Golden Tate's hit on Sean Lee

FuzzyLumpkins;4737719 said:
You have to be kidding me.

This is a still of the point of contact. Note the relative positions of his head and shoulders. I am going to hold your hand: Tate's head is clearly the first thing to make contact.

The only reason why Tate did not leave his feet is because Sean Lee's chin was in the way. If you would like i can give you a lesson in dynamics and show you how the energy was transferred to Lee who did get thrown into the air.

I cannot believe how Cowboys fans glorify and defend what was clearly an illegal cheap shot on one of our best players.

I don't think the guy you quoted was glorifying nor defending it.
FuzzyLumpkins;4737719 said:
You have to be kidding me.


This is a still of the point of contact. Note the relative positions of his head and shoulders. I am going to hold your hand: Tate's head is clearly the first thing to make contact.

The only reason why Tate did not leave his feet is because Sean Lee's chin was in the way. If you would like i can give you a lesson in dynamics and show you how the energy was transferred to Lee who did get thrown into the air.

I cannot believe how Cowboys fans glorify and defend what was clearly an illegal cheap shot on one of our best players.

Thanx for the photo. Using your photo, where is the helmet-to-helmet contact? I'm afraid I don't see it.

And who is "glorifying" or "defending" Tate's hit? I certainly am not. All I said was, based on the photo I posted, it appeared to me that Tate neither left his feet nor did it appear to me that he led with his helmet.

I'm willing to be proven wrong on either of those points, and I concede that your photo does indeed show Tate leading with his helmet. But is a helmet shot to the chest and neck illegal? I don't know, but if it is then Tate should be fined.

But just because I'm a Cowboy fan doesn't mean I automatically vilify what appeared to me at the time to be a legal hit.
Tate didn't spring into Lee he sprang up.

These are the subsequent stills. He went up as you can see:










You familiar with what an uppercut is?

As for the glorifying:

Chuck 54;4732067 said:
Tate's block was fantastic....if we had a receiver make a block like that, we'd come up off our seats and cheer...we'd still be laughing. I don't believe anyone who says different.

Modern rules be damned...I admired the heck out of it, and I'll bet you won't hear Lee call it a cheap shot. I'll take that from our WRs anyway, penalty or not.

Seattle's secondary bottled us up and lit up our receivers when they made a catch...and the drops increased. They were much more physical and came out the way you'd expect a talented 0-1 team to come out in their home opener. Despite fumbled kickoff, a blocked punt for TD, and Romo throwing yet another typical Romo brainfart INT, we weathered the storm and made it 10-7.

After that, we simply got our a$$es kicked physically. Doug Free has got to now be a serious sign of getting it together...he is not good.

Ware did not have a good game either, and we missed Church.

Move on...Seattle was the better team denying that.

We're in second place with a division win. Eagles are my concern...possibly a truly great team. Turn the ball over 9 times in two games with subpar games by Vick, injuries everywhere, and yet they find a way to 2-0. It's not luck.

Cowboys need to take care of business in home opener next week.

Fastphilly;4732068 said:
Amen to this! Some of these ppl on here are rapped up in technicalities. OK, maybe it was an illegal hit. Some things get missed. IMO, I'm liking these new replacement refs. They are not changing the outcome of the game by seeing a player get blasted. THEY ARE LETTING THEM PLAY FOOTBALL. In the 80's and 90's hitting like this was the norm. If players are so concerned about their well being then there is always baseball..

I don't want to see flag football with a QB playing a game of catch with his receivers. I want to see hits which is the reason this league has grown to the success it is today. Too many softies on this forum.
FuzzyLumpkins;4737714 said:
Bad officiating is part of football apparently.

I am not going to leave it at that. Sean Lee is a tough guy and you could tell that after it happened he was telling the trainers that he was fine and wanted to go back in while they were doing the diagnostics on him.

He isn't going to complain to the press and he is not going to give the press any ammo. I fail to see what you think that you have proven.

I am not trying to prove anything..

I am over it. I suggest you should do the same instead of installing frame after frame of a hit that happened on Sunday.

It's Wednesday now.,
Hook'em#11;4738399 said:
I am not trying to prove anything..

I am over it. I suggest you should do the same instead of installing frame after frame of a hit that happened on Sunday.

It's Wednesday now.,

What's it being Wednesday got to do with anything? It's a debate about a play that happened on Sunday.
Idgit;4738437 said:
What's it being Wednesday got to do with anything? It's a debate about a play that happened on Sunday.

Obviously you are in the "not over it" category..

My condolences.
Hook'em#11;4738647 said:
Obviously you are in the "not over it" category..

My condolences.

You're drawing the wrong conclusion for a bad reason again. I don't care about the hit one way or another. I think Lee's response to questions about it has been just about perfect. If it was illegal, Tate should be fined, if not, it's football. It happens sometimes.

But you're posting in a thread entitled 'Golden Tate's hit on Sean Lee,' on a Wednesday, and suggesting the other poster not address Golden Tate's hit on Sean Lee because it's now Wednesday. That's thin soup.
FuzzyLumpkins;4738033 said:
Tate didn't spring into Lee he sprang up.

These are the subsequent stills. He went up as you can see:

You familiar with what an uppercut is?

As for the glorifying:

You didn't show the entire sequence as he does leave his feet. However, I don't really understand (logically speaking) why this debate is going on other than it might be entertaining to a few. He led with his helmet going back towards the goal line against a helpless opponent. Those are both illegal and could draw a fine. Whether you add in the 'hit the helmet' or 'left his feet' argument is not relevant to the above facts.
Hook'em#11;4738399 said:
I am not trying to prove anything..

I am over it. I suggest you should do the same instead of installing frame after frame of a hit that happened on Sunday.

It's Wednesday now.,

It's obvious that you are not because you haven't proven anything. Your complaining about me still being at it --and I was not even addressing you with the stills-- tells me that you think that I am rubbing your face in being wrong and don't appreciate it.

If you don't like it, quit posturing and quit posting in the thread about the subject.
StarBoyz83;4738716 said:
We'll see if he gets fined than it was illegal. If not then it wasnt illegal.
Not necessarily. Just because it should have been a penalty--which for sure it should have been--does not at all mean it was an offense worthy of a fine.

It WAS illegal. The new rule says he could have hit him anywhere in this case and it should be a penalty, assuming the defender used his helmet.
If it was a hit to Lee's head (which I'm not so sure it was) then it would be worth a fine.
StarBoyz83;4738716 said:
We'll see if he gets fined than it was illegal. If not then it wasnt illegal.

No, that's not accurate. Mike Pereira former Senior Director of Officiating for the National Football League has already confirmed that this was an illegal hit. Regardless of the NFL's actions, this was an illegal hit.

If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around, does it really fall? The answer is yes. Trees fall every day and nobody hears them. That doesn't change the fact that trees fall every day.

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