General NBA Discussion

if you need more proof that the spurs would have beat the grizzlies last year had gay played, just see what the lakers are doing to them without kobe.
Boy, Tim Duncan looked really, really old tonight. He got absolutely dominated in the paint by Bynum and Gasol who had 36 points and 41 rebounds between them.
MC KAos;4503136 said:
if you need more proof that the spurs would have beat the grizzlies last year had gay played, just see what the lakers are doing to them without kobe.

I hope you're not trying to say we're better without Kobe because that's absurd.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4503353 said:
I hope you're not trying to say we're better without Kobe because that's absurd.

Absolutely not, what I'm saying is the spurs achilles heal is getting pounded on the inside. The grizzlies not having Gay made them use their big men more and in turn attack the spurs biggest weakness. That's why I say the spurs would have won that series last year if Gay played. Today just proves further how vulnerable we are in the inside. If Kobe played and took a bunch of shots this particular team is better off. Now, I think Kobe will take notice and let his big men do the damage vs the spurs. That's why I hope to avoid the lakers and grizzle as long as possible! For the spurs it would be fantastic if they played each other in the first round and the winner played the thunder. However, looks like the lakers have the 3 all but clinched and the grizzle will be the 4 or 5
EMMITTnROY;4500922 said:
About 10 games left in the regular season for most teams... Let's hear some predictions.

Western Conference Finals:
Eastern Conference Finals:
NBA Finals:
NBA Champs:

MVP: LeChoke

WCF: 1 OKC vs 2 Spurs (Spurs 6)

ECF: 1 Bulls vs 2 Heat (Heat 7)

Finals: Spurs vs Heat (Spurs 6)

Champs: Spurs

Of course my predictions will change once all the seedings are in place. I will still have the Spurs in the WCF, the Finals, and Champs.....but I may have the someone else in place of OKC, Chicago, or Miami.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4503353 said:
I hope you're not trying to say we're better without Kobe because that's absurd.

why is that absurd? without Captain Chucker, the ball went where it was supposed to go, to Bynum and Gasol, who dominated the Spurs in the paint and with midrange jumpers.

Of course Kobe is one of the greatest of all-time, but he needs to stop ballhogging. He doesn't have to carry the load anymore. He should be more like Timmy and just pick and choose his spots.....let the game flow through the bigs and then take his shots accordingly.
hoping minny can beat the thunder tonight without kevin love! highly unlikely, but you never know! god i wish we would have pulled off that jazz game with our bench guys!!
Biggems;4506774 said:
why is that absurd? without Captain Chucker, the ball went where it was supposed to go, to Bynum and Gasol, who dominated the Spurs in the paint and with midrange jumpers.

Of course Kobe is one of the greatest of all-time, but he needs to stop ballhogging. He doesn't have to carry the load anymore. He should be more like Timmy and just pick and choose his spots.....let the game flow through the bigs and then take his shots accordingly.

Are you serious? Kobe is an all time great as you said. Give his supporting cast credit they played great, but do you honestly think they could play like that on a consistent basis without Kobe? Of course not. Without him they're a good team with him they're potentially a championship team.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4506790 said:
Are you serious? Kobe is an all time great as you said. Give his supporting cast credit they played great, but do you honestly think they could play like that on a consistent basis without Kobe? Of course not. Without him they're a good team with him they're potentially a championship team.

You didn't read my post did you? I said they would be better with Kobe, but Kobe needs to stop ballhogging and allow his bigs to dominate and then feed off them to abuse along the perimeter and attack the basket.
Biggems;4506806 said:
You didn't read my post did you? I said they would be better with Kobe, but Kobe needs to stop ballhogging and allow his bigs to dominate and then feed off them to abuse along the perimeter and attack the basket.

Well my bad for misreading it. I agree with you, but in the games before he went down Kobe was taking less shots and letting Sess run the offense.
OKC is really overrated. Definitely not the best team in the West. I could actually see the Paperclips beating them in a series. If we could beat the Spurs in round 2 (Would be very difficult obviously) could be a LA vs LA WCF. I think the Lakers would beat the Clips rather easily. Just too much size and they have absolutely no one to guard Kobe who will be well rested.
well, if we can at least split with the lakers this week, we should (emphasize, should!) win just about every other game! if we do that, we are the 1 seed! hopefully the lakers beat the thunder on sunday
Knicks are on fire from downtown. Celtics are one of the best defensive teams in the entire league, but not tonight.
So is there a rule change that I missed that allows lebron to take 4 steps and not get called for a travel? Is this sympathy for delonte west screwing his mom?
MC KAos;4513095 said:
So is there a rule change that I missed that allows lebron to take 4 steps and not get called for a travel? Is this sympathy for delonte west screwing his mom?

It's cuz he's the King.
i think ill be cheering for the lakers to win the division the rest of the way, hopefully the mavs will get the 6 seed, thats the best team in the bottom and the most likely to give the lakers fits! i want to avoid the lakers in the playoffs like the plague! i also hope the rockets dont get the 8 seed if we get the 1. hoping it will be the suns or jazz

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