Green Bay has the model for Dak

You forgot to enlighten us on exactly what "expert scheming" GB was doing to stop Dak and Zeke. Also, the "analysis" seems to have been wrong the last few weeks.
OK, If you have been watching Dak he is trying to get the ball out to his designated receiver that the play is called for quickly. When he runs out of time for the pass he runs. What opens Dak's passes are Zekes runs. So if you are scheming for this game you stop the run first, keep the escape routes for Dak closed and you make Dak hold the ball longer than what the play calls for. At this time you now have Dak in the mold that he must make a decision that is all him. The CBs and Safeties now have the receivers covered and are waiting for Daks throw. If he makes a rookie mistake, turn over by Dak in a fumble or interception. This model works for the rookie but not Romo.:popcorn:
Regardless of the quarterback, every defense wants to stop the Cowboy running game, in fact that what most defenses in the NFL try to do to most other teams, stop the run first. Now we know some teams aren't primarily run first teams, but it has always been football 101 stop the run first. As for the model to stop Dak, we don't know if what Greenbay employs will works or not, because the game hasn't been played, also Dak has not shown a propensity to turn the ball over. I'm pretty sure every team the Cowboys have played, has tried to confuse Dak, as well as cause turnovers, they just haven't been successful to this point in the season. Veteran or rookie, it seems some players, quarterback or otherwise, are more prone to turnovers than others.
It's epically dumb is what it is.

Anyone who criticizes Dak for taking what's given and moving chains is utterly clueless. Than again it's precisely what Brady was criticized for early in his career and he turned out ok.

Yes, and people who criticized Romo for it are now praising Dak for it.
Dak doesn't make rookie mistakes. You think teams weren't paying attention after what he did in the preseason and every week since?
Dak doesn't make rookie mistakes. You think teams weren't paying attention after what he did in the preseason and every week since?
Problem is that it takes some time to build a data base on QBs. Dak is a good runner so teams need to learn his tendencies for running. There now has been enough data to scheme with. So Green Bay is the most talented and scheme ready team that Dak has faced. Will the model work against him will be seen this weekend.:popcorn:
Dak is no longer a mystery to the NFL. Expect scheming by the GB defense to cause Dak to be uncomfortable and force rookie turn overs. This will be Daks coming out party and we will see if he and wentz are on the same level. I have this game as a win for Dallas IF we stop GB's running game and ours is good. If a shoot out then GB wins BIG. Dallas 24-21
& then when we beat Green Bay the bye week will have our number. It never ends. No way we defeat the bye week. :popcorn:

The first step is believing & I am well beyond that step.
That's prob why Dak intelligently isn't forcing deep balls like Wentz. The percentages aren't there. Tgat throws was an indictment on Wentz decision making but nobody wants to really go there which is fine since it's just one game........I'm just saying though :thumbup:

Fair enough.

I actually hope Wentz continues to play like that myself. I couldn't care any less about him at this point. He's an Eagle and rather I liked him before the draft or not now I don't. I want him to flop. I will not be celebrating anything good that he does.
OK, If you have been watching Dak he is trying to get the ball out to his designated receiver that the play is called for quickly. When he runs out of time for the pass he runs. What opens Dak's passes are Zekes runs. So if you are scheming for this game you stop the run first, keep the escape routes for Dak closed and you make Dak hold the ball longer than what the play calls for. At this time you now have Dak in the mold that he must make a decision that is all him. The CBs and Safeties now have the receivers covered and are waiting for Daks throw. If he makes a rookie mistake, turn over by Dak in a fumble or interception. This model works for the rookie but not Romo.:popcorn:
You make it sound so easy, right up to the time Zack Martin pancakes you and Zeke leaves tire tracks from your toes to your head.
He threw a ball to an average/below avg wr against a top 5 corner with no separation. thats a bad throw and a bad decision. equivalent to Dak throwing a contested bomb on a gw drive to Butler vs Patrick Peterson. I'd hope Dak is smarter than that.
Well it looked like he should have thrown it more inside, and further too, so not a great decision or throw,
but agholar didnt eve locate the ball till too late, and made no effort to play defense , which wr should be taught to do.
Fair enough.

I actually hope Wentz continues to play like that myself. I couldn't care any less about him at this point. He's an Eagle and rather I liked him before the draft or not now I don't. I want him to flop. I will not be celebrating anything good that he does.
We got a hat. I want a ring.... that is funny lol and jg told them to give that hat away !

But about wentz, he looks like he may be a good qb, eagle or not.
The difference is they are playing their good rookie, and we are about to bench ours.
the way the offense is going, we are generally dictating to the defense. everyone is trying to stop the run, take away Dak's comfort.
it will be much different if a defense starts dictating to us. thats when adjustments have to be made.
i want to see Romo play with offense so we can see what difference there will be.
We got a hat. I want a ring.... that is funny lol and jg told them to give that hat away !

But about wentz, he looks like he may be a good qb, eagle or not.
The difference is they are playing their good rookie, and we are about to bench ours.

We might be.

At this point I'm honestly not sure if they will or not.
Dak is no longer a mystery to the NFL. Expect scheming by the GB defense to cause Dak to be uncomfortable and force rookie turn overs. This will be Daks coming out party and we will see if he and wentz are on the same level. I have this game as a win for Dallas IF we stop GB's running game and ours is good. If a shoot out then GB wins BIG. Dallas 24-21

I think you pretty much covered all the bases there in your prediction.

-Dak will have his coming out party and GB will win
-If we stop stop the run and we run Cowboys win
-If its a shoot out GB wins big
-Dallas wins 24-21

Put it this way................Nobody can handle this offense. And I doubt GB can either. The problem will come down to stopping Aaron Rogers. I expect a close game and it will come down to stopping the packers and Rogers in the 4th quarter.

If Dez plays I say the Cowboys win this one 30-24
We might be.

At this point I'm honestly not sure if they will or not.
I think they will , no matter what the record is.
Jones says tony is #1, and he is the starter, but he wants to wait till he is 100%, and now his most recent uttering
is that the question isnt so simple.
But I think at some point they put tony back in thinking with Romo they will roll to a SB.
Green Bay should be a good game to judge us because they're a team we could meet in the playoffs. They haven't played much of anybody yet either but that doesn't really matter.

It's all about match ups, beating the guy across from you. Every situation is different. I'm interested to see how Rodgers plays our defense. I'm also interested to see if they can slow down our running attack enough for Dak to have to force some throws he hasn't had to yet.
OK, If you have been watching Dak he is trying to get the ball out to his designated receiver that the play is called for quickly. When he runs out of time for the pass he runs. What opens Dak's passes are Zekes runs. So if you are scheming for this game you stop the run first, keep the escape routes for Dak closed and you make Dak hold the ball longer than what the play calls for. At this time you now have Dak in the mold that he must make a decision that is all him. The CBs and Safeties now have the receivers covered and are waiting for Daks throw. If he makes a rookie mistake, turn over by Dak in a fumble or interception. This model works for the rookie but not Romo.:popcorn:
Oh really? It doesn't work on Romo? Didn't the Skins use the exact model on R
Yes, and people who criticized Romo for it are now praising Dak for it.
Wentz int was not a bad one, his guy made no effort to go up for the ball or to stop the db from
getting it.
all he had to do is grab one arm and no int.
That was a do or die play anyway, he had to throw it up, and it was close, the db played the ball better.

He has had about four other passes which should have been picked and weren't.
You forgot to enlighten us on exactly what "expert scheming" GB was doing to stop Dak and Zeke. Also, the "analysis" seems to have been wrong the last few weeks.

It's called an agenda, this poster clearly has one.
My agenda is for the Cowboys to have the best chance to keep doing what they are doing. Dak has so far shown, that he gives them a chance. Maybe Romo can give the Cowboys a better chance, but maybe not. As long as the train is rolling, leave it alone.
Oh really? It doesn't work on Romo? Didn't the Skins use the exact model on R

He has had about four other passes which should have been picked and weren't.

Well, it is Monday morning and time to evaluate the analysis made before the game. The model I described that Green Bay would implement did happen with the result that Dak fumbled 2 times and intercepted once. What was hard to see was how well the Cowboy's defense would play and how bad Roger's throwing would be. The really good thing that came out was how good the running game was going to be for Dallas.

I predicted a close win by Dallas 24-21 and it turned out to be a blowout 30-16. Give me a B+ on this one and I am very happy that the Cowboys win and we have a very good QB that passed his rookie test with fly colors.

Now comes the real test of the Cowboys on who will be the QB in the next game. If Romo does not play in the Philly game then I think his time as Dallas head QB is over. Personally, I would like to see Romo go as far as he can this year to get to a SB then call it a career at the end of the year.:)

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