Twitter: Gil Brandt with another Jaylon Smith update

I wasn't saying that I was setting the bar for you. I was setting the bar for the lay person. I was earnest in asking your opinion if that was a reasonable expectation or not

Thanks for explaining . . . sorry to say I misunderstood what you were trying to say. Color my face red.
I can only admit that the bar was a tad high for me but your explanation carried me over it nicely.:muttley:

I'm relieved to realize that my intelligence wasn't being demeaned and hereby renew my "like", brutha.
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I think he has a reasonable shot to return before his window of opportunity closes. I've thought he had been regaining control of the muscle for weeks at this point though.

I tend to believe that the nerve has been firing for some time as well. If so he has already begun to get in game shape by now. Thinking logically, the Cowboys won't activate him until he is ready or close to being ready to play. On the other hand, even if he only had a 1% chance his current situation isn't taking up a roster spot so there would be no need to IR him until they are absolutely required to do so.

I think this Gil Brandt thing has legs in the same way that Bill Polian said that there was no question that Dallas would take Zeke long before anyone had him linked to the Cowboys at #4 overall. We know how that one turned out. He was dead on correct.

Your analysis of his condition several weeks ago seemed right on. Granted you weee just reading the tea leaves, but I tend to agree with the conclusions you drew weeks ago, and now. I say that not because I want you to be correct, but because I think it is likely accurate.
Even if Jaylon doesnt play this yeat this is great news. Dallas needs a big ilb and this will allow them to take a different position in the draft.
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I'm excited! If we've only seen the tip of the iceberg of what Dak, Zeke, and Anthony Brown will grow to be... and Jaylon, Rico, and Charles Tapper eventually get on the field and play to their respective potentials... I have no doubt this draft class will be considered one of the greatest in NFL history.

Here's to hoping I see Jaylon play this season.

I don't pay much attention to college football, so it was news to me today when I learned Jaylon and Zeke were friends since HS. Didn't even know Zeke was the opponent during the game Jaylon got injured. A Reddit user posted when Zeke showed concern for his friend writhing in pain, and I watched on YouTube to see him grab his hand to support him.

Horrible injury, but it's amazing how things unfold the way they do. We couldn't call both of them Cowboys without that injury.
Trust ME about what? That's his official Twitter. You GUESS he won't tell a soul when that nerve fires back up, you mean. I guess once he knows it's fired and the medical staff confirms it, he's gonna Tweet that out quick.

Again, when asked about specifics of his condition he gives a rote response that they should ask Britt Brown or Doctor Cooper. It's obvious he has been coached to say that.

He has not given any specifics up to this point yet we're supposed to trust you that this one specific milestone will be reported by him? I think not.
Even if he doesn't play this year, this is great news simply for the fact that we'll get this guy back on the field at some point and may have stolen a top 10 talent in the second round.
Why the hate? Drink some of this Kool Aid. Its not going to kill anyone to be optimistic about a player health.
I want them to be healthy. I am talking about Smith PLAYING after not playing in over a year. He has never tackled anyone in PRACTICE!!!!! And we are going to insert him into a playoff game?
Jerry says a lot of things! But, if this boy can come back even for next year it would be a tremendous boost for the LB Corp.
Jaylon is the official hot button "issue" of CZ. More than Dez, more than Romo. It's Jaylon, imo.

@waving monkey you're probly right, he is best suited for the weak side but they may kick him out to sam, but he has the size and ability for Mike, imo. :)
lol. Agreed. At least he can be reasonably debated...thats a start.
Again, when asked about specifics of his condition he gives a rote response that they should ask Britt Brown or Doctor Cooper. It's obvious he has been coached to say that.

He has not given any specifics up to this point yet we're supposed to trust you that this one specific milestone will be reported by him? I think not.

Lol, smh.

When Jaylon was asked specifically about the nerve in that interview (from early this season) he gave an answer that included "yes" but was immediately followed with obfuscation by Jaylon talking about his training team and regimen.

Most people picked up on the fact he didn't give a solid answer. You didn't. In fact, you argued that people should take his answer as "yes." Now you've backed away from that.

You're also railing on this other poster about his trustworthiness. Yet, you're the same guy that made the bogus claim that Jaylon was "playing with his nieces," insinuating his nerve was fine based on nothing more than a picture of him sitting on a couch posing with his nieces and his brace off.
And you guys consider yourselves Cowboys fans? Y'all don't even know how to homer properly.

This is how you homer...

I am 100% sure that the nerve is firing. I'm positive that he plays this year. Not only will he play this year, he will, in the last two games, secure the DROY and will widely be considered an MVP candidate.

The 2016 draft will graded and redrafted in years to come and the consensus first three picks off the board will be Dak Prescott, Ezekiel Elliot and Jaylon Smith. Further, when the revised draft positions come, out CZ is going to be screaming about the obvious anti-Cowboys bias because our own Tony Brown wasn't selected until 22.

This is what that nerve firing means to me.

And so that none of you self-titled "realists" rain on my parade, I'm invoking the two words that render all future counter arguments null and void...

And you guys consider yourselves Cowboys fans? Y'all don't even know how to homer properly.

This is how you homer...

I am 100% sure that the nerve is firing. I'm positive that he plays this year. Not only will he play this year, he will, in the last two games, secure the DROY and will widely be considered an MVP candidate.

The 2016 draft will graded and redrafted in years to come and the consensus first three picks off the board will be Dak Prescott, Ezekiel Elliot and Jaylon Smith. Further, when the revised draft positions come, out CZ is going to be screaming about the obvious anti-Cowboys bias because our own Tony Brown wasn't selected until 22.

This is what that nerve firing means to me.

And so that none of you self-titled "realists" rain on my parade, I'm invoking the two words that render all future counter arguments null and void...



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