Get some freaking perspective

Deep_Freeze said:
. Don't know how you forgot ol' peg leg, I mean Flo. Maybe you didn't mention him cause he is so done.

Flo's in there, D_F, under 'gold brickers'.

Who I didn't mention was Vanderjagt....need I bother?:rolleyes:
LaTunaNostra said:
Yeah right, easy for you to say.

From where I'm sitting Parcells has "ruined" Julius, who has lost all his instinct and abiity to cut. Kosier is a journeyman scrub who couldn't fill a third of LA's shoes, MCQ is just another in a long line of Tuna wet dreams which will never reach climax, Rivera is a shell of what he was before he hit that treadmill last offseason, Gurode and Johnso combined barely make one decent center, Flo is both over-rated and malingering, and Colombo is not about to make any "miracle comeback"....not on THIS team, anyway. (But cut him and watch, he will... on his next team)

Crayton is alwys hurt and then takes months to get back up to 'speed", Glenn as usual is on borrowed time, anyone who thinks Rector or Hurd are going to look anything like what they did vs scrubs when they face Dawkins, Madison, or Springs is nuts, Barber is a passing down wonder, Thompson can't block worth squat, Owens is a ticking time bomb, Romo another "Mr August," and Bledsoe as mobile as a parking meter.

But never fear! Two te sets will make the difference!

Preseason game four was all I had to see to know this offense will suck once again. And don't even get me started on the over-rated defense, which has yet to prove anything. Suffice it to say that Ellis in coverage one time will blow his candy arse confidence to shreds again, Carpenter is slow, and steady, and five seconds late like clockwork, Ferguson "got paid" and that's all she wrote, and Brad Johnson made fools of both Henry and Newman, no blitz or not.

Then we've got offensive game calling by committee again, headed by that obstinate old coot whose playbook hasn't modernized since Red Grange.

There's only ONE 'rational' perspective.

And that is that we're doomed. :laugh1:



LaTunaNostra said:
Flo's in there, D_F, under 'gold brickers'.

Who I didn't mention was Vanderjagt....need I bother?:rolleyes:

Yeah, I see it now. And no, Vandershank is just too easy.

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