'Geronimo': Code name for bin Laden blasted

bbgun;3941518 said:
Um, it was a joke, not an assertion of historical fact--although in retrospect they did get fleeced. What say we bury the hatchet? Oops, sorry.


Are you a black man? If i make a "joke" about the slave trade and say you must still be sore over that, does that make it funny?
zrinkill;3941521 said:
Goyahkla was a tribal leader who made war with the USA and committed acts of Terrorism to try and win.

Gee.. he made war with the people who came in, slaughtered his people and family, and took over his people's land?

What a jerkface.. :rolleyes:

I guess according to you, if another nation comes to invade our country and our land, and we fight to resist them, we're going to be labled terrorists as well, right?

RoyTheHammer;3941533 said:
Are you a black man? If i make a "joke" about the slave trade and say you must still be sore over that, does that make it funny?

I'm a white Irish Catholic, and I take jokes about my ethnicity and church in good stride. I think you know what you can do with your delicate sensibilities.
bbgun;3941541 said:
I'm a white Irish Catholic, and I take jokes about my ethnicity and church in good stride. I think you know what you can do with your delicate sensibilities.

Go ahead and tell your "joke" to a Native American then.. see what they say.

Or tell the "joke" that i gave you to a random black guy you see.. see what happens, k?
RoyTheHammer;3941540 said:
Gee.. he made war with the people who came in, slaughtered his people and family, and took over his people's land?

Same defense Osama used.

Difference is that I admire the spirit of Goyahkla if not his bloodthirsty nature.

Geronimo was not his real name ...... so the Native American tribes should not have a problem with them using the name of Saint Jerome ..... Catholics should be offended :laugh2:
CowboyDan;3941524 said:
Though I think this is a ridiculous protest, and I'm not offended by the thought of using George Washington as a code name, I'm surprised we don't use fictional characters. Maybe they should not this for the future.

Operation Snuffaluffagus wouldn't draw too much blowback, except from maybe the Sesame Street crowd.


(there, fixed :) )
RoyTheHammer;3941548 said:
Go ahead and tell your "joke" to a Native American then.. see what they say.

Or tell the "joke" that i gave you to a random black guy you see.. see what happens, k?

A black guy, a native American, and a catholic priest walk into a mosque ......
zrinkill;3941569 said:
A black guy, a native American, and a catholic priest walk into a mosque ......

I didn't even need the rest of the joke, that made me laugh!
RoyTheHammer;3941548 said:
Go ahead and tell your "joke" to a Native American then.. see what they say.

Or tell the "joke" that i gave you to a random black guy you see.. see what happens, k?

No need. Carroll O'Connor has already proven that you can make pointedly offensive ethnic jokes without incident or backlash. All you need is someone on the receiving end with a sense of humor (hint: not you).

Your PC pandering has made this guy cry.

Native American Indians have got a lot bigger fish to fry than the insensitive use of an Anglo name for one of their old leaders.
zrinkill;3941559 said:
Then you should be offended they used a variation of Saint Jerome :laugh2:

Who knows? Maybe they meant Reds CF Cesar Geronimo.
Good Grief. There are a lot of sensitive people in America that need to take part in Operation: Shut Your Easily Offended Pie-Hole and Lighten Up.
bbgun;3941578 said:
No need. Carroll O'Connor has already proven that you can make pointedly offensive ethnic jokes without incident or backlash. All you need is someone on the receiving end with a sense of humor (hint: not you).

Your PC pandering has made this guy cry.


And Kramer has proven that not everyone can do it correctly or respectfully. :)

zrinkill;3941553 said:
Same defense Osama used.

Any comparison of the two is absurd. We came and slaughtered their people (and his family) and took over their land. He fought back against it.. the same thing we would do if we were invaded.

He's a Native American hero.. we still have Native Americans amongst us today, some of them fighting overseas right now for ignorant people like you.
bbgun;3941578 said:
No need. Carroll O'Connor has already proven that you can make pointedly offensive ethnic jokes without incident or backlash. All you need is someone on the receiving end with a sense of humor (hint: not you).

Your PC pandering has made this guy cry.


No please.. go up to a stranger who is native american and say what you just did. Or an African American man and tell him the "joke" that i gave you.

Let me know what happens.. my guess is you already know, and thats why you'd never do it.
RoyTheHammer;3941594 said:
ignorant people like you.


I see you have your panties in a wad about a nickname that was not even Native American in origin.

Only ignorance I see around here is your own kid.

And someone like you would be the last person to talk to me about fighting overseas.
RoyTheHammer;3941499 said:
If they had used the name George Washington would you have been a little perturbed?

I realize you arn't Native American.. but Geronimo is a cultural hero to them.

Actually I would have like it if it would have been called Operation George Washington.

Washington fought for freedom and that's what those SEAL's were doing too...when they killed bin Laden.

Geronimo fought for freedom too.

To me they're not calling bin Laden Geronimo...that's just the name of the Operation...to me it's a sign of respect that Geronimo deserved.

It's an Honor to have your name linked forever with the Operation that killed one of the most notorious people that ever lived.

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