Good game, guys!

DallasCowpoke said:
Yeaaaa, I guess going to is WAY too hard for you to figure out.

Seriously Capt. Pisswilly, your shtick has become tiresome, don't you think it's about time for you to go away, and lick your wounds with the rest of the big-mouths over at a site that has a red-themed background!!??

We'll all still be here around x-mas time, come visit then... now, shoooo!

I couldn't find Gibbs injury on the Post. Could you please provide a link?
CowboysHater said:
What's the matter? Can't talk football with ANYONE? It has to be the Cowboys fans ONLY thing?

I was under the impression that as long as I wasn't trolling, I was welcome here. If you don't wanna talk to me, well there's this little thing called the ignore key (there's also free will).

My shtick? What exactly is my shtick? And no I'm not asking for a definition so you can hestitate to give me an upfront answer. What is MY shtick? Aside from wanting to talk to other fans :rolleyes:

Believe me, you'll get treated better here than Cowboys fans will at ExtremeSkins.

They are so touchy over there
Monte51Coleman said:
I couldn't find Gibbs injury on the Post. Could you please provide a link?


Listen here Mr. Smartypants.....!!

Please post here again anytime M51, it's refreshing to banter w/ a fan of a rival, or any fan for that mater, who can take as well as he gives out, and recognizes sarcasm when they see it.
I got banned from extreme skins because I indicated was an Eagles fan and pointed out things about the foreskins that they did not appreciate. Like their offensive line sucks. Their QB sucks. Their coach should have stayed retired. They got this one jackass on there his name is Art at beginning of season he predicted the skins would go 14-2. Hell I don’t even think the Eagles will go 14-2 and the foreskins are no where as good as they are. Hopefully on this site you are open to objective criticism of your team.
GoEagles said:
Hopefully on this site you are open to objective criticism of your team.

Cowboy fans are the first to say what is wrong with their team. I think we live in reality more than most fans.
CowboysHater said:
Well, I'll just hope for that then. Ya'll did play a good game, from what I remember & our defense is solid, but it gets tired of being on the field so much. Our offense needs to start clicking & soon, or we're gonna start having major injuries on defense soon.

BTW, does anyone have an injury report from last night?

Our defense was on the field twice as much as yours. Good game.
Bach said:
Believe me, you'll get treated better here than Cowboys fans will at ExtremeSkins.

They are so touchy over there

Outstanding Pic!, what a loser, honestly if it wasn't for the Skins coaching staff completely screwing up the clock management they would have had a chance.

Hey skins fans there is alwasy hope for another strike so you guys can win another ring then...
CowboysHater said:
Congradulations! I don't remember much of the game (I was fairly drunk before the game really got started), but what I do remember, I'd like to forget! So, enjoy it, because it's the last win against us you'll have for while! :D

Yup, for a couple of months until we play again! By then, Brunell will have completely broken down, Ramsey will be struggling, Springs will be nonexistant (oh wait, he already is), & Joe will have even more losses under his belt. Face it gang--you're not going to get that 10-6 that the Boy Blunder wanted (& I live in New Carrollton, just down the road from the stadium, so I'm enjoying your pain even more today). You'll be lucky if you go 8-8. Parcells owns Gibbs & is a better coach--period. "Gibbs likes veterans." Translation: Gibbs doesn't know how to "coach 'em up" when it comes to youngsters. Parcells does. And now, ol' Joe is stuck with the salary cap, so he can't toss aside the injured players & dip into an unending pool of veterans. But even when he could--Parcells still owned his a**.

Enjoy the few wins you get this year. By next year, you'll be looking at Brunell & his $15 million bonus that will accelerate because he can't play any more. Meanwhile, Gibbs has totally undermined the confidence of what could have been a franchise QB. Quick question: If he's such a genius offensive coach, shouldn't he have been able to take Ramsey & Hasselbeck (both fairly decent) & turn them into solid QBs in the off-season? Hmmm? Geez, Parcells was able to coach Quincy Carter fercryinoutloud into a 10-6 & playoffs QB, & he's nowhere near the calibre of Hasselbeck & Ramsey. Imagine what HE'D do with Ramsey or Hasselbeck! Better than the "offensive genius" has.

Let's see--last week we had several calls go against us that shouldn't have & still managed to win. How come you couldn't? Playing at home, on Monday Night Football, against Parcells & the Cowboys, in front of a packed stadium, with the alleged "coaching genius"--your team should have blown out the Boys. You'll be lucky if you beat the Browns! Good luck with Minnesota, Philly (twice), & Ray Lewis is waiting just down the road to stomp your butts. The Boys will be happily waiting--in Texas Stadium this time--to greet the deadskins again for yet another sweep.
Thanks for demonstrating so clearly that it's embarrassing to have to eat your trash-talking words after the game when your team loses. Of course, if your team wins, then you don't have to trash-talk since everyone knows you won.

Actually, I am glad to see you two, CowboysHater and Monte51Coleman, coming here after the game to take your medicine like men - not everyone has the huevos to do that. Now, bend over and grab your ankles! :D

That being said, I thought Gibbs had his boys really fired up last night and if the 'Skins keep playing as well as they did last night, they're going to be tough. I was especially impressed with Gardner and I thought the southpaw QB was pretty good, too. And, how does one not be impressed with Portiss? Ya'll are gonna make the division interesting again. If you wanna talk football, stick around. If you just wanna trash-talk; well, that's what extremeskins is for.

In summary, 'Skins fans should remain silent and be thought to be fools rather than trash-talk and confirm all suspicions.

77Cowboy said:
Outstanding Pic!, what a loser, honestly if it wasn't for the Skins coaching staff completely screwing up the clock management they would have had a chance.

Hey skins fans there is alwasy hope for another strike so you guys can win another ring then...

I love the way the "Genius, disciplined, organized HOF HC" about singlehandedly lost the game for them.

And you're right about those strike years - they should put asteriks next to them. ;)
Everlastingxxx said:
Cowboy fans are the first to say what is wrong with their team. I think we live in reality more than most fans.

LOL WOW! Really? LOL

Let's put it this way "Go Eagles", I can say what I want to my wife because she's my wife, but if you call her a name that was not given to her at birth or thru marriage, I would not be happy about it. It's the same with your team (to a much lesser extent, obviously). Cowboys fans can say what they want about the Cowboys because it's their team, their board. You critisize, & that's a whole 'nother ball game right there. The same goes for when you were trolling in extremeskins. You didn't get banned because you are an Iggles fan because we have several Iggles fans that have been there for some time. You got banned because you were trolling. And when you started doing so, did you like the critisism that you had to deal with? Like not having ANY trophies after being to 3 straight NFCC games? The fact McNubb is fine in the regular season, but chokes in the playoffs? Stuff like that... ;)
Kittymama said:
Yup, for a couple of months until we play again! By then, Brunell will have completely broken down, Ramsey will be struggling, Springs will be nonexistant (oh wait, he already is), & Joe will have even more losses under his belt. Face it gang--you're not going to get that 10-6 that the Boy Blunder wanted (& I live in New Carrollton, just down the road from the stadium, so I'm enjoying your pain even more today). You'll be lucky if you go 8-8. Parcells owns Gibbs & is a better coach--period. "Gibbs likes veterans." Translation: Gibbs doesn't know how to "coach 'em up" when it comes to youngsters. Parcells does. And now, ol' Joe is stuck with the salary cap, so he can't toss aside the injured players & dip into an unending pool of veterans. But even when he could--Parcells still owned his a**.

Enjoy the few wins you get this year. By next year, you'll be looking at Brunell & his $15 million bonus that will accelerate because he can't play any more. Meanwhile, Gibbs has totally undermined the confidence of what could have been a franchise QB. Quick question: If he's such a genius offensive coach, shouldn't he have been able to take Ramsey & Hasselbeck (both fairly decent) & turn them into solid QBs in the off-season? Hmmm? Geez, Parcells was able to coach Quincy Carter fercryinoutloud into a 10-6 & playoffs QB, & he's nowhere near the calibre of Hasselbeck & Ramsey. Imagine what HE'D do with Ramsey or Hasselbeck! Better than the "offensive genius" has.

Let's see--last week we had several calls go against us that shouldn't have & still managed to win. How come you couldn't? Playing at home, on Monday Night Football, against Parcells & the Cowboys, in front of a packed stadium, with the alleged "coaching genius"--your team should have blown out the Boys. You'll be lucky if you beat the Browns! Good luck with Minnesota, Philly (twice), & Ray Lewis is waiting just down the road to stomp your butts. The Boys will be happily waiting--in Texas Stadium this time--to greet the deadskins again for yet another sweep.

Wow, you're basing all that on 3 games in? LOL That's terrific. You keep thinkin' all that! It will make shoving the win in Dallas in your face that much sweeter! :D
DallasCowpoke said:
Injury Report

Washington Commanders:
Joe Gibbs - (bruised ego)

:D :D

LMAO! I was taking a drink when I read that and I thought I would spit it through my nose. It really struck a funny bone with me.
CowboysHater said:
Wow, you're basing all that on 3 games in? LOL That's terrific. You keep thinkin' all that! It will make shoving the win in Dallas in your face that much sweeter! :D

See ya here on the board in December!
CowboysHater said:
Wow, you're basing all that on 3 games in? LOL That's terrific. You keep thinkin' all that! It will make shoving the win in Dallas in your face that much sweeter! :D

13-1 in our last 14 games vs. Washington.


CowboysHater said:
Yeah, I'm hoping that the offense starts to click soon. And they need to implament Portis more into this offense. More running plays. More running plays. More running plays.

Lucky for your that Dallas is only six letters becouse that skinny little arm wouldnt allow another letter.
CowboysHater said:
Wow, you're basing all that on 3 games in? LOL That's terrific. You keep thinkin' all that! It will make shoving the win in Dallas in your face that much sweeter! :D

Wow that takes some guts!
I have been hearing that crap from guys like you for 7 years now.

You would think you would just stop talking junk until you have something to talk about.

Shoving a win over Dallas in our face, hummmmm.
All bark and no bite!
Champsheart said:
Wow that takes some guts!
I have been hearing that crap from guys like you for 7 years now.

You would think you would just stop talking junk until you have something to talk about.

Shoving a win over Dallas in our face, hummmmm.
All bark and no bite!

And you're going to continue to hear it forever. I would expect the same from you guys if the roles were reversed.

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