Weak season finale to be honest. Some really nice scenes. Some really annoying ones, and some that.. were just a bit over the top for my tastes.
I liked the post Twins attack scenes with hound/Arya, and Roose looking over the battlements. Gives you a nice look at the devastation of the Stark army.
I found the Tyrion/Sansa scene enjoyable, but as a book reader I wonder at the reasoning behind it? Seems like they could have fit something more important in, instead of creating a scene not in the books that doesn't really do anything other than show Tyrion/Sansa get along.
Tywin/Joffery/Tyrion scene. This was fantastic. Joffery's final little "I AM NOT TIRED!!" as one last act of immature defiance was fantastic. I wish guards had been used to take him away instead of just his mother, would have added to the whole "Tywin is the real boss". The Pycelle vs Tyrion moment was enjoyable as well.
The Tywin/Tyrion scene was fantastic again. Charles Dance is the man and while the scene added a little bit of whitewashing to his character imo, it was still awesome.
Rat Cook story was done well. Good way to show the importance of breaking guest right. I'm glad Osha/Rickon are gone from Bran n Crew now. Loved the Sam/Bran meeting. Lot of stuff changed about this scene from the book, a certain character that is introduced before this has not been, but I suspect he'll show up next season.
Roose/Walder Frey scene. Anything with Roose Bolton is pretty much awesome. Did anyone else take his line "Forever Young" as a subtle insult to Walder's age the way I did? Might just have been his delivery. Roose Bolton is like Westeros's master troll.
The Theon/Ramsay Snow scene was awesome. The Pork sausage part.. lol. Nice to see the creation of Reek.
I didn't like the Yara part. They just made her little speech WAY too epic. It sounded like something out of some epic Troy esque movie. Just a little bit too intense. Big deviation from the books as well.
Loved the Gendry/Davos scene, but I didn't much like what they did with Stannis. Way too quick to condemn Davos to death. He just seems a lot more harsh and less just than he does in the books. Where most characters they white wash a little bit, I feel they are actually doing the opposite with Stannis.
The Mysha ending.. just a little too over the top for my tastes. Dany didn't need to body surf the masses. Just her walking through them as the scene panned out and up would have been fine.
Jon Ygritte. While I like that they added this scene.. I don't much like how it was executed. But to be honest I've hated almost everything about Jon since season 2. He doesn't even resemble the same character to me. He was practically crying in this scene with the whole " I gotta go home " crap. Why is Ygritte alone? How did she catch up to him in a wide open area unheard or unseene? It makes Jon seem like such a huge noob. Everything they do with Jon makes him seem like one incompetent kid.
Arya/Hound scene. I'm ready for a spin off series based around this. Arya and the Hound: Adventures through Westeros. Epic scene, and a nice nod to book readers who were sad that Arya's coin trick was taken out of Season 2.