has not worked for the past decade. Don't give me this discipline/attention to detail/he wasn't here the whole time garbage. He's from the same system whether you want to admit it or not. And you can bet you bottom dollar that most of the existing coaching staff will stay in tact, even though the defense looks putrid and Garrett could use a play caller. It will be the same old thing, just in a different wrapping.

Then if this team implodes for the next 2-3 seasons, the same people who think Garrett will be next Lombardi or Walsh will want his head on a platter and thrown out of Dallas. But in reality it will be the dysfunction of management and the process that's at fault, not Garrett. It will be Jerry Jone's fault for not paying attention to detail, bringing in as many candidates as possible, and following a proper interview process instead of just hiring the "family guy." It will be Jerry's fault for not overhauling the staff after such a piss-poor year. If Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, yet expecting different results, then Jerry Jones is totally insane. He keeps doing the same things over and over. We'll probably see more medocrity and more of the same garbage for years to come. I hope not, but Jerry Jones gives little reason to believe anything will change. And Garrett will be the fall guy when Jerry is really at fault . . . .


I will reserve my judgement on this one until a name is offically announced. Maybe Jerry will surprise all and interview a lot of candidates. Maybe he will do this the right way. Make Garrett interview for the job the way it should be done. And if he ends up on top, then Garrett should be the guy. I would be fine if it went down that way. But a pedestrian 4-4 record plus the fact that he was part of this mess to begin with should not make Red a shoe in to get this job. Garrett should not be given a free pass. He should go through the interview process just like every other guy, and Jerry should bring in a lot of "other guys". Maybe Jerry will do this right. I have my serious doubts though.

Post of the new year! I agree 100%, but unfortunatly a lot of the guys with the rose colored glasses think he can do no wrong! My fear has, and always will be making Jerry comfortable. I know this is his team, but he needs to be uncomfortable. This team usually shines when that feeling is in place.


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If the decision makers think Garrett has done a great job as the interim coach then I have no problem with them taking the interim tag off of Garrett.
If Garrett has wowed them then why would we have a problem with that.

Dallas will go thru with the interview process as everyone has to, but if Garrett has shown thru 8 weeks that he has the right stuff I have a hard time believing that someone will come in here in an interview and show them something better.