How can the North go back to being ruled by someone in Kings Landing
It just won't work after what they just went thru and who they beat
Jon has the real claim anyways, Dany has the Dragons and Sansa has the North and the Vale(the General and her were always talking and Robin is weak) and Arya is going to kill Cersei dead...... if Dany wants to rule she has to become everything she despises and needs to use her dragons to oppress and enslave Westeros, not be a liberator
Highgarden is up for grabs, Castertly Rock, the Twins, Blackfish's castle, the Last Hearth, Dorne is in chaos or under skeleton crew units of Lannisters
North is Scotland
Way North is Scandanavia
Kings Landing is London, England
Casterly Rock, Highgarden, Twins, RiverRun, Harrenhall is England proper
Stormsend is Portugal
Iron Island is Ireland
Dorne is Spain
Dragonstone is Wales
Pentos is France
Eryie is Iceland
Bravos is Netherlands
Iron Bank is Swiss
Valaryia is Italy
Volantis is Greece
Slavers Bay is Turkey, Israel and Egypt
Qarth is India
Osha is Far East
Dorthraki is Persia/Mongolia
just my ramblings