Gibbs turning in film to the league again!

Tra_Col99 said:
The best part about his press confrence was that he was praising Burnell for his final 4th quarter drive. He was asked about changing QB's and he said that as long as Brunell isn't hurt, I wont take him out.

He was pretty happy about that 4th quarter drive (against a prevent defense) :laugh2:

I didn't here his PC but this guy's GOT to be kidding!!!! :bang2:
Nope, Gibbs was sugar coating everything and went on for about 30 to 40 seconds about what a good 2 minute offense Brunnell ran last night. He had that and the punter as bright spots and then went on about how hard the guys played and such things.
Remember that Rich Tandler article last week about how it was the Cowboy fans that always made excuses?
Yeah, and while he's at it send the tape of the non-hold on Greg Ellis. I've never seen a hold not called because the guy got by the holder. Gibbs is over the hill. Go back to racing and make Snyder your pit boy.
Chief said:
They probably have a special file for Gibbs' weekly mailings.

Any fans of The Office in here? These Commanders tapes are getting to be like Dwight's HR complaint file for the NY office.
Idgit said:
Any fans of The Office in here? These Commanders tapes are getting to be like Dwight's HR complaint file for the NY office.

:lmao2: :lmao2: Yep, I'm an Office fan!

Wonder what Gibbs would've done if he'd been in Holmgren's shoes after that debacle called XL?
...starts 0-2 there are more pressing things to spend yours and the assistant's time on than tapes about past games.

YOu have to wonder if he's spending toomuch time harping on penalties and not enough time on how to turn the ship around.
davidyee said:
...starts 0-2 there are more pressing things to spend yours and the assistant's time on than tapes about past games.

YOu have to wonder if he's spending toomuch time harping on penalties and not enough time on how to turn the ship around.

Yep. The ships sinking but the captain's upset because someone stained the carpet.

Gibbs needs to stop worrying about games that are already over. You know the best way to not get penaltes? DONT DO THEM! I don't care if you think they were bad calls. Teach some discipline to your team and go play football. What a cry baby.

But while we're on the subject of penalties can anyone clarify what in the world was up with that penalty towards the end of the game? There is no penalty for holding on the play because the defender broke through the hold?

TRANSLATION: The Commander lineman tried to cheat but he sucked even at that so we're not gonna call it on him.
Chief said:

Gibbs to the ref:

"Hey fella. Do you know who I am? Huh? Do you? I'm a Hall of Famer, buddy. Canton, Ohio. I'm big time. People listen to me. I can make one phone call and you'll be reffing six-man football games in South Dakota."