Again...dude...I never said "zeke didn;t care" You just keep making up lies.
Of course Zeke cares. All the players do. They all want to play and get stats. Why the fq you think they are in this? To sit on the bench?
You lecture me about "immaturity"....but you make up lies to argue...and act like NFL players don't want to play. And blame them for the coaches lack or running the team.
You are a piece of work man.
Believe it or not.... and I know you apparently don’t know this......
But there ARE players in this league and in other leagues/sports, that would rather sacrifice a bit of their PERSONAL glory (like 1,000 rush yards) for a better chance at TEAM glory (like being as close to healthy as you can possibly be for THE PLAYOFFS).
Yes, the coaches could’ve told Zeke “no” and didn’t.
But Zeke is a grown man and has to take responsibility for his own career and his own choices.
He knew he wasn’t 100% and he knew that chasing 1,000 yards wasn’t helpful to the TEAM goal of winning in the playoffs.
I have a problem with that. I want selfLESS players, not selfISH players.
If you’re okay with pure selfishness from guys who play a TEAM sport, hey, good for you. It’s not my thing.
Shame on Zeke for his 18 carries in Week 18, shame on Zeke for his PITIFUL performance a week later vs SF.... and yes, shame on the coaches too for not pulling Zeke earlier in Week 18 or sitting him out entirely.