Goodell Wants to Get Rid of the Extra Point

If they do get rid of extra points, they should do what NFL Street did. One point if the line of scrimmage is the 5 yard line or two points if the line of scrimmage is the 10.

I always felt that a good alternative is to move the ball back a yard, one point for all run conversions and two points for pass conversions.
I guess the idea had to come from somewhere. This was posted a couple weeks ago.

Belichick thinks extra points are a waste of time
Posted by Michael David Smith on January 2, 2014, 7:43 AM EST
Patriots coach Bill Belichick doesn’t like extra points. And he wants the NFL to do something about them.

Asked on Wednesday about the importance of special teams in the playoffs, Belichick veered off into a discussion about how special teams have been de-emphasized in today’s NFL. Specifically, Belichick mentioned that most kickoffs now go for touchbacks, and that extra points are so easy as to be meaningless.
Absolutely keep the 2-point conversion right where it is.

If the ball goes back to the 20 for the PAT, that's a 37-yard kick. Not automatic. And then all the strategic scenarios that come into play for FG when you've got a lousy kicker, an injured kicker or snapper, or bad weather...all those would figure into every extra point.

Find the spot that makes the average coach start thinking, "Should we go for two?"

two point conversion is a 50/50 proposition. If the extra point was not a 100% proposition, every team would go for two. Either way, the game would be very very different.

I don't mind either change, but obviously the extra point currently is just a waste of time.
The only change that should be made is to allow the defensive team to return a missed extra point/ failed conversion the other way for two points. You know, like they do in college.
How about this idea: it's 3 fold.

1) eliminate extra point and make it all 2 point conversions

2) give one point on kickoff if it goes through the uprights

3) in return for offering a point, make touchbacks start at the 30 not the 20. It would help player safety by not making teams go 80 yards. I'm sure studies could be done to figure out how many plays would be saved by shortening drives 10 yards.

You stole my ideas....

1. Go for 2 after TD.....If the attempt is missed then......

2. Kickoffs are from the 35yrd line...and if it goes through the up rights then it's worth 1pt.

3. Make FGS worth more. 1-39yds = 3pts. 40-49yrds =4pts. 50-59yds = 5pts. 60+ = 6pts.

By changing the amount of FGS would have a huge impact. Would put more emphasis on field position....And would increase scoring. And you had better have a good kicker!!!!!
I agree with a few people. 1) if you want to make it more meaningful, push it back 10 yards, or 2) get rid of it and do what Goodell proposes. Like someone said, the 2-point conversion was adopted in 1994. Most of us probably don't even realize that. We assume it's been around forever. We're either too young to remember or we forgot how it used to be because it's been so long. People freak out after every little change. They want to keep football "pure." This is so trivial and it doesn't change the way the game is played. It's not like he's saying you're no longer allowed to run the ball.

What's wrong with this.....:D

Why change for the sake of change....sometimes that's the worse thing to do.
Want to add some excitement? The team that got scored against gets to decide if they want the other team to go for 1 or 2 points.

Move the ball to the 1/2 yd line for a 2 pointer.
This is one of the few good rule change suggestions. The PAT is utterly without drama and a real powerdown. Getting rid of it makes complete sense.

You must have forgotten our string of kickers post Chris Boniol and pre Nick Foles and what Foles eventually turned into for us...
The logic being that we shouldn't fix something that's bad simply because something else is worse?

I love the idea that a TD is 7 points and you're allowed to gamble a point of that on a try.

Is there a good argument for preserving the extra point (as is) other than, "That's how it's always been done?" I haven't seen one.

Here's the argument for changing it: In 1950, XPs were a 94% proposition. In 1970, 96%. Today, 99.6%. Keeping the rules the same doesn't keep the game the same.
"Speaking Monday, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said the league could eventually abolish the extra point.
"The extra point is almost automatic," Goodell said. "I believe we had five missed extra points this year out of 1,200 some odd. So it's a very small fraction of the play, and you want to add excitement with every play." Goodell said the league is intrigued by a proposal that would automatically grant seven points for every touchdown, but still allow teams to try for an eighth point via a traditional offensive play. The catch is that if you fail to convert, the touchdown then becomes worth only six points. Perhaps the most perfunctory play in sports, extra points serve almost no purpose at the professional level."

What else is this guy going to do to try and change the game?

Next, we should start providing a point scale to TDS. A TD of 80 or more yards is going to be 15 points. FGS of 50 or more will be worth 5.

Just leave the game alone. You want to change the rules and all, that's a little different. But leave the scoring how it's been since the game started. He is starting to wear on me.

I agree! Goodell wants to remake the NFL in his image. He isn't the one who has made the NFL successful. It took a lot of great men to pour sweat and blood into making the NFL what it is. Goodell needs to go to the NBA and leave the NFL alone.

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