Gerald Sensabaugh to sign 1-yr deal *merged*

Clove;2684047 said:
Let's see. I love seeing my QB throw 2 and 3 interceptions in big games.

Romo has thrown 3 ints three times, 2 ints five times, and had that disastrous game against the Bills where he threw 5 ints (and won)...

That's 9 multiple interception games, out of 45 games played... and the Boys won 4 of those 9 games... which means he's thrown just 24 ints in the other 36 games he's played...

Yeah, Romo's just been losing us big games with ints right and left...

I love watching my QB sail fades and deep balls out of bounds. I love watching my QB not being able to take a sack without fumbling the ball over. I just love it to death.

Romo has lost 12 fumbles in 45 games... that doesn't sound outrageous to me...

Methinks that no quarterback could ever hope to satisfy your ridiculous standards... well, maybe Jason Campbell would, is THAT the kind of QB you dream of?? A guy who rarely even looks downfield??

Then there's the matter of his TD passes... I'll take an 81 TDs to 58 turnovers ratio all day, every day...

I'll also take a career QB rating of almost 95, all day, every day... if you wouldn't, well, we're back to you having completely ridiculous standards...

That said, I would be happy if the Boys looked at one of the name QBs next year, particularly Colt McCoy, but only because Romo will be 30 years old, and it will be about time to start developing his replacement for 3-5 years down the road...
wileedog;2683870 said:
I did that more times than I can count when I was his age. If the guns weren't in the car I doubt anyone would even blink at this, and again they were legal.

And I said as such. But again, I think a lack of common sense is a bit different than the serial screw up that is Pacman or the like.
Obviously the guy's not in Pacman's league. That's a bit of a strawman. No, these arrests aren't horrific crimes or anything like that.

What I don't like is that after several moves that were sending signals to the players that BS wouldn't be tolerated, he makes a move that says the exact opposite.

I understand that as a player he fills a definite need and that his off-the-field stuff is not so terrible. I still don't like it.
Smith22;2683081 said:
Try reading the links. He has been arrested 3 times.

If by "arrested" you mean charged with MISDEMEANOR traffic violations then you are a sucker for media over-dramatization.

At 23 I had been "arrested" (LOL) in the same manner many more then three times. Including driving with a suspended license.

Yet I have no criminal record and have no problems passing the federal background check required for buying a firearm. I frequently cross the border into Canada at which time they run your ID. They will not let you in if you have a simply DUI on your record. Yet they always smile and tell me to have a good time.

Go figure, huh?

This is much ado about nothing.
fanfromvirginia;2684120 said:
What I don't like is that after several moves that were sending signals to the players that BS wouldn't be tolerated, he makes a move that says the exact opposite.

I don't think the sole reason for getting rid of Pacman and Tank for instance was sending a message - I think they stunk and their work habits and locker room attitude were terrible, and that's what Jerry is trying to clean up more than the off the field stuff. Otherwise I think the team would come down pretty hard on Spencer, and TO moght still be here because about the only issues he doesn't have are legal ones.

I understand what you are saying too, but we have two coaches who have worked with this kid, and they are fully aware of what Jerry is trying to do. If this kid was anything more than a bad driver I don't think they would be bringing him in now.
newlander;2683134 said:
Mixed emotions here. I was pretty excited when I heard it this afternoon. This guy can play....I know some of you have said you haven't seen him play...believe me you will like what you see. The bad news is, will he be around to see the field? One more arrest, especially with a gun and Roger the Dodger will shelve him for who knows how many weeks. This guy has already cost himself ALOT OF MONEY, and i'm sure his agent has told him to wise up. So I do agree with the knucklehead comments, but on the plus side we're setting ourselves up with this depth to have the luxury of A) taking the best player(s) available in the draft and B) packaging some lower round draft picks to move up in the 2nd or 3rd rounds where the real impact players are. That's the exciting thing going on that no one is talking about here...................
I don't think he will be suspended, because he was arrested before he became Cowboy. I think that may help his cause a little, as far as GODdell is concerned.
walt_a_s;2683209 said:
There is so much crap on here about his "criminal" past. There are hundreds of thousands of speeding citations issued in the US every day. I am sure that a significant portion of those people were carrying fire arms at the same time. In Montana I would suspect the number carrying is probably almost 50%. We have no gangs, fairly little crime period and yet many of us feel the need to exercise our right to carry arms.

When I am out of state and in some of our more infamous urban areas, I wouldn't be caught without my fire arm. 27 years ago when I was 25, I carried everywhere and loved shooting. I am much more reserved now, but when I travel I can't imagine not being armed for piece of mind.

When I was in my first 15 years of driving it was nothing for me to get 2 to 3 speeding citations a year. I didn't consider myself a criminal, I was just young and loved to drive(often fast). Was I dumb and naive, YES but was I a criminal, I don't think so. I am a solid Professional and take my responsibilities seriously and have never been arrested but by the unrealistic expectations of this board I would be relegated to manual labor jobs serving fries.

We obviously are in a far less tolerant society now than 30 years ago and as a result I would hope that young people like Gerald know that they have to toe a different line than I did and grow up faster than I did. I feel sorry for todays younger generations. They have to fix all the excess we oldsters are responsible for and are not allowed to be young and dumb like we were.

Sorry for the rant but so many of you are being disingenuous and hypocritical,
I think a large part of the critism that is being born on this forum is due to us as fans been inundated with skeptism of our beloved teams choices in past players. Cowboys players, in particular, are now held to a higher standard, as a result of the misdeeds of previous Alma Mater.

Nevertheless, I agree with you. It is unfair to assume that these incidents are a reflection of Gerald's character overall. I think it is safe to say that because these players typically can afford to post bail, they are, particularly in the small town Gerald comes from, are targets for these types of issues.

Should he have known better? Absolutely! But if we have two coaches, Dave Campo and, our new special teams coach, vouching for him, I think he is, at least, worth a 1 year look. Had the Cowboys over-committed to him, perhaps some of these complaints would hold some relevance. But since the Cowboys can cut him at any time, suffering little Cap issues, this, to me, is a great acquisition.
Clove - I too was upset about the T.O. release. But I don't think these two situations really compare. T.O. was obviously not an issue off the field. He never was arrested and was pretty much a choir boy, when it came to keeping his nose clean. But he was high maintenance.

I'm sorry, but in the end if winning or feeding him the ball to an extent he felt was enough were the only ways to keep him from throwing fellow players and coaches under the bus and finding a way to make him shut up was not available, I think maybe releasing was the best course of action, in the end.

Please site were Gerald Sensabaugh has been guilty of petitioning for more play time, criticizing his fellow player and/or coaches, and/or complained to the media about how he has been used. Then I'll agree you have a valid argument. Until then, look up logic and try and apply said definition to your arguments in the future.

We have two coaches, despite his legal infractions, that are willing to vouch for his play and contribution and we have a valid need that we very well may not be able to fill through the draft, in Safety. A 1 year deal is not going to put the Cowboys in the same position that handing Owens a big contract did. These are two completely different situations.
silverbear;2683934 said:
I dunno about that, Count... I think if racial profiling was the culprit here, the arresting officer wouldn't have let Sensabaugh finish his haircut before taking him in...

Don't get me wrong, I know that kind of thing goes on a lot, but the way this story reads, it doesn't seem like one of those situations... a police officer will naturally get suspicious of somebody riding around in a very expensive car in a very poor part of town...
I wouldn't call it racial profiling. I would call it wealth profiling. Rich people can afford the bail, which helps pay the officer's pay check at the end of the day.
Vtwin;2684249 said:
If by "arrested" you mean charged with MISDEMEANOR traffic violations then you are a sucker for media over-dramatization.

At 23 I had been "arrested" (LOL) in the same manner many more then three times. Including driving with a suspended license.

Yet I have no criminal record and have no problems passing the federal background check required for buying a firearm. I frequently cross the border into Canada at which time they run your ID. They will not let you in if you have a simply DUI on your record. Yet they always smile and tell me to have a good time.

Go figure, huh?

This is much ado about nothing.

Well I guess the Jaguars were suckers for letting him go as well. I'm sure the arrests had nothing to do with it........

The guy has been caught reckless driving, illegal possession of a firearm and driving on an expired license, all different incidents.

I'm not judging the guy, but ignoring his actions because they were misdemeanors seems a bit much.

I believe there is talk that he may be facing suspension this year. I guess the commish is a sucker too. Someone should tell them they are only "misdemeanors" and should be swept under the rug.
Vtwin;2684249 said:
If by "arrested" you mean charged with MISDEMEANOR traffic violations then you are a sucker for media over-dramatization.

BTW, arrested IMO means you go to jail and likely have to pay bond to get out. I think this qualifies.
Clove;2683965 said:
None of us really know how good Romo is, since he's never played without a Hall Of Fame WR.

That ex WR you speak of, everywhere he's gone, he's made the QB look like a bunch of Joe Montana's, once he was gone, they came back down to mediocrity where they were to begin with, out side of McNabb who was a pretty good QB before.

This is incorrect.

Before Romo, Owens played with three starting quarterbacks: Steve Young; Jeff Garcia; and, Donovan McNabb--all of whom have made Pro Bowls without TO. In fact, two of the three (Young and McNabb) made more Pro Bowls playing without TO than with him.

It seems reality may be the polar opposite of your argument. We can't say with any certainty "how good" TO is because he's never played without a Pro Bowl-caliber QB.
Smith22;2684580 said:
BTW, arrested IMO means you go to jail and likely have to pay bond to get out. I think this qualifies.

Can you provide a link to back that up.

I doubt it because that did not happen.
Vtwin;2684622 said:
Can you provide a link to back that up.

I doubt it because that did not happen.

I did already. You probably didn't bother clicking on it.
Sensabaugh, 23, was pulled over at 12:06 a.m. after an officer spotted his 2006 BMW driving 86 mph in a 55 mph zone, police Sgt. David Moore said.

When asked if he had any weapons in the car, Sensabaugh told the officer he had a pistol, but did not have a permit to carry it. The officer found a loaded 9mm pistol in the console along with another fully loaded clip.

Sensabaugh was booked into Kingsport City Jail on the charges, both misdemeanors, and was released about 2:30 a.m. after posting a $750 bond.
Under Tennessee law, driving faster than 75 mph in a 55-mph zone can be prosecuted as misdemeanor reckless driving, although the charge is at the discretion of prosecutors.

Smith22;2684571 said:
Well I guess the Jaguars were suckers for letting him go as well. I'm sure the arrests had nothing to do with it........

The guy has been caught reckless driving, illegal possession of a firearm and driving on an expired license, all different incidents.

I'm not judging the guy, but ignoring his actions because they were misdemeanors seems a bit much.

I believe there is talk that he may be facing suspension this year. I guess the commish is a sucker too. Someone should tell them they are only "misdemeanors" and should be swept under the rug.


"Im not judging the guy"... but ignoring his actions seems a bit much"

Do you not see what you just said there? You said you were not judging him then you judged him.

You can let Roger Godell define your personal ethics if you want but I'll think for myself.

Please show a reference to ONE criminal conviction.

You call it reckless driving, I call it speeding. You've never driven over the speed limit?

Illegal possesion of a firearm? Again, Please cite where he was charged with this crime.

You buy right into the media buzzwords used to create something out of nothing.

Why does the story even mention his possession of a legally owned and carried rifle? Why did they not list all of the legallly owned and carried items in the car? Maybe becasue that wouldn't be near a sensational as just reporting the relevant facts.

Smith22;2684631 said:
Sensabaugh, 23, was pulled over at 12:06 a.m. after an officer spotted his 2006 BMW driving 86 mph in a 55 mph zone, police Sgt. David Moore said.

When asked if he had any weapons in the car, Sensabaugh told the officer he had a pistol, but did not have a permit to carry it. The officer found a loaded 9mm pistol in the console along with another fully loaded clip.

Sensabaugh was booked into Kingsport City Jail on the charges, both misdemeanors, and was released about 2:30 a.m. after posting a $750 bond.
Under Tennessee law, driving faster than 75 mph in a 55-mph zone can be prosecuted as misdemeanor reckless driving, although the charge is at the discretion of prosecutors.


Good god he got arrested for speeding. Get over it already. You telling me you've never done 75 in a 55. BS, unless you're like 14 or something. When I used to have my Mustang I would regurlarly race vettes and camaros on the highway and top 140 mph. I'm not a bad person or a locker room cancer though.
Smith22;2684629 said:
I did already. You probably didn't bother clicking on it.


How did that case turn out?

Was he convicted or were the charges dropped?

Vtwin;2684633 said:

You call it reckless driving, I call it speeding. You've never driven over the speed limit?

The law calls it reckless driving. I'm sure the law could care less what I call it.

Vtwin;2684633 said:
Illegal possesion of a firearm? Again, Please cite where he was charged with this crime.

I provided the links earler in this thread. Do it yourself.
hendog;2684634 said:
Good god he got arrested for speeding. Get over it already. You telling me you've never done 75 in a 55. BS, unless you're like 14 or something. When I used to have my Mustang I would regurlarly race vettes and camaros on the highway and top 140 mph. I'm not a bad person or a locker room cancer though.

He asked for proof that he was arrested. I provided it.

Have I sped before? Sure. have I been arrested before? NO.

But this isn't about me is it.....

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