Game of Thrones

It was interesting seeing some scenes from book 2 (and in one case, late in book 2) make there way into this episode. They fit in well where they put them though. I kind of wish they had done the editing a little different so that it ended with all the big moments back to back so that it had the most possible momentum at the end. As it is they spread a couple of the bigger moments earlier on so I thought their impact was lessened somewhat.
Now that the season is over, I am going to start marathoning it.

I cannot wait for the new book to come out.

So do you all think this series has the potential to become one of the greatest TV Series of all time?
Maikeru-sama;3976784 said:
Now that the season is over, I am going to start marathoning it.

I cannot wait for the new book to come out.

So do you all think this series has the potential to become one of the greatest TV Series of all time?

The first few episodes were good, but the last few have been some of the best television I've ever seen.

The great thing though is that I can't even call this the best TV show out RIGHT NOW. Between GoT, Mad Men, and Breaking Bad, I would wager that we're in a golden age of television drama.
Maikeru-sama;3976784 said:
Now that the season is over, I am going to start marathoning it.

I cannot wait for the new book to come out.

So do you all think this series has the potential to become one of the greatest TV Series of all time?
If they have several more seasons of this quality, I don't think there's any question it will be among the handful of names as the best TV series of all time.
I have not read the books, however I was impressed by the series and look forward to next year.. I guess True Blood is up next..
The books are amazing. If you read at all and enjoy the show, pick up the books.

There is so much more depth and character development that they just can't translate to a television series.
So, I'm reading the second book and I must say. Thus far, the Stannis side of the story sucks. (read uninteresting. Hopefully that changes) Arya is good stuff, Tyrion is good stuff, Greyjoy I've only read one chapter of so not sure about it yet, They haven't gone back to Robb/Tywin/Catelyn/Jamie yet, and so far Jon Snow has been a bit slow, but it still has my interest, and you can see that something is building with Bran. Can't remember if a chapter with Dany has happen in this book yet.

Anyone else currently reading the second book?
nyc;3982284 said:
So, I'm reading the second book and I must say. Thus far, the Stannis side of the story sucks. (read uninteresting. Hopefully that changes) Arya is good stuff, Tyrion is good stuff, Greyjoy I've only read one chapter of so not sure about it yet, They haven't gone back to Robb/Tywin/Catelyn/Jamie yet, and so far Jon Snow has been a bit slow, but it still has my interest, and you can see that something is building with Bran. Can't remember if a chapter with Dany has happen in this book yet.

Anyone else currently reading the second book?

I'm reading it. Arya and Tyrions story-lines are the best so far, but I can see a lot of potential with the Greyjoys. I read a chapter about Dany a few chapters ago and it sounds like you are pretty close based on where you are at.
The 2nd book is definitely not as strong as the 1st or 3rd IMO. It does a lot more to set things up and develop some new characters for what's to come. It does pick up more as you go, and has some pretty big happenings towards the end, as well as some interesting character moments.

Davos has never been a favorite viewpoint for me, though he does have some good chapters in there.
The books are a little weird in that at some points some characters will be well developed while others are being introduced and developed at the same time.

At any time, you'll have characters that you like reading about, and those will be the ones that are well-introduced and developed, and then characters you'll find slow, because they are still being developed.

So while you'll find Stannis slow now, I think later on you'll find him and Davos and Melisandre more interesting.

Same thing with a lot of the Iron Islands characters, and some of the people you meet across the wall. Brienne, Jaime, a lot of characters are like that throughout the series. The 4th book is very heavily into that with the whole Dorne cast. For me, Bran was the only storyline that never really clicked with me, but that might be because he's so infuriatingly blind about events throughout the greater world that it's frustrating.
nyc;3982284 said:
So, I'm reading the second book and I must say. Thus far, the Stannis side of the story sucks. (read uninteresting. Hopefully that changes) Arya is good stuff, Tyrion is good stuff, Greyjoy I've only read one chapter of so not sure about it yet, They haven't gone back to Robb/Tywin/Catelyn/Jamie yet, and so far Jon Snow has been a bit slow, but it still has my interest, and you can see that something is building with Bran. Can't remember if a chapter with Dany has happen in this book yet.

Anyone else currently reading the second book?

Nope. Sorry. Davos/Stannis chapters will *always* suck. Stannis is a terribly boring an droll person to ever be around.

So boring =(
postman just delivered dance with dragons and i'm sitting on a bus for about 2 and a half hours tomorrow. good times!!!!
daschoo;3990377 said:
postman just delivered dance with dragons and i'm sitting on a bus for about 2 and a half hours tomorrow. good times!!!!

I've been stuck on the second book with what feels like forever. (about 400 pages in) I just haven't had much time to read lately. :(
daschoo;3990377 said:
postman just delivered dance with dragons and i'm sitting on a bus for about 2 and a half hours tomorrow. good times!!!!

I'm waiting on mine to be delivered still.
AmarilloCowboyFan;3990396 said:
I'm waiting on mine to be delivered still.

i'm what 6 hours ahead of you remember, just gutted i made plans for tonight
Teren_Kanan;3983142 said:
Nope. Sorry. Davos/Stannis chapters will *always* suck. Stannis is a terribly boring an droll person to ever be around.

So boring =(

I'm actually liking Stannis/Davos/mellisandre(sp?) chapters more and more. Really only a few bore me, and those are the ones with just Davos (not counting the BW Bay parts).

ADwD will have to wait awhile (though it's in the mail now). Still have half of ASOS, and all of AFFC to re-read. Though I'm wondering if it's possible to do a concurrent reading of AFFC and ADWD or if that would screw things up at all. I'd have to find a list of the proper order to read the chapters in, but it'd be nice to splice in some of my favorite characters in the middle of AFFC.
I'm about to order mine off of the Amazon Kindle bookstore in a few minutes.

Sucks because the book I am currently reading is dang good but it will have to take a backseat to ADWD.
AmarilloCowboyFan;3990396 said:
I'm waiting on mine to be delivered still.

I got mine Monday morning via UPS from Amazon. I was suprised that it shipped Friday or Sat. I have to start reading from the beginning, ordered the box set as well.
Maikeru-sama;3991076 said:
I'm about to order mine off of the Amazon Kindle bookstore in a few minutes.

Sucks because the book I am currently reading is dang good but it will have to take a backseat to ADWD.

If you get the paperback, it's only $20 for the set vs $35 for the Kindle. (stupid greedy idiot distributors)

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