Good bye D mac


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iceberg;1787618 said:
timing is everything, it would seem.

we *need* another CB.
we *need* a speed WR with experience
we *need* to not lose focus on the OL just cause the band aids have stopped the bleeding.

oh, and i need a ferrari too, but that doesn't make it the right choice at the time.

first of all - for all those saying "this team doesn't *need* a RB" - are you a draft BPA or for "need" person? if BPA and you rate mcfadden a top player, he won't slide because we want him too.

NO had mccalister and they drafted bush.

every year there's a shiney bullet that can't miss and every year, you miss more than you hit. that's not to say you don't hit it sometimes, it's to say make sure you gamble 'wisely'.

if cleveland would have given us a top 10 pick, we'd be in the ballpark of reality on mcfadden. given they may likely just give us our 22 back, it's time to work on balance.

not putting ourselves in "debt" for that ferrari.

miami - ronnie brown. wow. he was a legit #1 a few years ago. if miami believes in their qb of choice last year, they go rb now, or possibly wr, but they took ginn last year.

then ask yourself, how many qbs were taken when romo went FA? who's the mac daddy now?

it's time for us to be smart not make headlines and please the IGS. i was an IGS w/romo, you see. and i was wrong.

we've got a top 3 offense. how much is a "must have" for this?

our defense comes and goes like bad tuna flatchulance.

we need a secondary and we need consistancy from what we have.

it would be "nice" to have a mcfadden type player IF HE PANS OUT. people get so wrapped up in what they see they lost site of yesterday and what has been. time changes that. nothing else, unfortunately.

felix jones is also good. there are a LOT of good backs in this draft.

jjones and mbarber works.

i'd put RB on the position we could improve upon, but it's not a MUST HAVE position and that alone makes mcfadden NOT a must have player.

I see your point, however 2 late round picks are not going to be coming in here and starting, they will be depth only. Now I ask you, would you rather have 2 solid players for depth or a special player.

Would you rather have Spears and Carpenter....or Adrian Peterson/McFadden