Goodell says NFL to look into playing Super Bowl in London

Aikbach;1714872 said:
American players have distasted living in Canada historically, trades and hold outs have been forced on account of as much and I'm not exaggerating, Canadian taxes are not something American players want to have to pay on top of Uncle Sam's either, this has been a point of contention in the past.

Shall we play Oh Canada before the Super Bowl? I don't think so, in a world of globalization sometimes nationalism just has to stand firm on certain things.

Why? Globalization of a sport = better pool of players = better product.
Crown Royal;1714885 said:
Why? Globalization of a sport = better pool of players = better product.
You just don't get it I guess, heaven forbid Americans keep something special for themselves.

Globalization would not make for better football players anyhow because the rest of the world does not play it at every level.
Nav22;1714720 said:
There have already been preliminary talks of Toronto getting an NFL franchise at some point. If that happens, they'd deserve a chance at hosting a Super Bowl as much as any other NFL city.

Going to Canada and going to London are in two different trip categories. Going to Buffalo is almost Canada. :)
They can globalize the NFL all they want, they just need to leave the Super Bowls in the US.
NFL Super Bowl is such a big corpoarate shin dig. It's never going to England. And they do that it will not be well received. And you bring in a whole new gammut of terror issues.

Bad idea all around.

Goodel is starting to try too hard.
Why isn't the NFL content with simply having preseason games overseas? I think having regular season much less the Super Bowl in another country is ludicrous.
CanadianCowboysFan;1712552 said:
You are so uncultured. I'm sure the wives would love to go shopping on the Champs Elysees, take in Versailles, Musee D'Orsay, Louvres while the husbands practiced.

PS, Americans pump a ton into the French economy anyway given many of you are cultured enough to travel to France. this is football after all. You can't reward the game to a country that has not supported it in the past just for a "shot in the dark" attempt to make it more globally popular.

You don't bribe fans, they have to come to you. Taking the NFL out of America would be an insult to the tried and true loyal fans.

If you want to see the tourist sites in France a vacation would be the ticket.

What makes the SuperBowl so attractive to many who attend is you only have to arrive the night before and the next morning after the game you are back home.

I don't think too many would spend the airfare to get to France just for a day and a half.
My God, this is the worse idea to come from the league office in like forever. :bang2:
Crown Royal;1714885 said:
Why? Globalization of a sport = better pool of players = better product.

History, at least of the history of major American sports, has shown that statement to be incorrect.

The NHL began a rapid decine in popularity soon after the arrival of the Eastern Bloc players. The NBA's influence also waned in direct proportion to the amount of foreign-born players.

Do you really believe that the quality of play in this year's NBA finals was better than it was during a Showtime Lakers vs. Bird's Celtics showdown of the '80s?
CanadianCowboysFan;1712552 said:
You are so uncultured. I'm sure the wives would love to go shopping on the Champs Elysees, take in Versailles, Musee D'Orsay, Louvres while the husbands practiced.

PS, Americans pump a ton into the French economy anyway given many of you are cultured enough to travel to France.

How 'bout you take you're cultured butt to a tennis forum and rave about the French Open.:mad:
StanleySpadowski;1715035 said:
History, at least of the history of major American sports, has shown that statement to be incorrect.

The NHL began a rapid decine in popularity soon after the arrival of the Eastern Bloc players. The NBA's influence also waned in direct proportion to the amount of foreign-born players.

Do you really believe that the quality of play in this year's NBA finals was better than it was during a Showtime Lakers vs. Bird's Celtics showdown of the '80s?

that is such a great point. I agree with that totally.

I would also like to throw in mlb. The latin players in this league, I believe changed the attitude of the game. I think they all to a man play for money and do not love the game the way many americans used to.

I think they are at the origins of the steroid issue, doing whatever it takes to get out of those areas and become wealthy in america playing baseball. Drives me crazy. Most of them do not speak english, play with no heart and seem completely distant to fans. I really resent that.

They have forced everyone else to do the same over the last 20 years. Its a shame.

and that eastern bloc of players in the nhl are the same way, they do not speak english and seemingly do not try to learn. They are extremely distant.

almost impossible to be a fan of that stuff.
StanleySpadowski;1715035 said:
History, at least of the history of major American sports, has shown that statement to be incorrect.

The NHL began a rapid decine in popularity soon after the arrival of the Eastern Bloc players. The NBA's influence also waned in direct proportion to the amount of foreign-born players.

Do you really believe that the quality of play in this year's NBA finals was better than it was during a Showtime Lakers vs. Bird's Celtics showdown of the '80s?

I can't speak for the NHL, but that statement about the NBA is ridiculous. Just because there is a negative correlation between the amount of international players and the NBA's popularity, does not mean one caused the other. Correlation does not equal causation.

International players do not have much to do with the current quality of play. Hell, many of the best players in the league are international players.

The current lower level of excitement is due mostly to the constant fouls and whistles that slow down the game. Also, it's due to the inability of playing team basketball by most teams. That has nothing to do with international players.
thekavorka;1715162 said:
I can't speak for the NHL, but that statement about the NBA is ridiculous. Just because there is a negative correlation between the amount of international players and the NBA's popularity, does not mean one caused the other. Correlation does not equal causation.

International players do not have much to do with the current quality of play. Hell, many of the best players in the league are international players.

The current lower level of excitement is due mostly to the constant fouls and whistles that slow down the game. Also, it's due to the inability of playing team basketball by most teams. That has nothing to do with international players.

As a 25 Year Uconn Huskie season ticket holder dating back to a 9 year old.....

The decline in the NBA is really simple. Back in the 60's, 70's, 80's and early 90's you followed these players 4 years in college. Maybe a Magic or Isiah, Jordan turned pro but it was rare and you knew them by name.

Now all these kids are turning pro out of high school, 1 year in college. They have no fundamentals and no one knows who they are.

Celics have sucked for a decade because of all these "kids"
Added Ray Allen and I'm buying up tickets for a player I know.

NBA play is watered down and lack of name familiarity causing dive.
Nors;1715173 said:
As a 25 Year Uconn Huskie season ticket holder dating back to a 9 year old.....

The decline in the NBA is really simple. Back in the 60's, 70's, 80's and early 90's you followed these players 4 years in college. Maybe a Magic or Isiah, Jordan turned pro but it was rare and you knew them by name.

Now all these kids are turning pro out of high school, 1 year in college. They have no fundamentals and no one knows who they are.

Celics have sucked for a decade because of all these "kids"
Added Ray Allen and I'm buying up tickets for a player I know.

NBA play is watered down and lack of name familiarity causing dive.

lot of that has to do with the inability of playing proper team basketball with fundamentals.

but I'm not sure about the name recognition thing. With ESPN, the internet, and lots of coverage on other stations, there's no way people can't be familiar with the players.

basically, to many people, the NBA just isn't fun to watch anymore. I don't think that's due to people's lack of familiarty with the players. It's due to the games just being boring to many people. Even if players stayed in college 4 years, but you're still seeing the current boring quality of play, I think people would still tune out since the games are boring.

There's a reason a lot of casual fans only watch the Suns.

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