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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
My ladies sister gave it to us for Christmas. It sure beats deep frying with oil. The only hassle is that you need to move the pieces around or flip them a couple of times. Aside from that way less messy...
All your ladies have the same sister? And she gave all y'all just one gift? Looks like you got the best sisters in the family. I wouldn't give the other one any chicken.


Vet Min Plus
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The Phillips gets the best reviews on Amazon and America's Test Kitchen and they're proud of it but I got a birthday coming up this week and I am going to surprise me. I set my iPhone alarm for 10p with the topic "order Air Fryer" and plan on being knee walkin', commode huggin', bayin' at the moon drunk and will probably moon the bay as well. It will arrive and I will be surprised and thank myself for being so thoughtful and thinking of me on my birthday.

If it doesn't work well, I am gonna blame all y'all and I will be a year older and meaner and closer to that Curmudgeon Hall of Fame. No gold jacket, they make a windbreaker out of your lawn and a bust of you looking through your blinds.

Just don’t overload it and move the pieces around every 7-12 min or so.. The air needs to be able to circulate...


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I take it you’re not a fan? I love pot roast. When I have pot roast I also whip up a sauce to kick it up a notch. One pint of sour cream mixed with about 2/3 of a small can of tomato paste, salt and pepper to taste. Then add in a liitle of the liquid that the pot roast and veggies were cooked in. Just add enough liquid to get to the point where the sauce is pourable, but still thick. Pour a generous amount of sauce over the sliced meat, yummy.

Yes love Pot Roast but am more apt to eat it in the winter time. Not when it is mid upper 80s and humid as heck. Several types of food just don't go well in warm weather{least to me}. Your recipe sounds good, will have to try it next time.


Go Seahawks!!!
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Ended up with Beef Arracherra (grilled skirt steak) and then half of my wife's gilled tilapia. Gonna let this settle and have a bowl of Blue Bell Rocky Road ice cream.