I haven’t seen anything from this guy that suggest he can be a true #1 if Cowboys don’t retain Cooper.
i guess to each his own ....
Some players take time to develop more so, ..no one thought Terrell Owens would end up being a No.1 feature WR his very early years, much less
an eventual superstar. You just never know.
- Some players have a wall they have to work through, i think Gallup had his version this year. He was up and down and his golden opportunity was
the need to step up when Cooper was going thru his own struggling wall.
(And Coop was supposed to be one of the better WRs period in the NFL ..period)
- Gallup had the dropsies, had bouts with bad routes, but he also remains a factor with coming up with big play catches downfield even
with defenders still hanging upon him.
Though he's not always the smoothest looking athlete and be somewhat awkward when running with the ball in the open field,. he can create some
surprisingly big run after catches. And he has a get-up spring on jump fades in corner of end zone.
- i saw someone post recently and compare him to Terrence Williams- Twiill, which is wacky as Twill never had imposing traits to out physical and cling to deep balls with CBs hanging all over him the way Gallup does, ...Twill never had jump ball skills like Gallup does, and Anthony is still more hands catcher vs the body catcher than Twill was. and he is much better separating vs tight coverage CBS than Twill ever was- and while he has his share of struggles this year, he will (has) shown up far more than TWill did.
i frankly found the TWill comparisons ridiculously laughable..
- I think most starting WRs will and do have their share of pluses/minuses and breakup/slump games,
and i think he has the physical skill set tools and mentality to develop into an eventual featured WR. Gallup just needs to pull it altogether
on more of a every game basis to where his pluses will far out weight his minuses.