'Geronimo': Code name for bin Laden blasted

CowboyDan;3941524 said:
Though I think this is a ridiculous protest, and I'm not offended by the thought of using George Washington as a code name, I'm surprised we don't use fictional characters. Maybe they should not this for the future.

Operation Snuffaluffagus wouldn't draw too much blowback, except from maybe the Sesame Street crowd.

Papa Smurf or Grape Ape? That would actually be kind of cool.
zrinkill;3941607 said:

I see you have your panties in a wad about a nickname that was not even Native American in origin.

Only ignorance I see around here is your own kid.

And someone like you would be the last person to talk to me about fighting overseas.

Does it matter that it was not Native American in origin? Do you think those people all don't realize who it is referring to? The man is a cultural hero to Native Americans. Any sensible person could see why their culture would be a little taken aback at using that code name. The two men are nothing alike.

By the way.. you have no idea who i am, my age, or what i've been through in my life, so don't speak to me as if you have any idea of the person i am.

Understood? If you want to speak further on this.. PM me.
They could have called it Operation George Washington for all I care main thing is the dirt bag is history now. Of course like anything else that point seems to go right over their heads as we get into the petty disagreements.
RoyTheHammer;3941628 said:
By the way.. you have no idea who i am, my age, or what i've been through in my life, so don't speak to me as if you have any idea of the person i am.

That is exactly what you were doing. Hypocrite much?
ConcordCowboy;3941608 said:
Actually I would have like it if it would have been called Operation George Washington.

Washington fought for freedom and that's what those SEAL's were doing too...when they killed bin Laden.

Geronimo fought for freedom too.

To me they're not calling bin Laden Geronimo...that's just the name of the Operation...to me it's a sign of respect that Geronimo deserved.

It's an Honor to have your name linked forever with the Operation that killed one of the most notorious people that ever lived.

That's certainly a different interpretation.. my point was just that its not hard to understand why some respected leaders in Native American culture would have a problem using that as a code name.

I would be inclined to agree with your interpretation if it had not been reported that when they captured Osama, they announced "Geronimo: EKIA" over the radio. Certainly when you refer to Bin Laden in that way (basically naming Geronimo as the target) it paints a different picture.
RoyTheHammer;3941601 said:
No please.. go up to a stranger who is native american and say what you just did. Or an African American man and tell him the "joke" that i gave you.

Let me know what happens.. my guess is you already know, and thats why you'd never do it.


Why would I approach a complete stranger and make an insensitive racial or ethnic joke if they weren't asking for it? Conversely, the Geronimo whiners are inviting rebuke.
RoyTheHammer;3941511 said:
Im not even Native American and im offended by the ignorance of this comment.

Ignorance implies it isnt rooted in fact. The Native Americans got fleeced big time.
zrinkill;3941632 said:
That was exactly what you were doing. Hypocrite much?

Calling you ignorant for a statement you made on this board trying to refer to a Native American cultural hero who resisted the takeover and slaughter of his people and his land, as someone who is similar to OBL.. and calling you a little boy or saying you are the last person to talk to me about fighting overseas are two completely different things. If you have a problem with something i said in a topic, please feel free to discuss it in any way you see fit. But don't get personal with me about it and start speaking to things that you have no idea about.. as i don't speak about your personal life that i have no idea about.
bbgun;3941644 said:

Why would I approach a complete stranger and make an insensitive racial or ethnic joke if they weren't asking for it? Conversely, the Geronimo whiners are inviting rebuke.

Could there not possibly be Native Americans who visit this board? Would they not be strangers to you?
RoyTheHammer;3941652 said:
But don't get personal

bull .... you made it personal ..... do not cry about it now.

I do not give a crap if you like it or not.
RoyTheHammer;3941540 said:
Gee.. he made war with the people who came in, slaughtered his people and family, and took over his people's land?

What a jerkface.. :rolleyes:

I guess according to you, if another nation comes to invade our country and our land, and we fight to resist them, we're going to be labled terrorists as well, right?


This is the problem with America these days, not enough people willing to laugh at themselves.

There's plenty of whites, blacks, hispanics, jews, catholics, protestants, etc. out there who have no problem with jokes stereotyping their respective groups. The world would be so much better if everyone just learned to take stuff in stride.
RoyTheHammer;3941655 said:
Could there not possibly be Native Americans who visit this board? Would they not be strangers to you?

Doubtful. Maybe a gopher or two.

The30YardSlant;3941660 said:
This is the problem with America these days, not enough people willing to laugh at themselves.

There's plenty of whites, blacks, hispanics, jews, catholics, protestants, etc. out there who have no problem with jokes stereotyping their respective groups. The world would be so much better if everyone just learned to take stuff in stride.

But some are sensitive.. and its not a joke when you label the worst global enemy since Hitler as a cultural hero of the people who we slaughtered to found this nation.

Im just saying maybe we shouldn't be laughing at the Native Americans who have taken some offense to this.. since most here im willing to bet don't understand their culture, there could easily be reasons why this is more offensive to them than we would understand, although just a basic knowledge of who Geronimo refers to and the fact that we labeled Bin Laden with his name certainly is enough to understand why their culture could take offense to that.
zrinkill;3941659 said:
bull .... you made it personal ..... do not cry about it now.

I do not give a crap if you like it or not.

Again.. i called you ignorant for a comment you made comparing Geronimo to Bin Laden.. and honestly i think most would agree.

You made reference to my age and other personal comments that had nothing to do with anything i posted on this topic.

Im not suprised you don't see the difference though. Carry on.
Well I guess if your a Pueblos, Pima or Papago indian your not to upset since the Apache took their land and raided their villiages. :laugh2:

Heros tend to be in the eye of the beholder. :laugh2:

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