Game of Thrones

Teren_Kanan;4020316 said:
How many of you have completed Dance with Dragons? I'm tempted to start a thread to discuss things in that book, but I don't know if more than one or two of you have finished it yet.

There are TONS of new theories that would be fun to discuss :)

I've read about 85% of ADWD. I think I will be able to finish it today.
I just finished ADWD.


If Jon Snow actually ends up being dead, what a disappointment that'll be. Enough hints were dropped during his betrayal that I don't think he'll end up being dead and gone, but I'd also rather not having him walking around as some fire-worshipping corpse either.

I don't think he is. But that's nothing more than a hunch.
theogt;4028555 said:
I don't think he is. But that's nothing more than a hunch.


I think the smoke coming from his wounds probably means it's not a very black and white death if it is a death at all.

I know in the Melisandre POV chapter, she kept trying to picture Stannis (her Azor Ahai reborn) and kept seeing Jon Snow. It'll probably be something in that direction. Maybe he's the "Azor Ahai reborn".

I'd be pretty disappointed if he just died off.
Ozzu;4028616 said:

I think the smoke coming from his wounds probably means it's not a very black and white death if it is a death at all.

I know in the Melisandre POV chapter, she kept trying to picture Stannis (her Azor Ahai reborn) and kept seeing Jon Snow. It'll probably be something in that direction. Maybe he's the "Azor Ahai reborn".

I'd be pretty disappointed if he just died off.

I'll post this here since others have, but I'm wondering if maybe it'd be a better idea to make a Dance with Dragons threads, so the Game of Thrones TV watchers have an easier time avoiding spoilers?

STAY OUT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Jon is certainly not dead.

The entire scene seems to point out the Azor Ahai prophecy.

"When the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers, Azor Ahai shall be born again amidst smoke and salt to wake dragons out of stone.”

Now obviously it has seemed like Dany this whole time, because under the red comet she was somewhat reborn (Certainly in smoke) and woke dragons out of stone. But in the last Jon chapter we get every part of the AA prophecy except the waking dragons from stone, and it seems like at the very least, Martin wants us to notice this.

The last Jon scene starts out with Paetrek (The guy who wanted to "Steal" Val) being smashed against a wall (very bloody) by Wun Wun(The Giant). Paetrek's sigil is a star (Red star bleeding). It then keys in to Jon noticing the smoke coming from his wounds (Smoke). It also takes note of Bowen Marsh crying (Salt).

So Jon will likely end up being Azor Ahai. What waking stone dragons means who knows. Bran has had vision of some kind of serpent above winterfell, Melisandre has had similar visions. Also every time she searches for AA in her fires, she only sees Jon.

He'll be back one way or another.

I'm wondering if he'll spend some time in Ghost. The Prologue shows that when a warg dies he can remain inside his animal, wondering if it's a red herring.

Teren_Kanan;4028677 said:
I'll post this here since others have, but I'm wondering if maybe it'd be a better idea to make a Dance with Dragons threads, so the Game of Thrones TV watchers have an easier time avoiding spoilers?

STAY OUT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Wow. That makes me feel a bit better while we wait another decade for the next book. :D

Seriously though, from what I've read from those who've talked to GRRM during his book tour, he says he's got a couple hundred pages of the next book already set and finished. So, maybe it won't be so long this time. We can hope.
STAY OUT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I like Dany's storyline. Her wandering, if you want to call it that, gives her time to grow and learn what ruling is all about. She makes tons of mistakes, and seemingly wastes time, but I think it's more realistic than her immediately setting off for the "home" that she never knew, and right off the bat making all the right decisions.

She's still a teenage girl. She's not a perfect savior, and she shouldn't be expected to be that.
Stop the spoilers!!!! Do you know how hard it is to read a thread and avoid spoilers????

Make a new thread if you want to discuss the other books... :D
I have yet to buy this book. I think I'll wait till i comeback from my vacation and see if it has made it to the used bookstore by then. If not, I will have to go out and get a new copy. I have stacks and stacks of books I'm reading through right now but I don't think i can wait too much longer to read Dance with Dragons.

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