I must've missed the memo saying we're supposed to blindingly conform to JJ and agree with everything he does, or else we're considered "trolls" and labelled into "the sky is falling" group.
Talk to any sober, non-homer and I think they will agree we are thin at WR. Does that mean the sky is falling? No. Does that mean we're going to go 5-11? No.
But if the goal is to win a Super Bowl, than I think it's ok to say we have not really addressed a position that crumbled last year in the home stretch, (particularly in the playoff loss) and that's just inexcusable. You hope for young players to develop when you're rebuilding, not when you're expecting to win the conference. I'm open to becoming pleasently surprised and seeing a breakout season from one of these WRs opposite TO, but I just don't think that's the mentality to have when you've worked for years to rebuild and get back to the top. It's fine that there was nobody to draft or trade for, but even if it took an extra $1.2 million to keep Glenn on the roster, and allow him to practice, wouldn't you want to go forward with the best roster possible? I see the roster better with Glenn than without personally. That doesn't mean the sky is falling, but it doesn't make me happy either because I already saw what happens to our offense when TO is not playing for not 100%. We can't prevent injuries, but we can prepare for them, and I sure don't think we're prepared for an injury at WR.