Goodell a great Commish for the times


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eventually what you guys said will bite the league on the arse. Fans need to be of the highest priority IMO.
As long as they continue to be the sheep for the fleecing, they're all like Cowboys fans. Nothing accomplished in 25 seasons unless you consider all those stadium sellouts.

This upcoming TV/Streaming deal is said to be for 100B, the fans the NFL cares about are at the end of TV's and the internet. Which are the same ones the TV nets care about

The undeniable fact is that we love football. The large majority of us are willing to endure a hell of a lot to get our fix. We are addicts and the league knows it. They can stage a ridiculous Combine which has to do with football about as much as a bowling alley in a bird sanctuary or the draft which is as boring as yodelers with speech impediments and we flock to it and spend countless hours discussing it.


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remember when OBJ was on video doing dope? HARDCORE DOPE TOO. ALSO hookers. He was bragging about it on tape. What did Roger do? lmao..absolutely NOTHING. I am pretty dang sure OBJ broke the same code of conduct that Zeke supposedly did. Unless the code of conduct allows for coke and hookers I AM PRETTY SURE he broke rules and even laws. Why was Zeke handled the way it was and OBJ ignored?
You can have all the hookers you want, you just can't hit them.


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You’ve obviously misinterpreted my stance if you believe I’ve argued Goodell is a Saint. I’ve even said he’s a Buffer for the mob ( the owners). That doesn’t come across as Saint like to me .

OK I may have used the wrong word, but you've been trying and failing to make goodell out as a good commissioner and other than how he handled this past season, he's far far far from being a good commissioner.


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Fans need someone to blow their steam off on. They tire of their owners, coaches and players.

The Commish who is empowered by the owners to discipline the bad boys is a popular choice for this segment of fans to bash. And he’s paid handsomely to serve this role. And my argument or stand is he’s done a great job given the circumstances in which most probably couldn’t have withstood under such immense pressure. And I believe history will reflect as such.

I had to be the Hammer man in our family business as the accountant holding everyone accountable. Had to call out family members and even have a couple fired. It was a job most wouldn’t want to take on. In the end I was acting in the best interest of he sum .


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OK I may have used the wrong word, but you've been trying and failing to make goodell out as a good commissioner and other than how he handled this past season, he's far far far from being a good commissioner.
Appreciate the correction. I believe history is going to fare much better on his tenure than the emotions of the day may fall for some fans currently. Time will tell.

I believe how owners measure the success of the Commish prob differs from how many fans view it.


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It's ironic that in a thread devoted to how great this guy is supposed to be we have to get this apologetic about how he had to do something wrong because of peer pressure. In my opinion, great men stand up against the stupidity of the mob. They do the hard thing because it's the right thing.

Of course, that kowtowing is in part what's driving Greg's praise.
My friend, there are fewer people around to do the hard thing.

With the NFL, they are overly concerned with one thing "how does this look"? Image is everything to them because of the TV nets and sponsors that drive the revenue.

If I were in Goodell's shoes, I would have done the same thing, only knowing what I know and not what he knows. I think Elliott hit her and I do not think he's a nefarious character, I think he got a load on and just lost control. That's just my opinion but that is all I have.


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It actually starts with the players. It’s their conduct that tarnished the image. And then some owners condone it or unwilling to take action cause it could hurt the teams performance on the field.

And why the owners with the players association agreed to the disciplinary actions the Commish rules on. To protect and police the teams in the interest of the leagues image.

It doesn’t start with Roger. It ends with him.

That's the narrative, at least.

Can you point to a time when football was being played by a bunch of choir boys?


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that number only represents your perception.
That number represents the percentage of players who have faced Personal Conduct Policy.

The 99% represents the segment of players who haven’t violated it.


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OK I may have used the wrong word, but you've been trying and failing to make goodell out as a good commissioner and other than how he handled this past season, he's far far far from being a good commissioner.
If that 100B TV/Streaming deal happens, he's the greatest one of all time, in any sport. There is not 1 of those 32 owners that cares what any of us think of the Commissioner and the job he's doing; they only care about the job he's doing for them. He is not the steward of the game, he is the facilitator of the cash flow. His compensation is tied directly to how much they make, not how many players he disciplines.


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That's the narrative, at least.

Can you point to a time when football was being played by a bunch of choir boys?
No but the era we live in has changed the access to the info. Back in the day we didn’t know of their conduct as it was unfolding .

And when we did teams took action themselves . Like Landry releasing guys like Duanne Thomas for smoking pot, Lance Rentzel for molesting a young girl and Hollywood doing coke on the sidelines .


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If that 100B TV/Streaming deal happens, he's the greatest one of all time, in any sport. There is not 1 of those 32 owners that cares what any of us think of the Commissioner and the job he's doing; they only care about the job he's doing for them. He is not the steward of the game, he is the facilitator of the cash flow. His compensation is tied directly to how much they make, not how many players he disciplines.

As always , follow the money trail. Goodell is there to protect their interest which involves protecting the shields image.

Which involves disciplining some naughty boys regardless if they actually did it or not. The fact they might have done it is enough to tarnish the image.


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That's the narrative, at least.

Can you point to a time when football was being played by a bunch of choir boys?
I wouldn't watch it if it was unless they were armed. I've often considered the addition of weapons to the sport. That opening scene to "The Last Boy Scout", I wondered at the time, why haven't I seen that before.

I would have been a season ticket holder and tailgater to the gladiator events in old Rome. If I was a senator, luxury suite and eunuch bartenders.


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My friend, there are fewer people around to do the hard thing.

With the NFL, they are overly concerned with one thing "how does this look"? Image is everything to them because of the TV nets and sponsors that drive the revenue.

If I were in Goodell's shoes, I would have done the same thing, only knowing what I know and not what he knows. I think Elliott hit her and I do not think he's a nefarious character, I think he got a load on and just lost control. That's just my opinion but that is all I have.

I get it. But honestly, how "tarnished," was the shield? We don't have to go far to find some true rat bast***s who are still being honored. People watch sports because they enjoy them. It's a shame we can't delve into those, "social issues," Greg alluded to on here, because the evidence suggests delving into that realm has harmed the league more than any criminal player ever has.


Captain Catfish
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I wouldn't watch it if it was unless they were armed. I've often considered the addition of weapons to the sport. That opening scene to "The Last Boy Scout", I wondered at the time, why haven't I seen that before.

I would have been a season ticket holder and tailgater to the gladiator events in old Rome. If I was a senator, luxury suite and eunuch bartenders.
You would like being fed grapes and having that belly rubbed... :)


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No but the era we live in has changed the access to the info. Back in the day we didn’t know of their conduct as it was unfolding .

And when we did teams took action themselves . Like Landry releasing guys like Duanne Thomas for smoking pot, Lance Rentzel for molesting a young girl and Hollywood doing coke on the sidelines .

If pot would've made them better players, Landry would've looked the other way like he did with steroids.


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I wouldn't watch it if it was unless they were armed. I've often considered the addition of weapons to the sport. That opening scene to "The Last Boy Scout", I wondered at the time, why haven't I seen that before.

I would have been a season ticket holder and tailgater to the gladiator events in old Rome. If I was a senator, luxury suite and eunuch bartenders.

If they did that, Jerry would draft guys who couldn't operate the safety. Lol


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If pot would've made them better players, Landry would've looked the other way like he did with steroids.
The bottomline is it was illegal . That still means something to many of us.

I’m sure there were many others who were smoking it. Tom may have known. But they weren’t caught or didn’t come out publicly about it. When you’re in a publicity type position it matters.

Look what happened to Tiger. His image was destroyed . All he did was cheat on his wife and run into a tree. And he lost most of his sponsors. The league doesn’t want that type of fallout league wide. The image translates to revenue.


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Appreciate the correction. I believe history is going to fare much better on his tenure than the emotions of the day may fall for some fans currently. Time will tell.

I believe how owners measure the success of the Commish prob differs from how many fans view it.

I'll use your own analogy against you. You're trying to say because of the job he did this season the emotions of this will fall and then there's only all the crap he did prior to this season. Like I said the sheer number of users who not only don't share your opinion, but think the complete opposite should tell you that you just might be wrong on this. As far as the HOF there are players every year that the fans AND sporting world say they can't understand why they didn't make it and many if not most of those don't have the baggage that goodell is carrying.


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The bottomline is it was illegal . That still means something to many of us.

Steroids weren't illegal?

I’m sure there were many others who were smoking it. Tom may have known. But they weren’t caught or didn’t come out publicly about it. When you’re in a publicity type position it matters.

Look what happened to Tiger. His image was destroyed . All he did was cheat on his wife and run into a tree. And he lost most of his sponsors. The league doesn’t want that type of fallout league wide. The image translates to revenue.

Tiger Woods had his image tarnished, not the PGA. Again, people just don't care about this stuff as much as you think. Michael Irvin is still talking football on TV. Ray Lewis is an inspirational figure to many. Tyreek Hill is one of the most coveted receivers in the league. Charles Haley is a Hall of Famer. The list goes on and on.