Gibbs turning in film to the league again!

Chief said:

Gibbs to the ref:

"Hey fella. Do you know who I am? Huh? Do you? I'm a Hall of Famer, buddy.

Canton, Ohio. I'm big time. People listen to me. I can make one phone call and you'll be reffing six-man football games in South Dakota."

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: good one, although SD hasn't played 6 or 8 man FB since the early 60's. It's 9 man now :D
Chief said:

Gibbs to the ref:

"Hey fella. Do you know who I am? Huh? Do you? I'm a Hall of Famer, buddy. Canton, Ohio. I'm big time. People listen to me. I can make one phone call and you'll be reffing six-man football games in South Dakota."

Hey, South Dakota has 11-man and nine-man football. None of that six-man stuff.
Big Dakota said:
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: good one, although SD hasn't played 6 or 8 man FB since the early 60's. It's 9 man now :D

Two 9 man teams. . . . that's 18. Can they find 18 guys to play football in SD? Maybe they can get some of the new Brokeback residents of Wyoming, the Pink State!
The more time he wastes reviewing bad calls and sending in tapes for review, the less time he spends sorting out the problems his team has, to the benefit of all his NFC East rivals.

I know what I'd rather he spend time on if he was our head coach.

Man, that thought just gave me chills. I'm gonna need a whisky now.
Sorry, Big Dakota, I didn't see that you had already defended South Dakota high school football.
good one, although SD hasn't played 6 or 8 man FB since the early 60's. It's 9 man now

Hey, South Dakota has 11-man and nine-man football. None of that six-man stuff.

Crap. I knew I was going to get called on that. Try to pick an obscure state and this is what happens. I should have stuck with New Mexico.

What state is South Dakota in anyway?

I know I've heard of that place before.

Chief said:
Crap. I knew I was going to get called on that. Try to pick an obscure state and this is what happens. I should have stuck with New Mexico.


:lmao2: We even get a pro now and then;)
Cowboys22 said:
Just said in his press conference that they will be sending in tapes to the league of penalties called on them that they don't think were right. This is an every week thing now and just a bunch of wussy excuses. Gibbs has lost a lot of respect in my book, he is nothing but a big crybaby!!!!

Well I tell you what.... society has taught if you cry/fight for something you believe in or just flat out want..... you increase your chances of either getting what you want or making it easier for the next person/people
AdamJT13 said:
Sorry, Big Dakota, I didn't see that you had already defended South Dakota high school football.

I think we have less peolpe in this state than Texas has HS players. Then again Texas has more criminals than we do people.
Chief said:
Crap. I knew I was going to get called on that. Try to pick an obscure state and this is what happens. I should have stuck with New Mexico.


Ron Mexico?:eek:

AdamJT13 said:
Hey, South Dakota has 11-man and nine-man football. None of that six-man stuff.

I played 6 and 8 man football as a kid. None of the equipment ever fit

I like the comment from above, what do you Commanders fans here think about this ?
Yeagermeister said:

He probably has an old electric typewriter :D

Gibbs : To whom it may concern (stop)
In reference to the refereeing on or about 09/17/06 (stop)
I have really lost ALOT of respect since he came back to the skins...did his balls just pop right back up there or something.
calico said:
I have really lost ALOT of respect since he came back to the skins...did his balls just pop right back up there or something.

Seriously, what happened to him?

Was he a weenie all this time and we didn't know it?

Did some of the good ol' boys in NASCAR neuter him?

He doesn't seem like the same guy.
The best part about his press confrence was that he was praising Burnell for his final 4th quarter drive. He was asked about changing QB's and he said that as long as Brunell isn't hurt, I wont take him out.

He was pretty happy about that 4th quarter drive (against a prevent defense) :laugh2:
Tra_Col99 said:
The best part about his press confrence was that he was praising Burnell for his final 4th quarter drive. He was asked about changing QB's and he said that as long as Brunell isn't hurt, I wont take him out.

He was pretty happy about that 4th quarter drive (against a prevent defense) :laugh2:

Exactly. Gibbs has lost it.

Hey, Joe, how did that "great" last drive end?

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