You never prove me wrong because you don't understand the numbers and take anecdotal evidence as the truth. And he doesn't go for it on 4th down 'nearly every game.' He continually has Bailey kick extra long field goals on 4th and short because of his conservative nature. And the numbers continually show that going for it on 4th down and short is better than kicking the ball. Even with your 'mitigating factors', the data clearly shows that teams by and large are far better off going for it than kicking it on 4th and short.
And he wasn't running it on first down 2/3rds of the time. He was running it closer to 3/4 of the time on first down. I want the team to have a balanced attack, but running it 3/4 of the time on first down was not a balanced attack. Not to mention all of the other conservative aspects of our play calling such as how we use Dez, our lack of gadget plays, etc.
He's an extremely conservative coach and at times it is to the team's detriment.