Garrett- perfect puppet for Jerry


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How is he "the greatest promoter"?

I don't know anyone but a handful of idiots who follow this team because of that jackass and the few idiots that are fans of jeri would never bring in enough revenue in to make the money he does.

He bought the greatest brand on the planet at a deep discount in a down market and has milked it for all its worth ever since which is pretty easy to do when Cowboy fans are so emotionally invested, we abide in mass in spite of jeri, not because of him
I refer to him in that manner because no other owner is out in front promoting their product in such fashion basking in the limelight. Never saw a mic or camera he didn’t like.


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I refer to him in that manner because no other owner is out in front promoting their product in such fashion basking in the limelight. Never saw a mic or camera he didn’t like.
8 pages and you took up about 4 of them.
Pretty awesome!
I understand why you made this.


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I ask myself one question about this HC situation. What's the incentive and motivation for Booger to replace him? I can't think of one.

I could see a situation where he hires Payton and he does better than Garrett. Now what? Who's going to get the credit for that? Oh, Booger gets credit for hiring him? LMAO, that worked really well right after he bought the team and that's what's been running this chain of coaches at us ever since.

There's a saying in business and I think it applies here as well, "the devil you know". Booger is comfortable with Garrett. Just look how quickly he responded when he got that Linehan thing wrong. Retracted in a matter of hours and even said he didn't remember what he said. Hot damn, you can't find guys like that plus he likes Garrett and I think Garrett likes him as well and I never underestimate the power of that.

If some of y'all need this ax hanging over Garrett's neck to better enjoy the season, have at it. But, I am not buying that until I actually hear that another HC has been hired. And unlike some here, if that happens, I will not assume that's a good thing.

But I do get the frustration and "anyone but Garrett" thinking but I also realize we're dealing with a guy that can do whatever the hell he pleases with his team and answers to no one.
Well said Coach!!

Another reason he’s probably the Perfect Puppet!!


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8 pages and you took up about 4 of them.
Pretty awesome!
I understand why you made this.
If you have something to add to the conversation , please do. Otherwise if you continue I’ll assume you’re attempting to derail the thread with personal insults and report as such. Thanks!


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If you have something to add to the conversation , please do. Otherwise if you continue I’ll assume you’re attempting to derail the thread with personal insults and report as such. Thanks!
Report my big bad words.
What did I say wrong and how did I insult you?

So sensitive...
I was complimenting your work!


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The dark side of the force among Cowboys fans for JG is something that Emperor JJ thrives on. I think he likes that negative energy flowing from the fans. It's a built-in deflection to go to if the Cowboys have a bad season.
I missed this earlier but the negative energy on Garrett will also serve up Jerry more credit if they have more success which is Jerry’s main objective for having puppet type HC’s. And again why Jason in perfect.


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And this is his problem. He's getting old and already has enough money to last 100 lifetimes. Who cares about a little extra revenue he won't be able to spend when he dies. People never remember you for how much money you had. People WOULD remember him getting another Super Bowl here, though. The ones in the 90s are ancient now. As of now, the perception of him is he road the coat tails of Jimmy for those rings and then after that, he collapsed and it's been a few decades of mediocrity. On the field play, we are no more relevant than the other junk teams in this league. The reason we are still relevant is how much power and clout the star and our name got from the 60s-90s. We are on the same level as the Houston freaking Texans right now in terms off success since the turn of the century.

But it won't get better once Jerry is gone. Stephen is just as bad.
I’m afraid Cheapskate Son could be worse. Unless he decides to bring in a real GM and HC and get out of the way.


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JG is da bestest!
We should all be grateful Jerry hired him because our team could be so much worse.
Like - they could have...
Well they might not have...

Crap. I got nothing.

But JG, yeah? Super great guy...

Edit: Crap, now I'm definitely going to be reported by that one guy.
Oh noes!


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I’m not sure I’d come to that conclusion. It’s probably more speculative assertion or opinion and not something definitive. Like most including myself we look for material , opinions and facts which support our own opinions and narrative.

It’s really not a big secret that some Cowboys fans hold Garrett in higher opinion than most people outside Dallas.


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I’m afraid Cheapskate Son could be worse. Unless he decides to bring in a real GM and HC and get out of the way.
This post indicates you are unable to recognize competence. Totally clueless. This is the best team we've put on the field in years. Thanks to Stephen.


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It’s really not a big secret that some Cowboys fans hold Garrett in higher opinion than most people outside Dallas.
I can’t really say. I can only reveal what I’ve read and heard from mostly the local vibe. But I do think this forum isn’t always a good reflection of Cowboys Nation. Like all Social Media a very vocal minority can attempt to control the narrative.


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This post indicates you are unable to recognize competence. Totally clueless. This is the best team we've put on the field in years. Thanks to Stephen.
I don’t give all the credit to Stephen. It’s been a cumulative effort.


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If he is fired I would expect to see a lot of changes and a season of learning a new system being put in place. I know Peyton name gets bantered around but should the Saints advance to the SB why would NO not extend him? Also with Drew Brees on the tail end why would they not want Payton to help in developing Drew replacement? I would think if Garrett were to get fired his replacement would be someone who has worked at an OC or DC or a College HC who has had some success. I think rumors of Sean Payton took a life of it's own but I think it would be highly unlikely
I could see Garrett getting fired if Dak was his guy and he was behind kicking Romo to the curb if Dak flakes out. Then I could see us moving in another direction with a new HC and QB.


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I don’t give all the credit to Stephen. It’s been a cumulative effort.
Straw man. You just referred to Stephen as cheapskate son and that he could be worse (than jerry) I'm sure you meant collaborative, not cumulative.


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Can you give majority credit?
As we’ve seen in the past Jerry has been influenced with better personnel decisions and drafts under Parcells and Johnson. I think he’s receiving similar influence under Garrett.

We can basically document when the better decisions and drafts begin when Garrett took over in 2011.

But we’ve seen still some poor and familiar type Jerry risk and mistakes. Like Parcells said” you have to convince Jerry to go against his instincts”.

And Stephen has helped manage the Cap but his decisions assuming they were his to go with a RB by Committee letting Murray go and WR by Committee letting Dez go is why I call him Cheapskate Son. Lol

But this notion Son has taken over is wishful thinking which interesting that Jerry has intentionally not giving his Son more credit for assuming Daddy’s role.

No, my hunch says fans are just wanting to believe Jerry’s not making all the final decisions because it provides them more hope but Jerry’s made better decisions before with greater influence around him.


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As we’ve seen in the past Jerry has been influenced with better personnel decisions and drafts under Parcells and Johnson. I think he’s receiving similar influence under Garrett.

We can basically document when the better decisions and drafts begin when Garrett took over in 2011.

But we’ve seen still some poor and familiar type Jerry risk and mistakes. Like Parcells said” you have to convince Jerry to go against his instincts”.

And Stephen has helped manage the Cap but his decisions assuming they were his to go with a RB by Committee letting Murray go and WR by Committee letting Dez go is why I call him Cheapskate Son. Lol

But this notion Son has taken over is wishful thinking which interesting that Jerry has intentionally not giving his Son more credit for assuming Daddy’s role.

No, my hunch says fans are just wanting to believe Jerry’s not making all the final decisions because it provides them more hope but Jerry’s made better decisions before with greater influence around him.
So... can you give majority credit?