Game of Thrones Season 7 thread

Loved it!
Classic GOT.

Kind of thinking the Queen of Dragons and Jon Snow end up together before realizing they are related.:muttley:

Well the Targaryens married brother and sister for centuries so this will be pretty much a non issue imo.

I used to think this show was all about the Starks but I think the show is really turning into the Targaryens rise back into power and the Starks just happen to be apart of it like the Lannisters.

The Lannisters and Starks are going to be secondary to the Targaryens in the long run.

Jon Snow is definitely going to bend the knee but it will be to ask Daenarys hand in marriage.
I am thinking it is Bronn or Dickon that saved Jamie but I could not tell.

What is interesting though is that I think it showed the Father Tarly (Randle ?) getting burnt alive.

Now if the Son Survives or Does not survive....Wonder what happens or who becomes lord of House Tarly.

The father said the younger brother would be, but now the father is dead.

Dickon might ask Sam to be the lord of House Tarly...IF Dickon is alive.

IF Dickon is NOT alive....House Tarly might fall to Samwell.

Now Now before anyone brings up the oath of the Knights Watch which keeps Sam from having lands or titles or wives and so on...

That can be changed by a Royal Decree and with Jon possibly being King in the future or Possibly having favor with Danny is she becomes could happen that way.

But here is another scenario...

After the great battle between The Night Kings, white walkers and the army of the dead vs the Living...if the living win there will no longer be use for the Wall or the Night's Watch.

They no longer have to protect against wildings right now and if they defeat the "dark" army they will no longer have the man the wall for that group either.

So I imagin the wall might get destroyed or at the very least, they nights watch will be dissolved and all that were members of it will no longer be held to their oats and will be free to go their way.

In that case Sam could be lord of House Tarley. Or he could be a maester to someone (jon or danny or someone else) while making Gilly his official wife and little sam his son.

Just something to think about going forward.

They could do it like a cheesy 80's family comedy even with a cheesy opening song.

~Sam is the Head of the House, he is not a lion but more of a mouse...Sam is the head of the House~

LOL-They could do that and still have millions watch. Sam is kind of boring tho.

Did the dragons burn up the gold? or at least melt it. regardless the gold is now in the hands of Dany and Cersai cant pay the iron bank. Milton Drysdale is not going to be happy wiht Cersa
Or he could be a maester to someone (jon or danny or someone else).

Just something to think about going forward.
Or both if Bran doesn't tell Jon in time lol. Of course Bran could have already saw it and will allow it to happen because it needs to happen and not say anything anyways.

LOL-They could do that and still have millions watch. Sam is kind of boring tho.

Did the dragons burn up the gold? or at least melt it. regardless the gold is now in the hands of Dany and Cersai cant pay the iron bank. Milton Drysdale is not going to be happy wiht Cersa

I think they said that they had delivered the gold but still had to deliver the grain. So I think the gold was safe and already gone from the dragon attack but I could be wrong.
But jaime pulled a bag of gold from the wagon and gave it to Bronn right before the battle happended I think Cersai said they had the gold (Jaime had it) but not the grain because farmers were holding back. Not sure....
But jaime pulled a bag of gold from the wagon and gave it to Bronn right before the battle happended I think Cersai said they had the gold (Jaime had it) but not the grain because farmers were holding back. Not sure....

He also said something along the lines of the gold has been secured beyond the gates or beyond some point and now they needed to move the grain. I would have to go back and watch it.
Found a site that had the quote that I thought I heard...

Said that Randell Tarly looked at Jamie and said "All the gold’s safely through the gates of King’s Landing."
I hate to be that guy, but this season isnt up to par. If you took that episode and put that fight by itself it seems really cool, but five minutes does make a whole series. But the show has really gone down hill acting and script wise. It's a shame the books were so slowly witten because the first three seasons were almost perfect. But game of thrones even on a downside is better than most tv.
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I hate to be that guy, but this season isnt up to par. If you took that episode and put that fight by itself it seems really cool, but five minutes does make a whole series. But the show has really gone down hill acting and script wise. It's a shame the books were so slowly witten because the first three seasons were almost perfect. But game of thrones even on a downside is better than most tv.

There's always going to be subset of the fanbases that feels that way, but I think most would say that this season has been great so far. It does seem like they're moving quickly to tie things up properly, but it's not coming off as rushed. We're just seeing the end of the chess game where the big pieces start to fall after the pawns have been weeded out and the board opens up.

I thought last night's episode was fantastic, for the record. Pretty much across the board.
I hate to be that guy, but this season isnt up to par. If you took that episode and put that fight by itself it seems really cool, but five minutes does make a whole series. But the show has really gone down hill acting and script wise. It's a shame the books were so slowly witten because the first three seasons were almost perfect. But game of thrones even on a downside is better than most tv.

I agree with that somewhat.

S7 Episode 4 I thought that the show was great from start to finish. That was a complete episode.

In the other 3 episodes I thought that every other scene has been hit or miss.

I have at times felt like some of the episodes the characters have become caricatures of themselves.

We started to see this when they went away from the books but even when they got away from the books they produced my 2nd favorite Season which is Season 6. (first is season 1)

Regardless.. Bad Game of Thrones is still epic compared to any other show. They have just set the bar so high that it's hard for them to consistently keep delivering. Last night they delivered.
I agree with that somewhat.

S7 Episode 4 I thought that the show was great from start to finish. That was a complete episode.

In the other 3 episodes I thought that every other scene has been hit or miss.

I have at times felt like some of the episodes the characters have become caricatures of themselves.

We started to see this when they went away from the books but even when they got away from the books they produced my 2nd favorite Season which is Season 6. (first is season 1)

Regardless.. Bad Game of Thrones is still epic compared to any other show. They have just set the bar so high that it's hard for them to consistently keep delivering. Last night they delivered.

I think what's happening is that Martin has a bit of a mess on his hands to tie up properly with all the side stories he creates. It's probably what's causing a headache for him and his editor trying to pull the next book together because it's bursting at the seams with all of this content that can't be wrangled cleanly into a plot line without going 400-500 pages over target. And the HBO writers are having to cut through that with a machete to meet their two-truncated-season timeline. It feels that way to me, too, but I'm willing to overlook it because 1, it's awesome anyway and 2, I'm sympathetic to the show writers in this case.
I think what's happening is that Martin has a bit of a mess on his hands to tie up properly with all the side stories he creates. It's probably what's causing a headache for him and his editor trying to pull the next book together because it's bursting at the seams with all of this content that can't be wrangled cleanly into a plot line without going 400-500 pages over target. And the HBO writers are having to cut through that with a machete to meet their two-truncated-season timeline. It feels that way to me, too, but I'm willing to overlook it because 1, it's awesome anyway and 2, I'm sympathetic to the show writers in this case.


I'm of the belief that both of the books are probably finished and there is some other reason he hasn't released them yet but odds are that you are probably right.

If they go 400 or 500 pages over target then I say good. The more the better.

In all honesty I wish they would've extended the show another season. It's good for people who don't enjoy the journey as much now though. We are jumping from place to place like it's nothing.

I'm of the belief that both of the books are probably finished and there is some other reason he hasn't released them yet but odds are that you are probably right.

If they go 400 or 500 pages over target then I say good. The more the better.

In all honesty I wish they would've extended the show another season. It's good for people who don't enjoy the journey as much now though. We are jumping from place to place like it's nothing.

It's been years for me, now, but I remember feeling like his last book was really poorly structured compared to the rest of the series. It read like the editor gave up about 3/4 of the way through it and just accepted something that needed to be culled a couple of more times--probably because of a deadline. And I know Martin comments pretty frequently about the headaches his disorganization and tendency to go into rabbit holes causes for his editors.

But you might be right, too, that they'er coordinating things with HBO so as to not have leaks for the show, where they're probably making much more money on the storyline than any delay in releasing will cost on the publisher side. I know I'll read the books, regardless, as soon as they're available.
The more I hear about specific differences between the GOT shows and books, the less interested I get in reading the books. I suspect the show streamlines out a considerable amount of chaff. And softens some of Martyn's misanthropic ways. For that, it is worth missing the exacting descriptions of every meal.....

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