Golden Tate's hit on Sean Lee

Not sure if it was mentioned yet, but looks like he was fined $21,000 according to NFL Live / ESPN.
Doomsday;4739171 said:
Not sure if it was mentioned yet, but looks like he was fined $21,000 according to ESPN.

Actually $21k is the minimum fine. The actual fine won't be announced until Friday.
Chocolate Lab;4738909 said:
It's illegal by today's lousy rules but for decades it was perfectly fine.

If Miles or Dez made that block I would applaud them.

You would applaud an act that (if the refs had responded correctly) would have left the Hawks facing a 2nd and 20+ near their own 10 yd line?

It was an idiotic act by Golden Tate, one that could well have altered the final outcome. To say you want our players to commit stupid acts on the field is just plain foolish.
That was a cheap shot in football. I hope Lee does not forget that, but he will (he says). I hope the team watched that!

If that does not fire this team up....:mad:

And that was not the worst of it. I hope the team learned.
coogrfan;4739183 said:
You would applaud an act that (if the refs had responded correctly) would have left the Hawks facing a 2nd and 20+ near their own 10 yd line?

It was an idiotic act by Golden Tate, one that could well have altered the final outcome. To say you want our players to commit stupid acts on the field is just plain foolish.

Idiotic? I can't believe all the talk of how "dirty" that hit was. Dirty hits are clipping, or a blatantly late hit, or a chop block, or diving at the side of someone's knees, or a forearm shiver to the neck. If Tate hits him a just several inches lower, the hit is okay. This wasn't like, say, that hit in preseason where Asante Samuel (I think it was) launched his entire body a few feet off the ground in an obvious attempt to try to hit a QB in the head.

So no, I don't think it was "stupid". The dancing around afterwards was, but the hit wasn't. He had a chance at a great peelback block like everyone who plays football dreams of. He hit Lee a little too high, but otherwise that's what you're supposed to do. The only reason it was such a big hit anyway was that Lee wasn't looking like he should have been and usually would. In which case he'd have crushed Tate and no one would be talking about this.

And yes, I'd like to see that type of physical play and aggression from our WRs.
Chocolate Lab;4739243 said:
Idiotic? I can't believe all the talk of how "dirty" that hit was. Dirty hits are clipping, or a blatantly late hit, or a chop block, or diving at the side of someone's knees, or a forearm shiver to the neck. If Tate hits him a just several inches lower, the hit is okay. This wasn't like, say, that hit in preseason where Asante Samuel (I think it was) launched his entire body a few feet off the ground in an obvious attempt to try to hit a QB in the head.

Are you freaking kidding me? How many times is this going to have to be repeated? :bang2:

RT @twlr3: was that a legal hit on Lee in Dallas game?

Re the hit on Sean Lee

Mike Pereira ‏@MikePereira
The hit on Lee is an illegal blindside block. Lee is considered defenseless, which means you can't lower your head & hit in head/neck area

On a blindside block the player is defenseless and you can't lead with your helmet no matter where you hit him.

The instant Tate lowered his head, any chance of the hit being legal ended. There's no interpretation involved, no gray area...under the current rules the hit should have drawn a flag. End of story.

Chocolate Lab;4739243 said:
So no, I don't think it was "stupid". The dancing around afterwards was, but the hit wasn't. He had a chance at a great peelback block like everyone who plays football dreams of. He hit Lee a little too high, but otherwise that's what you're supposed to do. The only reason it was such a big hit anyway was that Lee wasn't looking like he should have been and usually would. In which case he'd have crushed Tate and no one would be talking about this.

It was stupid because it was (1) illegal and (2) totally unnecessary. We all know that Wilson has pretty good speed for a qb. If Tate had merely gotten in Lee's way, the net result of the play would have been the same...except Tate wouldn't have risked drawing a flag. Only the utter incompetence of the officials saved Seattle from a huge penalty that could well have changed the final outcome of the game.

Chocolate Lab;4739243 said:
And yes, I'd like to see that type of physical play and aggression from our WRs.

Physical is fine. Stupid? Not fine.
speedkilz88;4739242 said:
The source is Tim McMahon, not exactly someone I would trust. He could be just guessing since it was a first offense.
I considered that, especially since T-Mac said something in his blog that has proven to be a precursor of failed reporting many times before... "a source said."
IRVING, Texas -- Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Golden Tate was
fined $21,000 for a blindside block on Dallas Cowboys linebacker
Sean Lee, a source said. — Tim MacMahon

Other sources have reported the Tate $21,000 fine to be confirmed. The NFL won't officially confirm the exact amount of the fine until Friday, like SIA said. Until then, here's something with a little more teeth to it, I think: Seahawks Blog

Danny O'Neil covers the Seahawks for The Seattle Times.
September 19, 2012 at 4:44 PM

Source: Golden Tate fined $21 K
By Tim McMahon |

Golden Tate was fined $21,000 by the NFL for his block of Sean Lee,
according to and

The report was subsequently confirmed by the Seahawks.

Players are notified of fines via Federal Express early in the week, but
the league does not confirm the amount of those fines until Friday.

Read more:
Chocolate Lab;4739243 said:
Idiotic? I can't believe all the talk of how "dirty" that hit was. Dirty hits are clipping, or a blatantly late hit, or a chop block, or diving at the side of someone's knees, or a forearm shiver to the neck. If Tate hits him a just several inches lower, the hit is okay. This wasn't like, say, that hit in preseason where Asante Samuel (I think it was) launched his entire body a few feet off the ground in an obvious attempt to try to hit a QB in the head.

So no, I don't think it was "stupid". The dancing around afterwards was, but the hit wasn't. He had a chance at a great peelback block like everyone who plays football dreams of. He hit Lee a little too high, but otherwise that's what you're supposed to do. The only reason it was such a big hit anyway was that Lee wasn't looking like he should have been and usually would. In which case he'd have crushed Tate and no one would be talking about this.

And yes, I'd like to see that type of physical play and aggression from our WRs.

Funny how Lee totally disagrees with you.

So Lee isn't tough and is playing the game incorrectly. Riiiiiight!

The Cowboys were bothered by Tate celebrating the hit by strutting and flexing his muscles while Lee was still on the ground, although Lee called that kind of hit part of the game.

"Crackback hits, that's not a definition of toughness," Lee said Wednesday. "A definition of toughness is hitting, squaring up, being able to do your job as hard as you can every single play. That's at least what I believe. Anybody can crackback block."
Chocolate Lab;4739243 said:
Idiotic? I can't believe all the talk of how "dirty" that hit was. Dirty hits are clipping, or a blatantly late hit, or a chop block, or diving at the side of someone's knees, or a forearm shiver to the neck. If Tate hits him a just several inches lower, the hit is okay. This wasn't like, say, that hit in preseason where Asante Samuel (I think it was) launched his entire body a few feet off the ground in an obvious attempt to try to hit a QB in the head.

So no, I don't think it was "stupid". The dancing around afterwards was, but the hit wasn't. He had a chance at a great peelback block like everyone who plays football dreams of. He hit Lee a little too high, but otherwise that's what you're supposed to do. The only reason it was such a big hit anyway was that Lee wasn't looking like he should have been and usually would. In which case he'd have crushed Tate and no one would be talking about this.

And yes, I'd like to see that type of physical play and aggression from our WRs.

Except he did hit him lower; too bad he hit with the crown of his helmet first. The problem was that as woon as his helmet made contact he sprang upwards into Lee's chin. I isolated the stills and look at Tate's legs as he straightens them.

It was intentional. It was dirty.

I also like how you glorify his act as if its something that we all dream of.
FuzzyLumpkins;4738033 said:
Tate didn't spring into Lee he sprang up.

These are the subsequent stills. He went up as you can see:










You familiar with what an uppercut is?

Here are the stills once more.
FuzzyLumpkins;4739359 said:
Here are the stills once more.

That hit has undergone more scrutiny than the Zapruder film. :rolleyes:
KJJ;4739383 said:
That hit has undergone more scrutiny than the Zapruder film. :rolleyes:

And it has seen more defense than the OJ trial.

It's hilarious now that he has been fined and those of us that said it was illegal have been proven correct that the usual suspects are coming in and pulling the 'it doesn't matter card.'
FuzzyLumpkins;4738732 said:
It's obvious that you are not because you haven't proven anything. Your complaining about me still being at it --and I was not even addressing you with the stills-- tells me that you think that I am rubbing your face in being wrong and don't appreciate it.

If you don't like it, quit posturing and quit posting in the thread about the subject.

Naw, just killing my bandwidth man. lol

Wrong? Nope, you have your football tastes.. which is along the lines of a Goodell, What position did he play again? If , Ever?

And, I have mine taste in football. Which is, when men played the game.
Hook'em#11;4739428 said:
Naw, just killing my bandwidth man. lol

Wrong? Nope, you have your football tastes.. which is along the lines of a Goodell, What position did he play again? If , Ever?

And, I have mine taste in football. Which is, when men played the game.

Yay, more machismo posturing!
Hook'em#11;4739428 said:
Naw, just killing my bandwidth man. lol

Wrong? Nope, you have your football tastes.. which is along the lines of a Goodell, What position did he play again? If , Ever?

And, I have mine taste in football. Which is, when men played the game.

Yeah, when they were brutal and intentionally hurting one another resulting in career ending injuries at times. At the least you had people missing time and occasionally losing their jobs. Many also have severe problems even disabilities some leading to dementia and death as well as a few paralyzed players. Then we had teams losing critical players resulting in a watered down product and entire teams losing out on SB dreams because people took out a QBs legs or such.

The sport is brutal enough with frequent injuries leading to chronic problems now and later. No need to make it more brutal. Just time travel back to the Roman Coliseum and watch some people get eaten by lions or hack themselves in combat. Also, they say the French Revolution was a blast. People got a big kick out of the occasional talking head.
jobberone;4739440 said:
Yeah, when they were brutal and intentionally hurting one another resulting in career ending injuries at times. At the least you had people missing time and occasionally losing their jobs. Many also have severe problems even disabilities some leading to dementia and death as well as a few paralyzed players. Then we had teams losing critical players resulting in a watered down product and entire teams losing out on SB dreams because people took out a QBs legs or such.

The sport is brutal enough with frequent injuries leading to chronic problems now and later. No need to make it more brutal. Just time travel back to the Roman Coliseum and watch some people get eaten by lions or hack themselves in combat. Also, they say the French Revolution was a blast. People got a big kick out of the occasional talking head.

Well, this thread has turnt dark and ****.
We should talk about something else like how Lee is recovering. Man he got his bell wrung.:eek::
Ah dont mean to make light or nuthing but Lee last week was talking about how we should play with more imotocons and be meaner and stuff. Reckon he endorses that hit, maybe?
Git well soon Lee and let us see your play and not yer mouf ajawin'.
FuzzyLumpkins;4739356 said:
Except he did hit him lower; too bad he hit with the crown of his helmet first. The problem was that as woon as his helmet made contact he sprang upwards into Lee's chin. I isolated the stills and look at Tate's legs as he straightens them.

It was intentional. It was dirty.

I also like how you glorify his act as if its something that we all dream of.
So you think every bit of what he did was intentional... That he thought to himself, I'm going to put my helmet right under his chin, an illegal hit, and just hope it doesn't get called? No way. This stuff happens in a fraction of a second. I don't think he meant it to happen exactly the way it did any more than most facemasks, which are accidental.

All he thought was that he doesn't see me and I'm going to explode and try to blow him up, just the way he's been taught his whole life.

As I said the first time, hit him a few inches lower and move his head a few inches so his shoulder hits first (which was very close to happening anyway), and it's legal.

You can call it machismo, but football is a macho game. And you can say people don't dream of those hits, but they do. Didn't you ever play? Those are the best hits you'll ever get in your life.

And again, I don't think this is anywhere close to what I mentioned before as truly dirty, like going for a guy's knees, or chopping him when he's engaged, or twisting knees in a pile or several other things.

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