Garrett as GM? **merged**


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I can't see McClay staying long if that were to happen. He turned down GM opportunities because he essentially has some of those here. I think he would feel snub if Jerry actually decided to hire a GM and it wasn't him.

The only way it would make sense to me is if Garrett is really the person behind the personnel moved we've been making the last several years.

It would be a tremendous insult to McClay and a total embodiment of everything that's wrong with Garrett's 'success'. Everything is just handed to him because of his name and family connections.

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Trust me when I tell you Garrett will not be named GM. Sure, Jerry could give him that title and still micromanage everything but his ego will not allow someone else to have that job description and risk anyone thinking someone other than Jerry is calling the shots.

Will not happen. Even his first born fat son won't ever see that gig while Jerry's alive.


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I am starting to think this is what Jerry meant about changing. JG moves from puppet coach to puppet GM.

Nobody will have the title of GM as long as Jerry is healthy enough to go to the office.

Stephen Jones will be the next GM when it does happen.

Garrett: Vice President of Coaching


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If Garret was gm I actually wouldn’t have a problem if that meant Jerry stepping away from the personnel decisions.

That being said how would you feel if your will Mcclay?


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It would be a tremendous insult to McClay and a total embodiment of everything that's wrong with Garrett's 'success'. Everything is just handed to him because of his name and family connections.

agreed unless mcclay and him have some kind of hybrid role together.


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Thinking about it more, Jerry knows his antics made Garrett's job that much more difficult.

He has to. No one that smart is that stupid also.

Dont forger theres plenty we dont know behind the scenes.

Its guilt


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Thinking about it more, Jerry knows his antics made Garrett's job that much more difficult.

He has to. No one that smart is that stupid also.

Dont forger theres plenty we dont know behind the scenes.

Its guilt
Either way, itd be great to cease to be a soap opera and be a football team. I'd rather be entertained otherwise


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Trust me when I tell you Garrett will not be named GM. Sure, Jerry could give him that title and still micromanage everything but his ego will not allow someone else to have that job description and risk anyone thinking someone other than Jerry is calling the shots.

Will not happen. Even his first born fat son won't ever see that gig while Jerry's alive.

This in a nutshell.

I honestly believe the hold up here has to do with contract negotiations to stay on as coach. I doubt Garrett wants the lame duck coach status Jerry is currently pushing on him. Garrett is aware he may have options and Jerry doesn’t want to lose him. Putting Garrett in FO potentially complicates to many of relationships (McClay and Stephen mainly).


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How would I react to Clappy being named the new GM for the Dallas Cowboys?

Well, if he has to be here, I would prefer him to be in any other position besides HC.

So, I guess I could roll with that.

Actually, no. But I can understand the confusion. The actual question posed originally was somewhat different, nuanced though it may be, and whoever decided to merge my thread with this one wasn't apparently getting that.

Trying a fourth time now, fwiw...

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100% no. No coach with an ounce of brains would take the job with the previous failed coach who still wants the job sitting directly above them in the owner’s ear every second of every day. No chance whatsoever this would work. You think the team Has dysfunction now, times it by 10 if this were to happen.
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So... trying this again... how would it change your opinion, if at all, if it wasn't that Red would be "GM" but that he would occupy essentially the same standing in making decisions that Stephen has... and that Stephen, then, replaces his dad as the final say... and, Jerry who will soon enough be 80, steps down.
No coach with an ounce of integrity would take a job where his failed predesessor is looking over him and everything he does.

You think Urban Meyer would be ok coaching with Garrett watching over him?

:laugh:. No way. No how.

Besides, Jerry will only step down when he is put into a coffin. Not before.


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I believe I was among the ones, if not the first one, to point out that divided loyalties would made a scenario where Garrett is still officing in The Star uber-counter-productive, based on personal experiences where a former supervisor remained connected to my own staff.

So, I get it as much as anyone would.

Here's where the above scenario is, in theory at least, not exactly the same.

Jerry's out of the picture.

Which, is the thing that a whole lotta Cowboy fans have been saying for 25 years or so is key to the Cowboys becoming fundamentally healthier as an organization.

So, I'm not disagreeing necessarily, but I'm saying there's actually some reasonable deliberation to be had, given the enormity of the influence of the dysfunctional player that would be removed.
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I believe I was among the ones, if not the first one, to point out that divided loyalties would made a scenario where Garrett is still officing in The Star uber-counter-productive, based on personal experiences where a former supervisor remained connected to my own staff.

So, I get it as much as anyone would.

Here's where the above scenario is, in theory at least, not exactly the same.

Jerry's out of the picture.

Which, is the thing that a whole lotta Cowboy fans have been saying for 25 years or so is key to the Cowboys becoming fundamentally healthier as an organization.

So, I'm not disagreeing necessarily, but I'm saying there's actually some reasonable deliberation to be had, given the enormity of the influence of the dysfunctional player that would be removed.
I cannot picture a scenario where a coach worth his salt would be ok with his failed predesessor is his boss. Stephen may have final say, but Garrett would be constantly bellowing in his ear.

No way a real coach with an ounce of leverage would to work in such a circus. With or without Jerry in the picture


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No coach with an ounce of integrity would take a job where his failed predesessor is looking over him and everything he does.

Besides, Jerry will only step down when he is put into a coffin. Not before.

1. I'd agree with that in a general way, but it's too broad a statement. There are coaches who respect Red, and who would definitely feel comfortable working for him. What it does do, though, that would be consistent with your assertion is that it limits the field to that group who already have that comfort level. An Eberflus, for example, probably seemingly would welcome the chance.

2a. I agree that it's nearly impossible to imagine Jerry stepping back. But it wouldn't be the first time I've seen an 80-ish person reevaluate what he wants to accomplish in his remaining years, and take a somewhat different turn.

2b. It's a hypothetical question, anyhow.
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1. I'd agree with that in a general way, but it's too broad a statement. There are coaches who respect Red, and who would definitely feel comfortable working for him. What it does do, though, that would be consistent with your assertion is that it limits the field to that group who already have that comfort level. An Eberflus, for example, probably seemingly would welcome the chance.

2a. I agree that it's nearly impossible to imagine Jerry stepping back. But it wouldn't be the first time I've seen an 80-ish person reevaluate what he wants to accomplish in his remaining years, and take a somewhat different turn.

2b. It's a hypothetical question, anyhow.
If your scenario results in Matt Eberflus as your best case hire, I would be very much against it.

I don't hate Eberflus, but there are many better candidates that would take this team farther, IMO


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(Um. Just to be clear. The question isn't about Eberflus. He was used as someone to illustrate/validate a counterpoint to an objection raised. The question is the question. And I should probably repeat, Red wouldn't be the final say, and in that respect, he's not posited as a "GM.")